The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English to Chinese Medical (general) Translation Glossary

English term Chinese translation
Astigmatism Tx 散光矫正治疗
Entered by: Julia Zou
at a right angle 直角
at the micromolar level 在微摩尔级
at the site of maximum tenderness 压痛感最强处
attached segment 連結分隔小段
Attachment to clinical facilities 附駐在臨床設施
attesting the systemic passage of glycine 验证全身甘氨酸通道状况
attractive 适宜
Attributability 归属性
audit, 审核
Augmentation 增加药物的治疗指征
Entered by: jyuan_us
Autopsy, Trimming and Dissection range 尸检,修剪和解剖刀系列
availability 便利程度
Entered by: Jiang Xia
averaged 求得平均值
Axial images 轴状面图像
Entered by: albertdeng
压眶 pressure on the supraorbital nerve
Entered by: Denyce Seow
增强+三维重建 Enhanced + three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction
Entered by: albertdeng
强化灶 enhanced lesion
Entered by: albertdeng
bandemia 中性杆状核粒细胞增加
Basal-to-mid septal and inferior segments appear hypokinetic. 心肌室间隔基-中段及下段活动性降低
Entered by: albertdeng
base-line breathing 基线呼吸
baseline 基线
Batch Record or Lot Record batch 批次 lot 亚批次
bath array 浸蜡(組織)微陣列
be monitored over time 不断监测
bedwetting 遗尿症
Belching 嗳气
bends out 向外弯曲
benefits that are supported by a well-defined and acceptable risk profile 。。。提供益处,而这些益处在明确、可接受[治疗/药物]风险方面已有一套全面的证据支持
best response 最佳缓解
Entered by: Frank Feng
bihilar lympehadnathopy 双侧肺门淋巴结肿大
binders 文件夹或一系列的文件
biologically available; bio-availability 生物(学上)可(利)用的; 生物学可用性
Entered by: jyuan_us
bioprinting 生物打印
Entered by: Xuling Wu
blanched upon 当。。。后,...变白
bleeding episodes 出血事件
bloating 虚胖
Blood Barrier Collection Tubes 含隔离装置的采血管
Blood work 血液检查
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