Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Aug 12 '09 deu>eng mit der Eintragung im Geburtenbuch einverstanden See explanation pro closed no
4 Sep 7 '08 deu>eng wird auf das Protokoll der mündlichen Verhandlung verwiesen Details are contained in the transcript of the oral hearings pro closed no
4 Feb 21 '06 eng>eng faulty castings I wonder... pro closed no
4 Jul 14 '05 deu>eng Vortrafo pre-transformer pro closed ok
4 May 20 '05 deu>eng einerseits... andererseits First Party/Second Party pro closed ok
4 Jan 26 '05 deu>eng Angriff "Attack" might be the appropriate term here... pro closed no
- Jan 7 '05 deu>eng unter (here) Well... pro closed no
- Nov 12 '04 deu>eng Hochpreis full price? pro closed ok
4 Oct 7 '04 deu>eng ohne im Einzelfall wurzelnden sachlichen Grund it requires the agreement of XXXX... pro closed ok
- Sep 23 '04 deu>eng BA-Nummer Could be "Bauabschnitt" pro closed no
- Sep 22 '04 eng>eng within one month I think your second alternative is right... pro closed ok
- Jun 12 '04 eng>eng undercover state trooper I don't live in the USA pro closed ok
4 Jun 9 '04 deu>eng die Einweisung gemäß beiliegender Formulare bestätigen zu lassen I wouldn't use "instructions" for Einweisung.... pro closed no
- May 18 '04 deu>eng Auseinandersetzung It'll need some tidying up... pro closed no
- May 18 '04 deu>eng auch dem Grunde nach is also liable in principle for... pro closed no
- May 13 '04 deu>eng d.A. I think you're right pro closed no
- May 1 '04 deu>eng Part of Sentence A few clarifications (hopefully!) pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '04 eng>eng how is a barrister addressed or referred to in the UK? Mr. XXX I think pro closed ok
- Jan 22 '04 deu>eng Schöffengericht Court of Lay Assessor pro closed ok
4 Jan 21 '04 deu>eng Der Vorsitzende (in context) I don't think it's "Chief Examiner" pro closed no
- Oct 30 '03 deu>eng frei Bestimmungsort Delivered free to destination pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '03 deu>eng gelten als Basis I don't think it's that the contract won't be renewed... pro closed ok
4 Sep 23 '03 eng>eng Lordships' House See explanation pro closed no
- Sep 18 '03 deu>eng S2 V2, S3 V3 Another guess... pro closed no
4 Sep 9 '03 deu>eng expression: "kleine Münze" doctrine/principle of "small change" pro closed no
- Jun 16 '03 deu>eng nach meinem Vater (Erbschein) in respect of pro closed ok
- Jun 16 '03 deu>eng Ich versichere an Eides Statt I hereby affirm pro closed ok
4 Jun 6 '03 deu>eng beanstandet ...which is the subject of the complaint... pro closed ok
4 May 16 '03 eng>deu Satzzusammenhang ...die evtl. von den genannten Parteien vorgesehen sind... pro closed no
- Apr 16 '03 deu>eng lfg. Lieferung? pro closed ok
- Apr 10 '03 deu>eng i. d. F. in der Fassung pro closed ok
- Mar 18 '03 deu>eng Blindende (insulated) tip? pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '03 deu>eng formlos without any further formal notification pro closed no
- Mar 12 '03 deu>eng Helfer clerical assistants pro closed no
- Mar 12 '03 deu>eng Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigungen der Krankenkassen might need a bit of expansion... pro closed no
- Mar 3 '03 eng>eng contributes in conformity with articles to the material functioning It's an ugly sentence! pro closed ok
4 Feb 27 '03 eng>eng Personal subrogation Personal representation pro closed ok
- Feb 14 '03 deu>eng FACH... kunde/rechnen/zeichnen/arbeit Subject pro closed no
- Feb 13 '03 deu>eng Nutzungsüberlassungslizenzen surrender of use licences? pro closed ok
2 Feb 13 '03 deu>eng vertragswidrige oder unsachgemäße Nutzung to prevent pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '03 deu>eng grundsaetzlich (in this context) will always... pro closed ok
- Jan 18 '03 deu>eng wohnasässig resident pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered