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Romanian to English Law: Contract(s) Translation Glossary

Romanian term English translation
proces verbal de receptie finala protocol
procese sau cauze legal actions or considerations/grounds
procesul verbal de predare-primire a locaţiei inventory
procesv verbal de invecinatate boundary agreement
procura notariariala mandate
procura partaj divort power of attorney for dividing marital property
procura vanzare-cumparare sale-purchase power of attorney
procurator de fonduri fund provider
produce efecte is effective
produsele menţionate la termenul mentionat la art3 the products mentioned din art. 1.3 within the time mentioned in art. 3
Proiect de Fuziune merger project
Entered by: Simona Pop
proiectări de cioburi protruding glass shards
promisiune bilaterala de vanzare-cumparare bilateral promise to sell
promisiune de înstrăinare / a înstrăina preliminary agreement on disposal/ to convey
promitent promissory
promitent coschimbas promising party in an exchange pre-agreement
promitenta promisor
promova pass
proprietarul unic și neîngrădit sole unrestricted owner
Entered by: Simona Pop
propunere tehnica/financiara technical / financial proposal
punct de lucru lucrative facility
Entered by: Paula Dana Szabados
punere in intarziere putting in default
pura si simpla pure and simple
putere și efect force and effect
PUZ Zonal Urbanistic Plan
raport de drept real in rem relationship
raport obligational intern internal judicial report
Raportul de schimb al părților sociale report on issued shares exchange
raspunde cu bunurile din patrimoniu will be held liable with the (company\'s) assets
rata profitului brut gross profit rate
Entered by: Paola Dentifrigi
Răspunde integral shall be fully compliant with/ shall fully meet all the requirements in.
receptia se poate face si pentru parti din lucrare acceptance can also be granted for parts of the works
Entered by: Lara Barnett
receptie acceptance
reclamaţii şi acţiuni în justiţie, ce rezultă din încălcarea unor drepturi de pr complaints and legal action stemming from the infringment of intellectual property rights
reconducţiune reconduction
reconstituire reconstruction
reconstituirea dreptului de proprietate asupra terenurilor restoration of property rights on land,restoration of property rights in regards to the land/property/real estate in question
Redactat (nota: a se vedea fraza completa mai jos) Pursuant to
reechilibra reeestablish (their) balance/recover the balance
Entered by: Simona Pop
refacerea actului de acuzare refiling the bill of indictment
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