Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Oct 8 '13 deu>eng Pfudere racing/palpitations pro closed no
- Sep 8 '09 deu>eng Diplom Handelslehrer (Dipl. Handelslehrer) See explanation pro closed ok
4 Aug 12 '09 deu>eng mit der Eintragung im Geburtenbuch einverstanden See explanation pro closed no
- May 6 '09 deu>eng Grootesche Anbetung der Heiligen Drei Könige From the Groote Collection pro closed ok
4 Nov 11 '08 deu>eng Trendmeldung Progress report/recommendation pro closed ok
4 Nov 11 '08 deu>eng Trendkonferenz Progress meeting? pro closed ok
4 Sep 7 '08 deu>eng wird auf das Protokoll der mündlichen Verhandlung verwiesen Details are contained in the transcript of the oral hearings pro closed no
4 Nov 4 '07 deu>eng Ganz entspannt bei 100.000 Volt Even 100,000 volts can't shock us pro closed no
4 Jun 26 '06 deu>eng nicht verzagen, XX fragen Never fear, XXX is here... pro closed ok
- May 8 '06 deu>eng lebensmüde weary unto death? pro closed no
- Apr 19 '06 deu>eng Kischdle / Kischtle Explanation pro closed no
2 Mar 13 '06 deu>eng Wie bringen wir diese Kuh zum Tanzen I think the idiom... pro closed ok
- Dec 9 '05 deu>eng Bauchladen-Lok locomotive with remote control pro closed ok
4 Dec 9 '05 deu>eng Innenbeschichtung interior coatings pro closed no
- Dec 6 '05 deu>eng Im Klartext Let me be absolutely clear.... pro closed ok
- Sep 19 '05 deu>eng systemseins Typo for "systemseits"? pro closed ok
- Sep 15 '05 deu>eng Stahldrahtzieherei Wire Drawers pro closed ok
- Sep 8 '05 deu>eng Meister Lampe Cuwart pro closed no
4 Sep 7 '05 deu>eng Zungenplättchen oral strips pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '05 deu>eng weißer Fleck blank spot pro closed ok
4 Aug 18 '05 deu>eng Stärken sind zu stärken Build on your strengths pro closed no
4 Jul 15 '05 deu>eng dezent If you want an English equivalent... pro closed no
- Jul 15 '05 deu>eng Sternwanderung Don't use "star-form hike" pro closed ok
3 Jul 14 '05 deu>eng Tropentauglichkeitsuntersuchung Tropical Residence Examination pro closed ok
4 Jul 14 '05 deu>eng Vortrafo pre-transformer pro closed ok
- Jul 11 '05 deu>eng Filz From the tone of the article... pro closed no
- Jul 8 '05 deu>eng Bügelmange ehemalig pro closed ok
2 Jul 8 '05 deu>eng Sperrraum s.u. pro closed no
4 Jul 7 '05 deu>eng des mir im Original vorgelegten und in XX Sprache abgefassten Maybe pro closed no
- Jul 7 '05 deu>eng zum Essen und Trinken einladen s.u. pro closed no
4 Jul 7 '05 deu>eng gepflegten und aufwendigen Mahlzeiten Roughly... pro closed no
- Jul 7 '05 deu>eng Econnement The only reference I can find is to "econement"... pro closed ok
- Jul 7 '05 deu>eng Feuer am Dach All hands to the pumps pro closed no
- Jul 7 '05 deu>eng Mitarbeiterin Hotellerie Hospitality Services pro just_closed no
- Jul 6 '05 deu>eng Fazialismundastparese That's easy for you to say...;-) pro closed no
4 Jul 4 '05 deu>eng Achslage axis pro closed no
4 Jul 4 '05 deu>eng (total) entspiegelt (completely) anti-reflective pro closed no
- Jul 4 '05 deu>eng Fernsichtbrille Depends... pro closed no
4 Jul 2 '05 deu>eng Trauerbeflaggung Flags were flown at half-mast pro closed no
- Jun 27 '05 deu>eng Streichfüller Filling primer pro closed no
- Jun 1 '05 deu>eng Leistungen What is covered? pro closed ok
4 May 20 '05 deu>eng Narzißmus des kleinen Unterschieds narcissism of minor differences pro closed ok
4 May 20 '05 deu>eng Daseinsvorsorgestaat Welfare State pro closed no
4 May 20 '05 deu>eng einerseits... andererseits First Party/Second Party pro closed ok
4 May 11 '05 deu>eng Suppenteller Is it like this "Crepes-Bereiter"? pro closed ok
4 May 3 '05 deu>eng Pfaff coining die pro closed ok
- Apr 27 '05 deu>eng Heftpflaster (urgent) kichen sink? pro closed no
- Apr 27 '05 deu>eng Die jungen Wilden The Wild Bunch pro closed ok
- Apr 19 '05 deu>eng Damit Sie wissen, mit wem Sie es zu tun haben Who do we think we are? pro closed ok
- Apr 19 '05 deu>eng Ostalgie Ostalgia pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered