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German to English Law: Taxation & Customs Translation Glossary

German term English translation
steuerfreie Arbeitgeberleistungen bei doppelter Haushaltsführung tax-exempted employer compensation for dual-household
Entered by: Rolf Keiser
Steuerfreie innergemeinschaftliche Lieferung tax-free intra-Community supply
Steuerfuß (German, not Swiss!!) basis of taxation
Steuerfuss (applicable) tax rate
Steuergefährdung inchoate tax evasion
Entered by: Ceri Marshall
Steuerhebesatz levy rate
Entered by: Andy Lemminger
Steuerhehlerei aiding and abetting tax fraud
Entered by: Olaf Reibedanz
steuerlich gefördert tax incentives
steuerlich linearisiert recognised on (a) straight-line basis for tax purposes
Entered by: Douglas Arnott
steuerlich nicht wirksam non-taxable
steuerliche Abgrenzung delineation (of income) for tax purposes
Entered by: Steffen Walter
steuerliche Fallstricke tax pitfalls
steuerliche Mitteilung tax statement
steuerliche Verlustvorträge loss carryforwards (according to tax regulations)
steuerliche Vorteilsgewährung preferential treatment
steuerlicher Beteiligungsansatz amount of the equity interest/investment recognized for tax purposes
Entered by: Ted Wozniak
steuerlicher Gewinn profit for income tax purposes
steuerliches Konzept tax planning scheme
steuerliches Zurechnungssubjekt entity with taxable income
Entered by: Marc Svetov
Steuermauscheleien tax fiddling
Steuermeldeland fiscal residence
steuermindernd tax-reducing (to reduce tax)
Entered by: David Tracey, PhD
Steuernettoklausel net tax exemption clause
Steuerrückvergütungsanspruch tax refund claim
steuerrechtliche Anerkennung recognition as a charity/non-profit organisation (by the tax authorities/under fiscal law)
Steuersachen tax matters
steuerschädliche Nutzung tax detrimental
steuerschuldverhaeltnis government-taxpayer relationship
Steuerschuldverhältnis tax liability
Steuerspitze top tax rate / highest tax rate
Steuersubstrat tax base; tax revenue pool
steuersystematisch realisiert unrecognised gains deemed to be realised for tax purposes
steuerunschädlich non(-)taxable; tax-exempt
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Steuerveredelungsverkehr tax processing
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Steuerverkürzung tax avoidance; tax evasion
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Steuervorbescheid Tax ruling
Steuerwohnsitz residence for tax purposes
Stfr ATE Steuerfrei [gemäss] ATE (Auslandstätigkeitserlass)
Entered by: Vera H.
strategieträger entrepreneur
Entered by: Ted Wozniak
strategieträgerschaft entrepreneurial transaction / transaction with an entrepreneur
Entered by: Ted Wozniak
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