The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English to Chinese Medical (general) Translation Glossary

English term Chinese translation
视物发暗 blurred vision
请教一短语翻译 (需要上下文)
这种手术的标准说法是什么? 经阴道卵巢囊腫針吸法卵子抽取術
Entered by: jyuan_us
factor concentrate 凝血因子浓缩剂/浓缩物
Entered by: Xuling Wu
Factory trained technician 经厂家专业培训的技术员
facultative and constitutive 诱发型和遗传型
faculty 专家、主讲专家
Entered by: lbone
FDA cleared (经)FDA(美国食品及药物管理局) 批准(的)
FDA Guidance “PMA Post Approval Requirements” FDA 指南:PMA批准后要求(批准后规定)
FDT fast disintegrating tablet == 速崩片
feature 新功能请求表
Federal Law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician 美國聯邦法律規定本器材僅限由醫生或遵醫囑銷售。
fellowship 研究期
Film comment 血塗片檢查報告
FiltreWire 滤网导丝
Entered by: albertdeng
finite 有限期的
first tubes and last tube 最先/最后抽取(采集)
flare 肌肉大部
Flash steam 闪蒸
flavopiridol (一种抗癌新药,属黄酮类化合物)
flow velocity 血流速度
Focal disc protrsion canal/foraminal compromise 局灶性椎间盘突出伴有椎管/椎间孔受压
Entered by: albertdeng
focused radiological examination of the integrity of the anastomosis 对吻合口的完整性进行局部放射线检查
Entered by: Julia Zou
Football hold 橄欖球式抱法
Entered by: albertdeng
for the good of 为了...的利益
for which it is provided FYI
FRCPC 加拿大皇家内科医师学会会员
Entered by: albertdeng
free weights, weight benches, aerobic steps 自由重量器械,举重椅蹬,健体舞踏板
Frosted Mini-Wheats 我想mini-wheat是一種像weetabix 的?穀?健康早餐食品
FU scan follow-up scan
Gaohuanshu 膏肓俞
Gastrointestinal Specialist, or GI Specialist 消化科专科医师
gastroschisis 腹裂[ 畸形]
General Care Floor 普通护理病房; 普通护理区
Genotype coverage 基因型覆盖范围
Entered by: jyuan_us
Genotyping 基因定型
geronto method 老年醫學方法
Getting the most 妥善利用
Ginsu Knives 金厨刀具
given immediately prior to xxx q3 weeks 即将实施每三周一次XXX治疗之前
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