Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 11 '11 por>eng atrair o público in a way that attracts [potential] customers easy closed ok
4 Sep 5 '09 por>eng entidade equiparada estrangeira equivalent foreign entity / equivalent entity in a foreign country easy closed ok
4 Aug 22 '09 por>eng buffets de café da manhã breakfast buffets easy closed no
- Aug 10 '09 por>eng territorio nacinal national territory easy closed ok
- Sep 24 '07 por>eng A Italia é um país europeu. *a* European country easy closed ok
4 Sep 24 '07 por>eng COMER FORA DE HORA to eat at odd hours easy closed ok
- Sep 1 '06 por>eng retirar de circulação retire from circulation easy closed ok
3 Aug 7 '06 por>eng ..........cultivar as plantas para que elas prosperem to tend the plants in order to make them grow easy closed ok
3 Aug 7 '06 por>eng Ele decidiu sem pestanejar He firmly decided... // He didn't think twice before deciding... easy closed ok
- Aug 6 '06 por>eng ser muito líquido to be in a very fluid state // to be in a state of flux easy closed no
- Aug 3 '06 por>eng Ele meteu o pé na jaca. He put his foot in his mouth. easy closed ok
4 Jul 14 '06 por>eng o qual é Based on this assumption, which was the subject of a preliminary study... easy closed no
4 Jun 23 '06 por>eng Partindo desse pressuposto Based on this/that assumption easy closed ok
4 Jun 23 '06 por>eng advém do fato arises from the fact that easy closed ok
- Jun 20 '06 por>eng minha aldeia não parecia com esta my town wasn't like this easy closed ok
4 Jun 17 '06 por>eng Pensar em você é pensar no que há de mais belo. To think of you is to think of what is most beautiful. easy closed ok
4 Jun 14 '06 por>eng quanto ao uso de with regard to the use of // when it comes to the use of easy closed ok
- Jun 12 '06 por>eng devido à on account of the easy closed no
- May 23 '06 por>eng Vem por meio deste solicitar matricula como Aluno Visitante, para o proximo Are you, by means of this application, seeking admission as a Visiting Student for the next...? easy closed no
4 Apr 20 '06 por>eng se enquadra that do not conform to... easy closed ok
- Apr 17 '06 por>eng sendo que in cases where... easy closed ok
4 Mar 12 '06 por>eng desenvolver comportamentos de gestão development of administrative guidelines easy closed ok
- Feb 24 '06 por>eng agenciamento a receber pending receipts easy closed ok
- Jan 20 '06 por>eng tirolesa Tyrolean drop easy closed no
- Jan 5 '06 por>eng converter em diligência was enterred into the court record easy closed ok
4 Jan 4 '06 por>eng Vícios de linguagem corruption / bastardization easy closed no
4 Dec 22 '05 por>eng pos graduação post-graduate studies / post-graduate internship easy closed no
2 Dec 10 '05 por>eng dedicar o tempo a to devote one's time to / to dedicate one's time to / to use one's time to easy closed no
4 Dec 7 '05 por>eng Como se não bastasse As if that weren't enough.... easy closed ok
- Dec 3 '05 por>eng estacionar de ré to park facing out easy closed ok
3 Nov 11 '05 por>eng Obra Literária work of literature easy closed ok
4 Nov 8 '05 por>eng sem-abrigo homeless easy closed ok
- Nov 1 '05 por>eng Amanhã é feriado nacional: Dia de Finados Tomorrow is a national holiday: The Day of the Dead easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered