Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 25 '13 deu>eng Nachröte flushing (of the skin) pro closed ok
- May 30 '12 deu>eng Darmabknickung intestinal occlusion or ileus pro closed no
- Oct 7 '11 deu>eng hintenan put at the end of the list (of other diagnoses) pro closed ok
- Jun 18 '11 deu>eng diskret auch links at distinct {separate} points {areas} to the left pro closed no
- Feb 23 '11 deu>eng Freies Sehen {Let us} Open your eyes pro closed no
4 Nov 17 '10 deu>eng Art.HT arterial hypertension pro closed no
- Aug 10 '10 deu>eng Rollmobil walker pro closed ok
- Apr 1 '10 deu>eng Laborbrutschrank laboratory incubation cabinet pro closed ok
4 Sep 24 '09 deu>eng Unterlagerung underlying theta {rhythm, waves, activity} pro closed ok
- Jul 2 '09 deu>eng die Sehkorrektur wird von A bis Z mit Hilfe von Operationslasern durchgeführt from beginning to end; entirely pro closed ok
4 Jun 18 '09 deu>eng Prognostik prognosis pro closed no
- Jun 11 '09 deu>eng Proben mit möglichen Interferenzen probes (or whatever you are calling them) that might interfere with one another pro closed ok
- May 28 '09 eng>eng peripheral surgery Here is what I found pro closed no
- Apr 2 '09 deu>eng CPS cardio pulmonary {support} pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '08 deu>eng Anmeldung stat. registration desk pro closed no
4 Apr 7 '08 deu>eng Verglasbarkeit fabrication in glass pro closed no
4 Apr 7 '08 deu>eng höherbrechend with a higher refractive index pro closed ok
4 Feb 21 '08 deu>eng Spannungskurvenverlauf normal ECG curve pro closed no
4 Nov 23 '07 eng>eng breathlessness or shortness of breath - what is the difference in this context? non-medical vs. medical pro closed no
- Jul 29 '07 deu>eng Sauerstoff-Entsaettigung oxygen depletion pro closed ok
- May 9 '07 deu>eng Erbanteile genes pro closed ok
- Feb 22 '07 deu>eng sichtbar machen open (accessible) to observation pro closed ok
4 Jan 11 '07 deu>eng Pädakustikermeister pediatric audiologist pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '07 eng>eng levered in leveraged in? pro closed no
- Dec 28 '06 deu>eng verschleppter Blutpfropf clot propagation pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '06 eng>eng ICS intensive care station pro open no
4 Oct 13 '06 deu>eng Art category pro closed no
- Sep 28 '06 deu>eng als Auslöser eine bakterielle Infektion nachweisen root cause ... pro closed no
- Aug 19 '06 deu>eng in der unteren Norm gelegen is in the lower standard range pro closed no
- Jun 29 '06 deu>eng Patientengut patients pro closed ok
2 Jun 23 '06 eng>deu exhaust cap Lüftungskappe pro closed ok
4 Jun 23 '06 eng>deu is indicated for use ist mit .... zu gebrauchen pro closed no
4 May 18 '06 deu>eng chirurgische Fachdisziplinen surgical specialties pro closed ok
4 May 18 '06 deu>eng Versorgungsbereich coverage area pro closed ok
- May 17 '06 deu>eng Renays Raynaud's disease pro open no
- May 12 '06 deu>eng ECG mit definierter Belastung under defined stress conditions pro closed no
4 May 9 '06 eng>eng sharps closet yes pro closed no
4 May 9 '06 deu>eng entwässernd diuretic effect pro closed no
4 Apr 25 '06 eng>deu Satzverständnis Erkrankung des Zahnfleisches pro closed ok
- Apr 17 '06 eng>deu cake layer Kuchenschicht pro closed ok
- Mar 6 '06 deu>eng auf "Durchzug" stellen ... starts working overtime. pro closed no
- Mar 2 '06 deu>eng Alukrücken aluminun crutches pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '05 deu>eng EHEX 2-ethylhexanol (EHEX) pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '05 eng>deu leaders and supervisors Verwaltung pro closed no
- Jul 12 '05 eng>eng white noise random hissing in the background, like radio static pro closed no
4 Jul 12 '05 eng>eng factor of 10 impairment is 10 times worse pro closed no
- May 2 '05 deu>eng digitaler Bildverarbeitung zur individuellen Operationsplanung digital image processing {system} used for planning ... pro closed no
- Feb 16 '05 deu>eng phrase clinical studies the authorities are to be informed... pro closed no
- Oct 4 '04 eng>deu current fault Erdschluß pro closed no
4 Aug 16 '04 eng>deu D.O. Osteopathic Physician pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered