Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Oct 8 '13 deu>eng Pfudere racing/palpitations pro closed no
4 Sep 7 '05 deu>eng Zungenplättchen oral strips pro closed ok
3 Jul 14 '05 deu>eng Tropentauglichkeitsuntersuchung Tropical Residence Examination pro closed ok
- Jul 7 '05 deu>eng Mitarbeiterin Hotellerie Hospitality Services pro just_closed no
- Jul 6 '05 deu>eng Fazialismundastparese That's easy for you to say...;-) pro closed no
- Apr 14 '05 deu>eng lt. Bad Mergenthelm Explanation pro closed ok
- Nov 15 '04 deu>eng Bandscheibe From the other question you posted pro closed ok
4 Jul 9 '04 deu>eng Carokaffee It's a trade name pro closed ok
- Jun 25 '04 deu>eng Latums Could it be a syphilitic lesion? pro closed ok
- May 13 '04 eng>eng Feeling sick vs Being sick I think Rita is being confused by a slight difference between US and British English... pro closed no
- May 12 '04 deu>eng darstellen (here) replicate pro closed ok
4 Apr 2 '04 deu>eng Ablauf timetable of the treatment/treatment timetable pro closed no
2 Jan 29 '04 deu>eng Schwerbehindertenausweis The problem is pro closed no
4 Jan 29 '04 deu>eng help with second part of sentence which accounts for... pro closed no
4 Nov 28 '03 deu>eng gelingen (here) which was accomplished... pro closed no
4 Nov 6 '03 deu>eng Markierungsbesteck Maybe this link will help... pro closed no
- Oct 9 '03 eng>fra Servings per container: 30 If you wanted a translation into French,... pro closed ok
- Oct 9 '03 eng>fra Servings per container: 30 It means pro closed ok
- Sep 3 '03 deu>eng Institutionenkunde People and Organisations pro closed ok
4 Jul 10 '03 deu>eng Lücken- und Restgebiss Residual dentition pro closed ok
- Jun 19 '03 eng>eng SAMDC Could it be pro closed ok
4 Apr 11 '03 deu>eng Körnelung Granulation pro closed ok
- Apr 2 '03 deu>eng obliegen the responsibility for making the assessment lies with the psychiatric expert pro closed ok
- Apr 2 '03 deu>eng Lagesinn orientation? pro closed ok
4 Mar 20 '03 eng>ita WEST YOURKSHIRE FIRE SERVICE Servizio Antincendio del West Yorkshire pro closed no
- Mar 14 '03 deu>eng Ausgleichsstoff Buffering agent pro closed ok
- Mar 14 '03 deu>eng Fremdrater-seminar Seminar for external assessors pro closed no
- Feb 17 '03 eng>eng visits performed Performed is OK pro closed ok
- Feb 14 '03 deu>eng Einsprossung Sarah, I don't wish to be rude, pro closed no
- Feb 8 '03 deu>eng Block Urlaub Berufs Gesetzes Staatssburgerkunde Just a comment pro closed no
- Feb 8 '03 deu>eng Block Urlaub Berufs Gesetzes Staatssburgerkunde Same comment pro closed no
- Feb 8 '03 deu>eng Krankenpflegehelferin Doesn't make any sense as it stands pro closed ok
- Feb 7 '03 deu>eng Mehrapotheken-Verbot I would have thought... pro open no
- Dec 18 '02 deu>eng Os trigonum syndrom os trigonum szndrome pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered