The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese to English Medical (general) Translation Glossary

Japanese term English translation
$BF3=P@h(B licensing-out partners
(代謝物の)存在形式 (metabolic) form(s)
(シャント)造設術 surgical construction of shunt
(タンパクの...) 網羅的解析 comprehensive analysis
1面先行群 single-lens start group
Entered by: David Gibney
21 世紀型医療開拓推進研究事業 Research Project Promoting Innovation in Medical Care for the 21st Century
7/16、20時過ぎに就寝中に便意を催し The subject felt the urge to defecate after going to bed at 8 p.m. 7/16
Entered by: David Gibney
ALT優位の肝障害 ALT-dominant liver disorder
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
嚢内 inside the capsule
Entered by: seika
嚢胞腎 cystic kidney
Entered by: cinefil
厚生省薬務局審査第一課長発 issued by the First Evaluation and Registration Division Chief, the Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau,Ministry of Health and Welfare
くすりのしおり、適正使用ガイド Drug information Sheet, Guide for appropriate use of medication
くも膜下溢血 subarachnoid blood extravasation (Subarachnoid Hemorrhage)
の順であった in that order (of prevalence)
じょうちゅう剤 静注
あま皮下部 eponchium
ここで言う報告すべき不具合とは、「広く医療機器の具合の良くないこと」をいう。 "Broadly defined, any medical equipment that does not meet specified mode of conformity."
これに準ずる場合 cases in conformance with this
せき柱, 脊柱 spine
単純にて without contrast
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
反り腰 anterior pelvic tilt, tilted pelvis
口頭指導 Verbal guidance
Entered by: David Gibney
右母指屈筋腱/骨膨張性腫瘍 expansile bone tumor at the right flexor pollicis longus
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
号数 size
吸収散乱体 scattering absorber
Entered by: cinefil
同門会 Alumni Association
同時遂行障害 concurrent executive dysfunction
Entered by: David Gibney
各群7例中 7 subjects in each group
増殖因子除法化 sustained release of growth factor
大きく動かす Make big/bigger movements
大口先 major client / with large transaction (volume)
変形には多種の形が有り 最も多く見られるのがネジレ形である。高脂血症の状 態に表われやすい形である。 full translation below
奬液性丘疹 serous papule
実施を検討し consider the necessity of (conducting) a study
寝起き Getting in and out of bed
Entered by: Steven Smith
審査情報提供検討委員会 Case Review Committee for information submitted for asessment
対孔の開閉率 open/close ratio of the antral window
小結節影 small nodular shadow
尾側断端 caudal margin
尿中一般物質定性半定量検査 Urinary Qualitative/semi-quantitative Examination (general substances)
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