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Search results: (1227 matches)
Business issues How to acquire long-term projects Almost any... ...translation agencies from "London", China and
India, which contact you for small and badly paid
jobs, simultaneously offer a long term
collaboration, you just need to take that
Matthias Brombach Aug 18
Money matters Indian Translators - Calling for your views - Really Low rates No loss... [quote]Baran Keki wrote: [quote]Matthias
Brombach wrote: better watch out not to
get a 'final warning" here [/quote] I'm well
aware that I'm not the only believer in 'final
Matthias Brombach Aug 14
Money matters Indian Translators - Calling for your views - Really Low rates Bitterness [quote]jyuan_us wrote: I wrote this reply to an
email sent to me by an Indian agency requesting my
service at rates lower than those mentioned by the
OP: "I wonder what quality those
Matthias Brombach Aug 13
Money matters Indian Translators - Calling for your views - Really Low rates "Final solution"? better watch out not to get a 'final
warning" here, mein Baran ;-)
Matthias Brombach Aug 11
Business issues Does anyone get more work from their target language market than from their source language market? Germans... [quote]Baran Keki wrote: I've never heard a
foreigner sing in Turkish, so I wouldn't know the
feeling. I'd be hard pressed to spot the
difference between a Swede, Dutch, English,
Matthias Brombach Jul 19
CAT Tools Technical Help CAT tool suggestions / advice for a specific task / ideas ? Any CAT... ...would fit when you have to split the
lines/segments manually, but automatically, and
without the help of any punctuation marks (e.g.
semi-colons, etc.) you cannot set the necessary
Matthias Brombach Jul 4
Off topic What's your good-mood-song? I better... ...should have chosen the Carmina Barana or
something more distinguished as a "good mood song"
to successfully draw the attention of one or
another PM on my post, right, Baran?
Matthias Brombach Jul 3
Off topic What's your good-mood-song? Barbaras Rhabarberbar Hope it doesn't sound too barbarian for
Matthias Brombach Jul 2
Scams Message received from Dennis Schmitt. Project Manager Workywayfinder I wonder... ...whether I should place those intro-texts into
my proz profile as a reference, to prove the
breadth of my skills, to make outsourcers keen to
collaborate with me on a translation project
Matthias Brombach Jun 30 suggestions Disclosing administrative actions on users' profiles (Staff: there are no plans to do this for now) Not a "member"... [quote]Zea_Mays wrote: I didn't even know there
is this kind of censorship on the site. What does
this mean? People are blocked from participating
in the forums for example? I was only aw
Matthias Brombach Jun 27
Getting established Common issues I see from translators, as an outsourcer Leave ... ...the video to Keki & Associates, the experts in
monetarizing any translation assisting issues!
Succes will follow immediately.
Matthias Brombach Jun 21
Déjà Vu support New build of DV X3 9.0.817 The choosable mxliff filter in X3... for xlf-based files originating from memoQ
but not from memsource, or did I miss something
all the years? Pavel? Hans?

[Bearbeitet am 2024-06-10 18:36
Matthias Brombach Jun 10
Money matters I am a beginner, a newbie in translation, how should I set my rate? It looks like... have excellent communication skills
(according to your CV) and professional experience
in dealing with customers. Good preconditions for
you to visit fairs and meet key figures in p
Matthias Brombach Jun 7
Off topic Moral dilemma. What should I do? Opinions needed Not made up I don't believe it's fake news by the OP. The OP
has wisely chosen a new profile because he/she
already may bear a more known profile ("member
profile") here on proz. And the chosen countr
Matthias Brombach Jun 6
Off topic Moral dilemma. What should I do? Opinions needed Too much fuss.... ...about that (apart from the fact you never
should have taken the job), because the end client
and/or publisher in the respective country of use
would be the final instance of being respo
Matthias Brombach Jun 4 membership Renew or not renew Thank you all... ...for your solidarity, which could be a reason to
renew the subscription of this very service (just
because I love you all so much!*) Back to the
topic: I wouldn't call it "membership", b
Matthias Brombach Jun 3 membership Renew or not renew But... [quote]Christopher Schröder wrote: I was
Christine S for a short while until I got outed by
a grumpy Irish guy. No, not Tom!
[/quote] ...weren't you outed as such by the
Matthias Brombach May 26
Powwows Powwow in Oberursel? Tell him... [quote]Cilian O'Tuama wrote: I'm certain our
local hero would find an excuse not to attend,
even on his own doorstep. [/quote] a
roundabout way that you plan to discuss plenty o
Matthias Brombach May 26
Powwows Powwow in Oberursel? How to choose the proper... ...headdress for a German "PXXXXW": Apart from
hard hats, which show that you belong to the
(hard) working class, you may choose for the
rather traditional models, like this one (worn o
Matthias Brombach May 24
Powwows Powwow in Oberursel? I could leave my... [quote]Baran Keki wrote: . I'd love to come
over there to join you, but as I said the Germans
or Europeans won't give me a visa. However, I'd
greatly appreciate it if you good people wo
Matthias Brombach May 24 membership Renew or not renew Digits [quote]Christopher Schröder wrote: Eight(?)
months on, I have earned a grand total £67 from
clients contacting me through ProZ.
[/quote] Come on Chris, £67 k isn't bad at
Matthias Brombach May 24 membership Renew or not renew And.... [quote]Baran Keki wrote: [quote]Christopher
Schröder wrote: I reckon every one of my
hilarious sarcy/snarky posts should be worth at
least a penny. [/quote] You certainly have a high
Matthias Brombach May 23
Money matters MTPE and now AI, and agencies drop to the bottom rate on here True professional translation jobs... ...aren't posted anywhere. Either they find you
(e.g. here on proz) or you are part of a network
of buddies who know each other from University.
The latter doesn't automatically stand for
Matthias Brombach May 22 technical support 'Contact me' link doesn't work Seems to be fixed... ...and I already was contacted by the usual
suspects from an Asian subcontinent to submit my
best rate for PEMT.
Matthias Brombach May 20 technical support 'Contact me' link doesn't work Secret Service [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: What if their
mailing developer is an Elvis Presley
fan? (Let's see who gets this

[Edited at 2024-05-18 20:32 GMT]
[/quote] I p
Matthias Brombach May 18 technical support 'Contact me' link doesn't work Mind reading [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: [quote]Matthias
Brombach wrote: As I can see in my personal
proz area, so many visitors of my proz profile
also came across the "contact" area and nothi
Matthias Brombach May 18 technical support 'Contact me' link doesn't work @Maurizio I have sent you a message, too, to test the
feature. I have been affected by this problem for
many months now. As I can see in my personal proz
area, so many visitors of my proz profile al
Matthias Brombach May 18
Off topic Clothes moths (I've ordered a bug bomb) Do your moths (sorry, I couldn't resist) I was affected as well
by that problem, with all my wollen pullovers
laying more or less openly on shelves
("mothsboards") in my vestibule. One day in last
Matthias Brombach May 1
Déjà Vu support New build of DV X3 9.0.817 If there are still people... ...who take care of X3: Why not create a filter
for mxliff files (Phrase / ex memsource) in the
next build? Thanks!
Matthias Brombach Apr 23
Déjà Vu support New build of DV X3 9.0.817 Looks that there are still people working on new
builds of DV X3: Today I was offered to download
and install above mentioned new build (9.0.817)
and at least I can resume my project witho
Matthias Brombach Apr 18
Internet for translators Find a technical answer very fast, especially if it's already been answered, make a Chat Bot work! Great idea... [quote]Philippe Locquet wrote: Hi
all, ... Have fun! [/quote] ...but it looks
like others have already invented a similar
approach, to translate complex subjects and based
on t
Matthias Brombach Apr 1
Sustainability in our line of work Have you ever had a client you were just "afraid to take seriously"? Ask for... [quote]patransword wrote: The solution: Say yes
and ask for payment upfront. He'll probably never
pay, so you can forget about it.
[/quote] ...Bitcoin plus payment upfront! That's
Matthias Brombach Mar 19
German Synchronisation zwischen Server und Mailprogramm POP3 Versuche mal, mit einem externen E-Mail-Client wie
etwa Thunderbird alle E-Mails über das
POP3-Protokoll herunterzuladen. Vorausgesetzt,
dein derzeitiger Anbieter unterstützt POP3 und
Matthias Brombach Mar 13
Translation Project / Vendor Management Have you been ever called names and threatened while posting a job offer? Take it.... the plumbers (the alter egos of all
translators since ages) do: Think for yourself
"Who are you?"
Matthias Brombach Mar 12
German Durfen in Deutschland Übersetzer auch andere Dienstleistungen z. B. statistische Erhebung anbieten? Ganz zuverlässig, rechtlich hieb- und stichfest ... ... und offiziell rate ich dir, deine Anfrage
schriftlich an das Finanzamt über ELSTER zu
stellen. In der Regel solltest du dann auch eine
schriftliche Antwort mit Angabe der relevanten
Matthias Brombach Mar 12
Off topic In my craft or sullen art: JA-EN financial translation I no longer need to read a newspaper article... [quote]Dan Lucas wrote: [/quote] ...and no
comment column either to be so richly informed
about the developments of the Welsh / British
fabric industry and the situation of farmers in
Matthias Brombach Feb 25
Off topic In my craft or sullen art: JA-EN financial translation Any chance of... [quote]Dan Lucas wrote: I tried walking into
the stream and I got wet feet, so instead of
taking the kids to school we turned around and
came back to the house. Dan [/quote] ... trou
Matthias Brombach Feb 24
Business issues How to open up an agency? Why a virtual office in the US? [quote]native_Mandarin wrote: Hi there. I want
to open up a translation agency. Dear Members
please guide me how to start? Is ATA certification
necessary for that? Basically, Currently
Matthias Brombach Feb 21
Getting established Moving on from freelance translation, starting a new career They have to suffer, too [quote]Lieven Malaise wrote: I wonder what
forum bakers, grocers, and butchers use to ask for
all sorts of advice or complain when they are
opening a shop. [/quote] All small
Matthias Brombach Feb 21
General technical issues How best to handle a bilingual Excel file? ...with only the target content of the FIRST column! [quote]Matthias Brombach wrote: naming
the first cell of the second column L and the
second R, copy both cells, mark the rest of the
second column, paste the both cells entirely i
Matthias Brombach Feb 19
General technical issues How best to handle a bilingual Excel file? Create a TM naming the first cell of the second column L
and the second R, copy both cells, mark the rest
of the second column, paste the both cells
entirely into it and then filter the entire
Matthias Brombach Feb 19
Off topic Translation Article Topic Suggestions? Patents I know the following is not about the more or less
easy going subject "culture", but I would start a
survey and research based on the influence of
already translated reference material on<
Matthias Brombach Feb 18
Getting established Moving on from freelance translation, starting a new career I bet... [quote]Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote: I bet you
wouldn't dare buy one of those
build-yourself-furniture from Ikea. :-) I know, I
wouldn't. It's like shooting my own foot.
[/quote] ...tha
Matthias Brombach Feb 17
Getting established Moving on from freelance translation, starting a new career Honest advice [quote]James Greenfield wrote: I've come to the
point where I've practically given up and am
looking for work elsewhere. [/quote] Perhaps a
job as a night porter (if not already sug
Matthias Brombach Feb 17
Medical Scanned medical documents Perhaps... should outsource the copy work first to an
external, e.g. via the job board here on Proz. Ask
for the "best rate" and you'll wonder how cheap,
easy, and fast you will get back the t
Matthias Brombach Feb 17
Getting established Moving on from freelance translation, starting a new career The bottle... [quote]Baran Keki wrote: I could make a killing,
if only I had the bottle... [/quote]
already in your hands (or in your mind): Your
English! I consider it as nearly perfect (altho
Matthias Brombach Feb 16
Getting established Moving on from freelance translation, starting a new career I like the smell... [quote]Anna Sarah Krämer wrote: I have had all
January and February to think about what I might
do next, and advise my kid what to do (who had
just started to build his translation car
Matthias Brombach Feb 16
Getting established Moving on from freelance translation, starting a new career Thanks... [quote]Christopher Schröder
wrote: [quote]Matthias Brombach
wrote: Plumber [/quote] Miss you around
here, Matthias! [/quote] ...not entirely my
fault, but when you lot are i
Matthias Brombach Feb 14
Getting established Moving on from freelance translation, starting a new career Plumber! [quote]Baran Keki wrote: I really wonder what
else one can do after having killed their 'people
skills' by staying at home for 11 years.
[/quote] Translators often compare themselves
Matthias Brombach Feb 13
Site forums In case you've missed it (survey on perceptions and experience of View from one of the few lucky Titanic lifeboats: Wow, the band is still playing! And all lights are
on! Perhaps we better should row back

[Bearbeitet am 2024-02-10 19:00
Matthias Brombach Feb 9

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