The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

ポルトガル語 から 英語 詩&文学 Translation Glossary

ポルトガル語 term 英語 translation
Ele Não Tem Simancol he\'s so clueless
em encomenda sem remetente e não registada a package with no return address and unregistered (mail)
em franca cavaqueira happily or joyfully chitchatting
embalados pelo show de Folsom Prison rocking (rocked) it with (the) Folsom Prison show
empurrados jostled (around)
empurrar com a barriga drag one's heels
Encantei-me com o tempo e o tom dela... I was enthralled by her timing and tone.
ENCONTRARÁ ANCORADOURO will find its anchorage
engrenagem mechanism
enrosca-se, mas não embola. It coils up, but it doesn't get tangled.
Entered by: airmailrpl
Entre onda e onda a onda não se cava Wave after wave, the wave does not trough
entrevistos glimpsed / seen at a glance
escorrida fluid
Entered by: Tania Pires
escrita de si autoreferential/self-referential
esfuziar-se spin around
esmaecer to discolour, fade, to turn pale, faint, to grow weak, feeble, to discourage
Esmerado conscientious
Essa sem rabo não é uma concorrente: é uma com o cu rente! That flat-ass bitch is not a contestant: she's an ass-pirant
Entered by: airmailrpl
Esta malta aproveita logo These guys take advantage right/straight away
Entered by: Catarina Aleixo
está, não é uma coisa it's a notion, not a thing
estou a transpirar dos olhos I am sweating through my eyes
estudo da tradição direta study of the direct textual tradition
EU DOBRAVA E EXPUNHA A PARTE INTERNA DE MINHA PÁLPEBRA. I would fold my eyelid and expose its inner side(/part)
Eu e quem sei não ser I and the one I don't know how to be
Eu lírico, sujeito poético. poetic persona
EU QUE SÓ VIA FILMES DE ARTE Me, of all people, who only watched art films.
eufônica euphonic
Entered by: airmailrpl
Evidenciado (In this context) Acknowledged
FALADE BEN Baixo Speak very softly
Fazer um retrato To portray
FAZER UMA LEITURA POÉTICA DO TEMPO PELA VIA DO TÉDIO ... (to) make a poetic reading of time, by means of boredom.
Entered by: Beta Cummins
feito like/similar to/-like
Feliz aquele que transfere o que sabe e aprende o que ensina. Happy is the one who shares what he knows and learns what he teaches
feminilidade female (in this context)
fez o movimento com o pé the man moved his foot...
flagelo da alma chastisement/scourge of the soul
Entered by: R. Alex Jenkins
folhetim feuilleton
Fora de eu pensar e de haver quaisquer pensamentos Beyond my thinking and any thought (that exists)
forjada (she has been) molded in/by the city nightlife
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