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Shocking payment practices
Thread poster: savaria (X)
Andrea Riffo
Andrea Riffo  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:12
English to Spanish
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This one's the icing of the cake! Jul 25, 2008

texjax DDS PhD wrote:

The Syllogism

major premise: He who finds a friend, finds a treasure

minor premise: A dog is a man’s best friend


Thank you!:lol::lol:

[Edited at 2008-07-26 00:01]

Deborah do Carmo
Deborah do Carmo  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:12
Dutch to English
+ ...
Agree Jul 26, 2008

Nicole Schnell wrote:

I don't know anything about Hungarian law. EU states however have their regulations and laws. We are not helping the asker by mocking his situation. I hope Gábor has a great sense of humor.

This situation is unacceptable and if no solution is found, he should take those guys to court.


Tell this client that their proposed method of payment does not constitute legal tender. You're under no obligation to accept it, regardless of the value of the dog.

Insist on payment and if they continue giving you the runaround, and it is cost-effective in view of the amount involved, get a lawyer. Otherwise, find about the small claims procedure in your country. Your district court should be able to provide some guidance in this regard, if you can't get the information online.

It's important to take immediate action as the client is most probably in financial difficulties.

Best of luck

savaria (X)
savaria (X)
Local time: 07:12
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Conclusion of this scandal Jul 26, 2008

The conclusion of this scandal:

I am a great fan of animals,especially of shar-peis.So I accepted the doggie,but NOT as a payment,and I emphasized this also to the client,in front of his colleagues(it is a chief executive of a huge,well-known(especially in Europe) dog-food or maybe even pet food company,I do not know whether I can reveal the name of the company,due to this scandal...maybe I can reveal it in private,if somebody asks me,but not publicly).

So my words o
... See more
The conclusion of this scandal:

I am a great fan of animals,especially of shar-peis.So I accepted the doggie,but NOT as a payment,and I emphasized this also to the client,in front of his colleagues(it is a chief executive of a huge,well-known(especially in Europe) dog-food or maybe even pet food company,I do not know whether I can reveal the name of the company,due to this scandal...maybe I can reveal it in private,if somebody asks me,but not publicly).

So my words of goodbye - See you (hopefully) on the court!

The doggie is really nice,she is sitting next to me,and she is really happy...and fortunately enough I have the money to feed her...but I only do so because she cannot be blamed for having born by some stupid people.The former proprietor told me via email that if I hadn't accepted the doggy,soon she would have been exported to China,where she would have been transformed -that,I am afraid means being killed and manufactured into - some kind of -as he says- delicious sausage.

Well,I wanted to prevent this.I wonder what my colleagues would have done in such a situation.

If the management of this site agrees,I would name this company publicly here,so as to prevent that any of my colleagues here,no matter whether member(that is paying) or not, could fall into a trap like I did.

[Módosítva: 2008-07-26 17:03]

Gennady Lapardin
Gennady Lapardin  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 08:12
Italian to Russian
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Many judges and policemen love dogs Jul 26, 2008

Hi Gabor,

why not to hand over this nice puppy to a loving owner?

Liliana Roman-Hamilton
Liliana Roman-Hamilton  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:12
English to Italian
wellll.... Jul 26, 2008

Gábor Széles wrote:

The conclusion of this scandal:

I am a great fan of animals,especially of shar-peis.So I accepted the doggie,but NOT as a payment,and I emphasized this also to the client,in front of his colleagues(it is a chief executive of a huge,well-known(especially in Europe) dog-food or maybe even pet food company,I do not know whether I can reveal the name of the company,due to this scandal...maybe I can reveal it in private,if somebody asks me,but not publicly).

So my words of goodbye - See you (hopefully) on the court!

The doggie is really nice,she is sitting next to me,and she is really happy...and fortunately enough I have the money to feed her...but I only do so because she cannot be blamed for having born by some stupid people.The former proprietor told me via email that if I hadn't accepted the doggy,soon she would have been exported to China,where she would have been transformed -that,I am afraid means being killed and manufactured into - some kind of -as he says- delicious sausage.

Well Gabor, I hope you enjoy the doggie! So now instead of putting the money they owe you into your bank account, you'll face long years of expenses like: dog food (hopefully not the same brand sold by these jerks), vet visits, vaccinations, grooming...
What I don't understand is why, if this client is one of the largest dog food companies in Europe, he can't afford to pay you what he owes you.

I also don't understand why you let them take you by the nose and didn't argue that the conditions were totally different. Don't you have at least a PO in hand to start an legal action?

What they did is a true psychological blackmail.

Whatever you decide, I wish you good luck, I'm sorry for what you had to go through. Take good care of the new doggie.

Kevin Lossner
Kevin Lossner  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:12
German to English
+ ...
Sick Jul 27, 2008

Gábor Széles wrote:
The former proprietor told me via email that if I hadn't accepted the doggy,soon she would have been exported to China,where she would have been transformed -that,I am afraid means being killed and manufactured into - some kind of -as he says- delicious sausage.

A dog farm in Hungary breeds dogs for food export to China? I really hope I misunderstood you or that this is a bad joke.

I hope you manage to sort out the payment issue in some satisfactory manner. At least the dog seems to be coming out a winner in this exchange, which is something at least. I wish you a lot of joy with your new friend.

Jennifer Forbes
Jennifer Forbes  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:12
French to English
+ ...
In memoriam
So, you now have the dog Jul 27, 2008

Dear Gábor,
Well, it seems you now own the dog and have saved her from an alleged foodie fate, which is kind of you. I'm sure you'll come to love her dearly, as one does. Have you decided on a name for her? May I suggest: PROZIE ?
Meanwhile, even if the forum rules do not allow you to give the name of the apparently dodgy company here, you can certainly make a Blue Board entry to record what happened, for the benefit of others in future, at least.
Walkies time now!
... See more
Dear Gábor,
Well, it seems you now own the dog and have saved her from an alleged foodie fate, which is kind of you. I'm sure you'll come to love her dearly, as one does. Have you decided on a name for her? May I suggest: PROZIE ?
Meanwhile, even if the forum rules do not allow you to give the name of the apparently dodgy company here, you can certainly make a Blue Board entry to record what happened, for the benefit of others in future, at least.
Walkies time now!
Best wishes,

Andrea Riffo
Andrea Riffo  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:12
English to Spanish
+ ...
... Jul 27, 2008

Jenny Forbes wrote:

Have you decided on a name for her? May I suggest: PROZIE ?

Or "Forint", given that she seems to have replaced the traditional Hungarian currency?

Now, seriously, I hope you decide to grace us with her picture someday, so that we can see the third (unwitting and definite winner) party in all this mess.

Jenny Forbes wrote:
... you can certainly make a Blue Board entry to record what happened, for the benefit of others in future, at least.

I agree, companies such as this one should no get away like nothing ever happened.


Katalin Horváth McClure
Katalin Horváth McClure  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:12
Member (2002)
English to Hungarian
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Before you take them to court, what do you have in writing? Jul 27, 2008

I hope before you try the court path, you will think whether you have a chance to win your case. Others have asked repeatedly, but there was no answer:
Do you have a written contract, a PO or an email or anything in writing that details the agreement you had with the client? At the minimum, it should include the description of the work to be performed, deadline and payment terms.
If you don't have anything like that, if all your discussion with this client was in person
... See more
I hope before you try the court path, you will think whether you have a chance to win your case. Others have asked repeatedly, but there was no answer:
Do you have a written contract, a PO or an email or anything in writing that details the agreement you had with the client? At the minimum, it should include the description of the work to be performed, deadline and payment terms.
If you don't have anything like that, if all your discussion with this client was in person, or over the phone, I am sorry to say this, but you probably have no case to present to the court.

If you have some sort of agreement, what does it say about the quality?
Translation contracts/agreements usually have a clause about quality, with a preset timeframe that describes until when the client can complain about the quality. Was the client dissatisfied with the quality? Has the timeframe for complaints passed already? What I am saying is that you have to make sure you are covered in this sense, I mean if you take them to court, they should not have the option to start talking about quality issues there. If you don't have anything to prove they have accepted the quality of your work, they may complain about the quality in court (whether true or not). I think if they sent you something in writing that they accepted the quality, or published the translation already, or if you have the complaint period set in the contract and it had passed without a complaint from them, that is a proof that they accepted the quality.

One more thing: I have a feeling that since you accepted the dog which they offered as an alternative payment, it doesn't really matter that you said "you are not taking it as a payment", you took the dog, so you accepted their offer. The deal is done, unless the details were recorded in writing.

So again, what do you have in writing?

Allesklar  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:42
English to German
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must be a joke Jul 28, 2008

Kevin Lossner wrote:

A dog farm in Hungary breeds dogs for food export to China? I really hope I misunderstood you or that this is a bad joke.

Doesn't make any economic sense either - for the cost of shipping dog meat from Hungary to China you could breed any number of them there.

No wonder the breeders are short of cash.

Mervyn Henderson (X)
Mervyn Henderson (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:12
Spanish to English
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Dog days Jul 28, 2008

All the best, Gábor! Keep all slippers, shoes and newspapers you don't want chewed up well out of sight, don't forget to post a photo, and to tell us what you've called your new pet.


gianfranco  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
Member (2001)
English to Italian
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Sausages from a rare breed?!? Jul 29, 2008

Gábor Széles wrote:
The doggie is really nice,she is sitting next to me,and she is really happy...and fortunately enough I have the money to feed her...but I only do so because she cannot be blamed for having born by some stupid people.The former proprietor told me via email that if I hadn't accepted the doggy,soon she would have been exported to China,where she would have been transformed -that,I am afraid means being killed and manufactured into - some kind of -as he says- delicious sausage.

Well,I wanted to prevent this.

Allesklar wrote:
Doesn't make any economic sense either - for the cost of shipping dog meat from Hungary to China you could breed any number of them there.

No wonder the breeders are short of cash.

Not to mention that sausages, if we believe the story, are not made with pure breed dogs but probably with less expensive mongrels. I'm very puzzled about the whole story...


[Edited at 2008-07-29 10:00]

savaria (X)
savaria (X)
Local time: 07:12
English to Hungarian
+ ...
answersa to your questions Jul 29, 2008

To Horváth-McLure Kati:
Yes,I have everything on paper.(including payment,but not with a dog,but with cash,namely pound sterlings...but the person who ordered the translation declared that (at least officially) he went bankrupt,and told me that sorry,I am unable to pay you...The story is about a text of about 78.500 char. long.(Such a quantity of translation is not normally done for free,as far as I know.)
To Gianfranco: I am also extremely puzzled...
To Jenny Forbes: I call
... See more
To Horváth-McLure Kati:
Yes,I have everything on paper.(including payment,but not with a dog,but with cash,namely pound sterlings...but the person who ordered the translation declared that (at least officially) he went bankrupt,and told me that sorry,I am unable to pay you...The story is about a text of about 78.500 char. long.(Such a quantity of translation is not normally done for free,as far as I know.)
To Gianfranco: I am also extremely puzzled...
To Jenny Forbes: I call her Prozie.
To Allesklar: No,it isn't a joke.(I did think it was a joke until the dog was delivered to my house,by car,in black Audi (she was totally exhausted,tired,hungry and thirsty...I gave her food(I got some from the former owner) +some water.She ate the food,she drank the water...then she had fallen asleep immediately,and had not woken up until next morning at 6.00.Then she was barking a bit...we went on a cat hunter...and watched tv...She really likes Kommissar know,the soap opera series...

And a QUESTION to to all,how can I insert a photo here into this forum?

[Módosítva: 2008-07-29 10:19]

Paola Dentifrigi
Paola Dentifrigi  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:12
Member (2003)
English to Italian
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Yes, please Jul 29, 2008

Gábor Széles wrote:

And a QUESTION to to all,how can I insert a photo here into this forum?

[Módosítva: 2008-07-29 10:19]

We are all very curious


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[Edited at 2008-07-29 13:24]

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Shocking payment practices

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