The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English IT (Information Technology) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
Lote de Red de acceso Peripheral access Network Batch
lote unico llave de mano turnkey single batch
luego portado a And then ported to..
mancha paper / printing size
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
mandante client
manejo (handling) procedure
mantener hasta la eternidad discusiones clásicas discussing the same things over and over again
mantenimiento de minutas maintenance of minutes
Manual del Sistema de Gestión de la calidad, Sección "Gestión de Recursos" quality management system manual, resource management section
mapas litopermeabilidad lithopermeability maps
Entered by: EirTranslations
mapped drive unidad mapeada/asignada
Entered by: Natalia Zudaire
maquetar (design) layout
maquila de datos data warehousing
marca SRS SRS marker
Entered by: Robert Mavros
marcadas annotated / marked / identified / tagged / labelled
marcar / marcación to store or record
marco teórico theoretical framework
materializar la información information will be made available
matriz Array
Entered by: EirTranslations
Matriz de casuística de ficheros File types matrix
Entered by: David Jessop
máximos temporales maximum temporal
mecanismos de propagación propagation mechanisms
Entered by: Ma. Fernanda Blesa
medida made to measure/tailor-made
MEDIOS DE INSTALACION installation resources/media
Megabanner depegable Expandable/deployable banner
Mesas de Contratación trading desks
metodología de prueba y aceptación testing and acceptance methodology
Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions Socios Certificados de Microsoft en/para las Soluciones de Aprendizaje
miga colectora MIGA code (...y poner la definición entre paréntesis)
Modelo de Fábrica standard or off-the-shelf
modo de trabajo look and feel
monética del mercado market monetics (electronic money)
motivos de relación libre preference-independent features/attributes
motor de flujo de trabajo workflow engine
Entered by: anamaria bulgariu
muerte temprana early failure
Multi-conferencia multi-conference / multiconference
ni su tratamiento informatico nor its being made avaiable in digital format
nivel directora main contour line (GIS context)
Entered by: Roberto Rostagno
no canónica non-canonical
no nos han tenido en la consideración have been able to give us the consideration
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