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Japanese to English Finance (general) Translation Glossary

Japanese term English translation
内分割 (funds available for) installment
"10数億" over a billion
06/3期中間期連結業績 our business performance on a consolidated basis for the interim period in the fiscal year ended Mar
2005下計画 (our) plan in the second half of fiscal 2005
Entered by: Katsushi Saito
2023年6月期 第2四半期 Six Months Ended December 31, 2022
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
65期 実績 65th term/annual sales
基盤強化の早期実現 Prompt realization of a corporate infrastructure reinforcement
原則評価方式 fundamental valuation method(s)
Entered by: JapanLegal
の件 Dividends on retained earnings
ほか編 edited by Jo Bloggs et al.
みなし入金予測システム Deemed payment estimation system
ご優待 Benefits
危険相当額 exposure amount
Entered by: cinefil
即時用伝票 real-time ticket
単元株制度 unit share system
協議 by mutual agreement
収益分配金 profit distributions
右ヅメ justify to the right
右記関連資料 The relevant information on the right/ The relevant information in question
Entered by: Kanako Fujiwara
取引先持ち株会 Client stock ownership
取締役会設置会社に関する事項 Items Related to Status as Company with Board of Directors
Entered by: casey
取組日 Date of advancement
参加条項 Participating provision
同意区分 取得済 Consent (to disclosure) Obtained
売却対象債権 loans/debt instruments for sale
Entered by: casey
売り建玉 short account/position/interest
Entered by: Katsushi Saito
売掛金得意先金額 Client accounts receivables
大蔵省令 Ministry of Finance Ordinance
Entered by: Peishun CHIANG
外サ FX margin (premium or discount)
外為関係 FX transactions
外注の吸収 bring subcontracted work back in house
Entered by: casey
審査部 Credit Department or Credit Risk Management Department
対4次見込み Compared to the fourth estimate
対主制御部通信モジュール for main control unit communication module
山絲 yamaito (person's name)
巡航分配 cruising distribution
Entered by: David Gibney
差入返戻可能情報 information on deposits and refunds
上位・下位貢献銘柄 top/bottom contributors or top/bottom contributing stocks
上放れ sharp rise (in stock prices)
両建解消 cancellation of a restraint deposit
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