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English to Chinese Medical (general) Translation Glossary

English term Chinese translation
bloodline 动静脉穿刺针
Blue and bloated syndrome 紫肿综合征; 紫肿型/B型(慢性阻塞性肺病)
bone marrow burden score 骨髓负荷评分
bone matrix 骨基质
bound to 结合
bouts of pain 阵痛
Entered by: Xu Dongjun
Bowel sounds present 有肠蠕动音; 有肠鸣音
Entered by: albertdeng
breakage first 染色体变异先断说
Brush Up on Basic Oral Care 重温口腔护理的基础知识
Bulk Pack 大瓶装/大包装
bullous edema 大疱性水肿
Entered by: Denyce Seow
Bureau Nursing 外派护理服务
Bushy-tailed Woodrat 帚尾林鼠
By support of 2 § of the provision 根据该条第二款;根据该规定第二条
Entered by: Julia Zou
calendar day 日历日
Entered by: Jiang Xia
Cancer Screening 癌症筛查
Entered by: Xuling Wu
cap flavor 取下蓋子、按(照)指示加味道...
Cardiac arrest seconds 心脏骤停秒数
Entered by: albertdeng
Carefully Manufactured 精心制造
carryover 遗留污染
Case-Mix-Index 病例混合指数
Casy typo of easy
Entered by: albertdeng
caval atrial junction 腔静脉与右心房的交界处
Center cassette 把片匣(盒)对准第二腰椎的部位
central MOA 中枢性作用机制
cervical ring 阴道避孕环
Challenge 體育挑戰活動/體能挑戰活動
challenge suspension 攻毒悬浮液
change position 变换体位
checked off (AmE) = ticked (BrE) 打勾
Chest clear (双)肺呼吸音清
Entered by: albertdeng
chipped tooth 牙体缺损
Entered by: Kevin Yang
Choking 噎,噎塞
Chol/CK/Trop 胆固醇/肌氨酸激酶/肌钙蛋白
Entered by: albertdeng
cholecalciferol 维生素D3
Cincinnati Children's 辛辛那提儿童医院
circulating strains (virus) 流行株(病毒)
cisplatin induced 顺铂诱导的
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