The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Finance (general) Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Bundesbeteiligungen / Liegenschaften Equity Holdings / Real Property Holdings (AE)/Land Holdings (BE)
Bundesgarantie state guarantee
Bundesverwaltungsamt The Federal Office of Administration
BUT-NR Buchungstext Nummer
Entered by: Timothy Wood
BV = Bundesverband Federal Association
Entered by: Steffen Walter
BVE Bruttoverkaufserlöse = gross sale proceeds/gross profit on sales
CAP cap
Cash-Flow-Rentabilität des Eigenkapitals return on equity based on cash flow / equity return based on cash flow
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Cash-Parking-Position cash parking vehicle
Centausgleich rounding to the nearest euro
CFD's/shares on margin contracts for difference
Entered by: Tanja Spath-Nagazi
Charttechniker technical / chart analyst
Checkrimessen cheque remittance
Clearingergebnis clearing result
Entered by: Rolf Keiser
Code ausspähen see your pin number
complete/build a large Top eine große Top-Formation abschließen/bilden
Consorcio Consorcio
Corent ABS-Corent
Entered by: Paula Price
Creditreform-Auskunft Creditreform credit report / credit rating
dabei sein [in this context] you're in
Dabeleg standing order receipt
Entered by: Bettina Grieser Johns
Dach-Hedge-Fonds fund of hedge funds
Dachkonto umbrella account
Entered by: Hazel Underwood
Damnen discounts
Entered by: Ted Wozniak
Damnum [debt] discount
danach war erst einmal Schluss that was it - for the time being
dargestellt reflected / accounted for
Darlehensforderung claim arising from a loan agreement
Darlehensforderungen loans receivable
Entered by: mustafaer
Darlehensguthaben loan (credit) balance
Darlehenshypothek/Festbetragshypothek mortgage loan (straight mortgage - US)
Darlehensmittel loan
Darlehensnominalvertrag / Darlehensnominalbetrag Loan Agreement / the amount loaned to the borrower (debtor)
Entered by: Erzsébet Czopyk
Darlehenspfandrechte mortgages for a single loan or fixed amount and maximum amount mortgages
Entered by: Charles Stanford
Darlehensrahmen line of credit
Entered by: Jessica Klingberg
das Depot auffüllen replenish the securities account
Datenträgeraustausch (DTA) online file transfer (DTA)
davon 50% je Urlaubstag and from this amount 50% per vacation day.
Entered by: Paula Price
Davon-Position(en) subitem(s)
Dazu / davon ab Plus/minus
Entered by: Hazel Underwood
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