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Search results: (222 matches)
Lighter side of trans/interp So... It's a funny/peculiar usage; how did it creep into such widespread use? I think I first noticed it being used some years
ago, overwhelmingly by technocrats, scientists and
the like, groups that are typically seen as poor
communicators (however unjust that migh
Daniel Bird Jan 20, 2016
Trados support Trying to add new term to termbase in Studio 2011 generates Java Update request. Might this work? I had a Java error with Termbase and Studio 2011 a
few months back; this sorted it out; navigate
meTab:crumb:7:artId:5589 look in the
Daniel Bird Oct 28, 2015
Windows operating systems What is a "technical guy"? Flash "This being 2015, there should never be anything
about a computer that would need to be
fixed." Does anyone else here suffer from the
plague that is Flash? Whatever I do it seems to be<
Daniel Bird Sep 4, 2015
Trados support Studio 2011 keeps quitting SDL fix for Java/Termbase Could this help: works with update 31.
meTab:crumb:7:artId:5589 look in the far right
hand column
for: Re-sign
Daniel Bird May 12, 2015
German Leben in der Gegenwart - Leben in der Zukunft Questionable I don't get this at all. Structurally, even when
it's constructed "he will", the English has
nothing intrinsically futuristic about it. If you
analyse it to the core, it conveys no more t
Daniel Bird Apr 3, 2015
Trados support Updated to Java version 8 update 31 - Multiterm not working on Studio 2011 Just edited my earlier post Hi Filipa, I decided to do a bit more digging
through the forums here after my earlier
exasperation. I have now edited my earlier post
to contain a fix which works for me with STUDIO
Daniel Bird Feb 24, 2015
Trados support Updated to Java version 8 update 31 - Multiterm not working on Studio 2011 There has to be a better way surely? have found it I think, works with update 31.
meTab:crumb:7:artId:5589 look in the far right
hand column
for: Re-si
Daniel Bird Feb 24, 2015
Trados support Auto insert project name into Termbase field (Trados Studio) When adding a term to an open Termbase while
editing/translating (using F2/Ctrl-F2) it would be
handy for the way that I work if one of the fields
e.g. "source" were automatically populate
Daniel Bird Feb 24, 2015
Linguistic diversity What's "really" considered offensive? No offence... No discussion on offensive matter is ever complete
without a reference to the leading English style
guide for proper oral etiquette and verbal good
Daniel Bird Jul 22, 2014
Business issues Crowdsourcing airplane manufacturing Barriers to entry This is what the discussion usually returns to. In
the case of translation there are none. Over time
more and more people have come to realise this,
especially with the neo-libs trumpeting
Daniel Bird Apr 14, 2014
Fun with language Best gratuitous use of Germlish, Franglish, etc. Nein, das kann ich nicht toppen :) DB Daniel Bird Jan 29, 2014
Off topic What's your favorite store/chain/brand in the world for 'translation' coffee? No affiliation here but HasBean do some cracking roasts to order
online and I've a hometown favourite in Climpson
and Sons. Someone crank up the Moka Express I
need a double !
Daniel Bird Oct 14, 2013
Business issues Passport/ID card number So folk who have no need of a passport... ...cannot work as a translator? Difficult to know
where to start in exposing the illogicality of
this request. It sounds like internal bureaucracy
for its own sake. Might be more sinister
Daniel Bird Sep 4, 2013
Money matters Fee per page? Fee per project (I digress) Thanks to some enlightened clients I can often
quote this way. I start with a rough wordcount,
mull over the risk, add or even subtract (gasp)
premiums here and there for workload, deadlin
Daniel Bird Jun 25, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice Translation before the internet ...CAUTION: the following contains a reference to "null modem cable"... I had a wax tablet, or to be precise an Amstrad
PCW in the late 1980s which was later actually
useable to transfer files via BBS or Odyssey and
even squirt text into early QuarkXpress via
Daniel Bird Jun 12, 2013
Translation news Urban Dictionary defines slang for some court cases, but is it accurate? If lawyers are serious about using Urban Dic... ...then that tells us all we need to know about
their profession IM-not very-HO.
Daniel Bird May 28, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice Help! My client doesn't know it's out of date to say "Before Christ" Yes... [quote]Tom in London wrote: In academic texts and
elsewhere it's now considered normal to write
"BCE" and "CE" where once those old terms were the
norm. Has anyone else encountered thi
Daniel Bird Apr 20, 2013
Money matters Why isn't the back translation exactly the same as the original? (I billed for explanation) Some good material here Thanks to forum search there's no need for me to
post my new topic on the hairy topic of back
translation. Before reading I was bursting with
judgments on the topic; after reading I haven
Daniel Bird Mar 19, 2013
Off topic Three-syllable girl's names ending with "ay" or "y" Boyhood heroines Destiny Symphony Harmony Rhapsody Melody ht
Daniel Bird Mar 10, 2013
Money matters Rates for large volume of work Does anyone... ...have a truly fixed rate that's non-negotiable?
If you are one of those who says "no discounts"
would you by the same token say "no premiums"? I
agree that the economies of scale in tra
Daniel Bird Mar 6, 2013
Money matters Just received a jaw dropping offer... Proof... ...of something I’ve always suspected - the
international property market is only viable as a
charity case.
Daniel Bird Mar 4, 2013
Business issues Rhetorical question about invoice format You did that... ...with coloured pencils. Go on admit it. Daniel Bird Feb 7, 2013
Translation news Languages do not seem to be a popular choice of course at university nowadays (U.K.) A personal ramble There are some paradoxes or at least
contradictions here. I tend to believe that in the
west we will have to make more of our wealth from
knowledge-based industries and that university
Daniel Bird Jan 17, 2013
Software applications How to convert stl file into txt? Hint Notepad++ Why you would need to do this escapes
me however... D
Daniel Bird Dec 5, 2012
Being independent Finding a place where "working from home" is allowed - feedback needed Excuse for a brush-off rather than a genuine reason, I think The agents you are talking to do not wish to rent
to anyone self-employed, not just translators and
others who typically work from home. No regular
income backed by PAYE evidence = no dice
Daniel Bird Dec 4, 2012
Money matters Remote translator Question in my mind Should that read thirty to forty thousand words? I
can imagine a retainer arrangement with company X
for you as a freelancer to cover any number of
words, negotiated in such a way as to le
Daniel Bird Dec 4, 2012
Business issues Crossed out parts - could I get in trouble? How do you know... ...where to draw the line on the extent your
alterations? Simple sanity check - what did you
agree to under your contract for the job? If
alterations were included then make the
Daniel Bird Nov 21, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use voice recognition software? May become more widespread [quote]Anna Sarah Krämer Fazendeiro wrote: I see
from the answers that only a small percentage of
collegues actually use it. I would be interested
to hear from those how it improves thei
Daniel Bird Nov 19, 2012
Being independent Good accountant for freelancer If you draw a blank elsewhere... ... drop me a line, my accountant runs a small
outfit and has been dealing with various members
of my family for many years. Uncomplicated
approach, honest advice, reasonable fees and deal
Daniel Bird Nov 11, 2012
Translation news Council complains that “stop” markings on Welsh roads are displayed in English only Supralinguistic I believe I have seen standard "STOP" signs in
several EU countries. Having thought about the
significance of my observation for probably
several seconds, maybe more, I have concluded that
Daniel Bird Oct 31, 2012 technical support TGB questions on latest promo, Trados bundle Hi all can anyone help please with some questions
on the October SDL promotion. 1. The promotion
stays open until 50 units are reserved, but does
the promo run beyond 25/10 until 50 are
Daniel Bird Oct 21, 2012
Business issues Free work as a favour to a friend - how much is reasonable? Major supplier of medical machinery you say..? Nothing is cheap in this field. Still less free.
For that 'client' one paragraph would be too
much. But OK, you only said you'd look at it not
deliver anything. You won't be letting your
Daniel Bird Oct 19, 2012
Software applications Experiences with document management systems (DMS)? Not terrifically sophisticated... ... I use a three-column spreadsheet cell A1 =
date A2 = hyperlink to the scanned or otherwise
stored doc A3 = a string of keywords that I type
in relating to the doc. Search using Ctrl-F
Daniel Bird Oct 11, 2012
Translation news How hot is the translation market? (Video) Not great news is it... ... taking bald stats. If, for sake of argument,
the world can boast one million working
translators, each can dream of an income of 33k
USD per year. But does anyone know how many
Daniel Bird Oct 2, 2012 job systems Would you ruin a BB outsourcer's rating over a petty amount? No, but... ...that's only because my one negative
contribution would probably not cause their rating
to plummet anywhere near zero. More importantly,
keep trying to secure your dues. It's bad enough<
Daniel Bird Sep 4, 2012
Business issues I am concerned that freelancer will contact my client You say they could take you out... To me that sounds like the perfect outcome - nice
meal, couple of bottles of wine and no hard
feelings. Try to encourage them without breaking
the terms imposed by their legal suits. Goo
Daniel Bird Sep 1, 2012
Money matters Bank and other Transfer Fees (e.g. PayPal) Terms and conditions Before doing any work for any agent or individual,
be sure that they understand and unequivocally
agree to comply with your terms and conditions;
both sides should publish conditions at th
Daniel Bird Aug 13, 2012
Wordfast support Help! I can not download my translation from Wordfast Anywhere Alternative "dodge" You could if necessary download your TM and
retranslate the document locally, if the document
really refuses to download. I am gradually
getting the hang of Anywhere which I am using to
Daniel Bird Jul 18, 2012
Getting established Considering a career change Keeping your knowledge current Hi Red5 by now you'll understand what some people
have to do to get established, if you take the
plunge your experience of that process might come
close to some of the stories (working ac
Daniel Bird Jul 15, 2012
Translation in the UK Sole trader with just one client? What Charlie said IR35 can seem like a bear trap in wait for people
in your situation, however it was/is most often
used and with varying success to target one-man
limited companies set up as an avoidance p
Daniel Bird Dec 6, 2011
Linguistics Wrong use of the abbreviation "i.e." Increasingly common I find [quote]Jørgen Madsen wrote: Have others noticed
this and does this mistake occur often?
[/quote] Why do I notice it? Not really sure,
but perhaps there are more instances of e.g. in
Daniel Bird Oct 12, 2011
Safe computing Prevent harvesting of your email address from your web site Another method A colleague of mine converts the text of his
address into an uneditable graphic format and
embeds the graphic; because it isn't a piece of
text the robots can't recognise it as an address.
Daniel Bird Dec 19, 2009
Linguistics The Cockney Dialect Not a cockney me... ...born in Walthamstow => a sexton Daniel Bird Jun 30, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you learned any new languages since you started working as translator? What is... ...that odd lingo that project managers use? I
just have no aptitude for it. Happy
scribbling! DB
Daniel Bird Mar 5, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of these would you like to translate the most (provided that you haven't yet)? A play... ...and on the side, I'd do the production design
too (that part I'd do unpaid). What's the
appeal? I think the text of a play is needed
before the event can be made to happen, unlike a
Daniel Bird Feb 4, 2009
Linguistics is or are Ali G... ...has been known to express himself this way. Was
Dubya addressing the Staines Massive by any
chance? Respeck.
Daniel Bird Jan 8, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: How long do you normally keep completed translations on file? Indefinitely I and my partner have certain recurring topics so
we tend to keep everything. Our rough-and-ready CD
backup routine has worked OK and got us through a
couple of irretrievable hard disk dis
Daniel Bird Jan 3, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Is there really a requirement under ISO for free test translations? Simple answer is no There is no QA standard that demands that
suppliers must provide free samples. If a company
makes the provision of free samples a condition of
doing business, then that is a matter of comp
Daniel Bird Nov 26, 2008
Getting established When there is no job... Things I have done... Cook/bake a lot of your favourite foods then load
up the freezer – when the big project hits you,
at least you’ll be able to eat well. If you
often wish you had more time for the ci
Daniel Bird Oct 22, 2008
Off topic India's first lunar mission blasts off Good effort Heard about the flight this morning. Good effort
all round and certainly a tougher challenge than
beating the Aussies at home :). It prompted me to
look up some half-remembered astronaut
Daniel Bird Oct 22, 2008

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