This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Jul 7, 2005 12:21
19 yrs ago
11 viewers *
German term

Mitarbeiterin Hotellerie

German to English Medical Medical (general) Testimonial
"Frau X, geboren am [...], von [...], arbeitete vom [...] bis [...] als ***Mitarbeiterin Hotellerie*** im Spital Y."

From a job testimonial. Swiss German. What exactly does "Mitarbeiterin Hotellerie" mean? That Frau X worked in the accomodation wing of the Y Hospital? TIA for helping me clear this up.

Discussion Jul 13, 2005:
New Information I got info from the client (well, my client - the agency that assigned the job to me) that Spital here meant "nursing home", and that the "Hotellerie" was essentially the accommodation wing of this home. I don't really know which answer to award points to, so I'm copping out in this instance and not giving any. I suppose she could have been a concierge or housekeeper maybe, but I still don't quite know for sure! Anyway, thanks for all your efforts. Jul 7, 2005:
Thank everyone I have to go to bed now (job is delivered, if a little rough and ready - I may be able to send a revised text later though). Will grade tomorrow (my time). But thanks again for coming to my aid - I do appreciate it. Jul 7, 2005:
That's not going to work Because her first duty listed is "Empfang der Patienten und Information �ber das ***Hotellerieangebot***". So there's no getting away from Hotellerie, I'm afraid. Where are the Swiss people, anyway? Jul 7, 2005:
Let me try that again It's not a cafeteria. Among the lady's duties are welcoming patients and telling them about the "Hotellerieangebot" (whatever the heck that is), serving and selling meals (OK, that could be a cafe I guess), looking after patients (doesn't sound so cafeteria-like), "W�scheversorgung" (linen supply?), tending flowers, coordinating extra services (hairdresser, chiropodist, that sort of thing) and supervising the cleaning of rooms (or cleaning them herself). So it's definitely an accomodation area of some sort - seems to perhaps be an area where patients stay - I'm guessing maybe ones who are in for the long term and who would perhaps need more comfortable accomodation than ones who are just in and out within a short time. Maybe it's a hospice or hostel of some sort? Jul 7, 2005:
MMUlr Jul 7, 2005:
Rowan, don't know about this Swiss specialty, but maybe you can figure it out: or - HTH :-) Jul 7, 2005:
Come on I'm actually in a bit of a hurry here, so really need an answer soon, please.

Proposed translations

25 mins

worked in the cafeteria / restauraunt

Hotellerie actually means Gastgewerbe. Maybe the hospital has a cafeteria or restaurant where Frau X. was working?

Note added at 26 mins (2005-07-07 12:48:00 GMT)

personally, I don\'t think Hotellerie is a special hospital-related expression

Note added at 41 mins (2005-07-07 13:03:18 GMT)

in this case it sounds more like she is a caretaker, curator, superintendent, caregiver or nursemaid. Maybe you need to rephrase it to say what she was as opposed to what department she was working in

Note added at 56 mins (2005-07-07 13:18:19 GMT)

maybe this would work: hospital housekeeping / support services
Provides housekeeping and linen management services to the health care industry. - 11k
Something went wrong...
59 mins

Hospitality Services

Hotellerie in a hospital context is described in the passage below:

Um Ihren Aufenthalt im Salem-Spital so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten, erbringen wir nicht nur in der individuellen Betreuung und Pflege Höchstleistungen, sondern auch in der Hotellerie. Wir möchten, dass Sie sich bei uns wohlfühlen. Für Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten von Angehörigen wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Pflegefach-personal oder die Room-Service-Mitarbeitenden".

The job you asked baout sounds like the "concierge" mentioned in the next passage, i.e. somebody who is responsible for making the patienr's stay confortable, and would include working out meal menus, soecial requirements etc:

"Hospitality services and amenities have been given special attention at The Lied Transplant Center. Patients and their care partners have access to services commonly associated with a hotel, but rarely found in the traditional hospital setting. These services are managed in association with Sodexho Services, a company rich in hospitality tradition.

As you first approach The Lied Transplant Center, you become aware of the focus on patient care as the concierge greets and assists you. On the way up to one of our 88 spacious suites, he points out just some of the many amenities designed to keep you and your care partner focused on Cooperative Care. The patient lounges, exercise room, patient resource center, pediatric playrooms and private dining room are available to both patients and care partners. All of these areas are focused on providing goods and services you deserve and need as you receive the best in medical attention..."

Peer comment(s):

agree silfilla : that was on the tip of my tongue and just refused to fall out :-)
1 hr
Something went wrong...
1 hr
German term (edited): Hotellerie

hospital hotel services

A hospital hotel services manager is responsible for all non-medical services provided within a hospital trust setting.
These include: • accommodation; • catering; • cleaning; • portering;
• security; • transport; • waste disposal.
Peer comment(s):

agree silfilla : works too, I guess, but I'd capitalize Hotel Services ... easier on the eyes ;-)
12 mins
Something went wrong...
1 hr

employed in the hotel service industry

as noncommittal as possible

Note added at 22 hrs 36 mins (2005-07-08 10:57:59 GMT)

but that is exactly what she did before, you can\'t make a silk purse out of a sows ear. Just because she works in a hospital doesn\'t mean that she has any medical background! Perhaps she was nothing more than a \"receptionist\"

Note added at 22 hrs 37 mins (2005-07-08 10:59:39 GMT)

\"receptionist in hospital accomodation (overnight?) services\"
Peer comment(s):

12 mins
Something went wrong...
Comment: "That sounds wrong in a hospital context, but thank you most kindly anyway."
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