Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 31 '08 deu>eng im Spannungsfeld der Aromen in a palette of flavours to compare and contrast pro closed ok
- Apr 25 '08 deu>eng Qualität kommt vom Quälen per aspera ad astra pro closed ok
4 Apr 4 '08 deu>eng Tafelspitz an Rösti mit Semmelkren und Spinat Traditional Austrian fillet of boiled beef with potato rösti, horseradish bread sauce and spinach pro closed no
- Apr 4 '08 deu>eng am Ball bleiben stay ahead of the game pro closed ok
- Mar 17 '08 deu>eng Genusspunkt epitome of enjoyment pro closed ok
- Mar 13 '08 deu>eng Werktage Works in Progress pro closed ok
- Mar 13 '08 deu>eng bekömmlich gently roasted pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '08 deu>eng Wohnträume A Coast To Build a Dream On... pro closed ok
4 Jan 24 '08 deu>eng kitt putty pro closed ok
4 Jan 21 '08 deu>eng Einkleber tip-in pro closed ok
4 Jan 21 '08 deu>eng Textanschluss Display advertising pro closed ok
4 Dec 7 '07 deu>eng Wendungen überlassen prefer to let the food speak for itself pro closed ok
4 Dec 7 '07 deu>eng Hemmschwelle inhibition pro closed ok
4 Oct 26 '07 deu>eng Angebot owned (and operated) by pro closed no
- Oct 18 '07 deu>eng gut gewachsen bloomin' good! pro closed ok
- Oct 4 '07 deu>eng klein aber fein small but perfectly formed pro closed no
- Sep 29 '07 deu>eng eine besonders enge persönliche Beziehung The nuts and bolts of a good working relationship pro closed ok
- Sep 22 '07 deu>eng Reitkorb Howdah pro closed ok
- Aug 31 '07 deu>eng Geschichte hautnah erleben have been able to experience history up close pro closed ok
- Aug 17 '07 deu>eng Ich heiße Sie herzlich willkommen I'm here to assist you pro closed ok
4 Aug 16 '07 deu>eng Mordbubenauftrag Assassination order pro closed ok
- Aug 11 '07 deu>eng Wohlfühldusche sheer indulgence showers pro closed ok
4 Jul 16 '07 deu>eng Wellnessbad luxury bathroom; spa-style bathroom pro closed no
- Feb 27 '07 deu>eng scharf different suggestions for each case pro closed ok
4 Feb 26 '07 deu>eng Szenekultur scene culture, scene-based culture pro closed ok
- Apr 5 '06 deu>eng Übergriffig XYZ is a force to be reckoned with pro closed no
4 Mar 27 '06 deu>eng Balkonkinder couch potatoes (in this context) pro closed ok
- Nov 29 '05 deu>eng in den Fingern jucken suppresses an almost physical urge to reach out pro closed ok
- Nov 20 '05 deu>eng Unternehmensauftritt business opportunity pro closed no
4 Nov 20 '05 deu>eng Unternehmensauftritt corporate event pro closed no
- Oct 30 '05 deu>eng Heilwasser beneficial mineral water pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '05 deu>eng milcharomatisch with a mild, creamy aroma pro closed no
4 Oct 4 '05 deu>eng Das Accessoire aller Menschen von Welt whole sentence pro closed no
- Oct 3 '05 deu>eng Mobilität. Immer und überall. Helping you get where you're going pro closed ok
- Oct 3 '05 deu>eng ein Gipfel der Urlaubsfreude let your cares drift away pro closed ok
- Oct 3 '05 deu>eng ein Gipfel der Urlaubsfreude oceans of fun pro closed ok
4 Sep 22 '05 deu>eng Schulmöbel mit Zukunft First-Class/Top-Grade School Furniture pro closed no
4 Sep 6 '05 deu>eng sprudelnde Entspannung invigorating relaxation pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '05 deu>eng Du Rindvieh! You muppet! pro closed no
- Sep 5 '05 deu>eng Wie die Maden im Speck feathering their nests pro closed ok
- Sep 1 '05 deu>eng streichelzarte Stärke strokable strength pro closed ok
- Aug 31 '05 deu>eng als eine Art zu Leben A hunting lifestyle pro closed ok
- Aug 30 '05 deu>eng Griff There's nothing we can't handle pro closed ok
- Aug 26 '05 deu>eng Partner aus Leidenschaft An Appetite for Life pro closed ok
4 Aug 25 '05 deu>eng satiniert satinised pro closed ok
- Aug 22 '05 deu>eng nach unten wie nach oben decreasing just as much as increasing pro closed ok
- Aug 14 '05 deu>eng müssen keinen Vergleich scheuen ABC cars leave our competitors in the dust pro closed ok
- Aug 10 '05 deu>eng Verantwortung wood - a choice for the future pro closed no
- Jul 20 '05 deu>eng Komfort bis zum Abheben First-Class Facilities for Top-Flight Execs pro closed no
- Jul 16 '05 deu>eng See(len)brise easy, breezy glamour pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered