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April 27, 2006, 12:00 am
RomaniaBuchrestIn personEnglish
Event Organizer:


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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (13) / Confirmed: 3 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
crisang  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Stimati Colegi, Am trimis o propunere de schimbare a organizatorului in persoana Drei Andrada Manole si astept confirmarea din partea  y
Bogdan Burghelea   ...  m
Andrada Constantinescu  \"Photographer\" Mi-ar face mare placere! (ai uitat un "a" :) la Bucharest)  y
Laura Genescu (Briciu)  \"Photographer\" Lucrurile s-au schimbat un pic pentru mine, asa ca nu o sa fiu in tara! sorry- poate alta data!  n
Doru Voin  \"Photographer\" Sorry, travelling  n
Ovidiu Martin Jurj   Da! Vreau in dragul meu Bucuresti! Oricand!  y
Oana Clapa   ...  m
Rosica Dimitrova   I'm from Bulgaria and I would like to meet my collegues from Rumania, can you pls provide info in English about this powwow? thanks:)  
atorchia   Imi pare rau, nu mai pot veni, chiar pe 27 trebuie sa plec din tara (schimbare de ultimul moment). Sper sa va cunosc pe toti la urmatorul powwow!  n
Andreea Ciurea   sper sa ajung si eu  
Bogdan Honciuc   Defo interested :)  m
Mihaela Sinca   SI eu vreau sa ajung, sper sa reusesc.  
Oana Popescu  \"Photographer\" Is it to late to pop in an join? I had a hectic period lately, hopefully it's all over so I'd love to come :). I agree with the date, hour and location (one of my favorites)  

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Powwow: Buchrest - Romania
Andrada Constantinescu
Andrada Constantinescu  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:36
Member (2006)
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Buch(a)rest Mar 3, 2006

După cum s-a discutat şi pe forum, în topicul întâlnirii de la Iaşi, propun să fie făcută modificarea de rigoare, să arătăm şi noi...normal.icon_smile.gif

Andrada Constantinescu
Andrada Constantinescu  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:36
Member (2006)
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organizator? Mar 17, 2006

După cum a spus şi Oana, şi e sunt "îngrijorată". Carmen?

Andrada Constantinescu
Andrada Constantinescu  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:36
Member (2006)
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probleme de organizare Mar 17, 2006

To eu.icon_smile.gif Carmen momentan are nişte probleme. Se caută persoană pt. organizare.icon_smile.gif

Andrada Constantinescu
Andrada Constantinescu  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:36
Member (2006)
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ne mobilizăm? Mar 31, 2006

Haideţi să începem să punem ţara la cale. E deja 1 aprilie...Unde vreţi să ne strângem?

Bogdan Honciuc
Bogdan Honciuc
Local time: 12:36
Romanian to English
+ ...
Proposals Apr 3, 2006

I suggest that we speak English, as Rosica asked us...

What about Amsterdam Grand Cafe ( or Actors' Cafe (

Andrada Constantinescu
Andrada Constantinescu  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:36
Member (2006)
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... Apr 3, 2006

Actor's Cafe sounds good to me. It's one of my favorite places. Great pizza.icon_wink.gif

Ovidiu Martin Jurj
Ovidiu Martin Jurj
Local time: 12:36
German to Romanian
+ ...
... Apr 3, 2006

I would go to any place with good music (all kinds, but not manele and populare), and with good and cheap beer.

Bogdan Honciuc
Bogdan Honciuc
Local time: 12:36
Romanian to English
+ ...
... Apr 3, 2006

Actors' Cafe then.icon_smile.gif

What time?

(do we have an organiser btw?)

Andrada Constantinescu
Andrada Constantinescu  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:36
Member (2006)
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(still) unofficial organiser Apr 3, 2006

I'm in charge.icon_smile.gif

I think we should make the reservation a week before the event, when we know the approsimate number of participants.

For this, I would ask you all to confirm or not your presence.

Andrada Constantinescu
Andrada Constantinescu  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:36
Member (2006)
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... Apr 10, 2006

You're not too talkative...

Comme on, let's agree on a meeting time! Do you have other ideas for a meeting place? Any other ideas? Anything?icon_smile.gif

Truly, I have the impression I'm "pushing" you to get involved in this.icon_smile.gif

Ovidiu Martin Jurj
Ovidiu Martin Jurj
Local time: 12:36
German to Romanian
+ ...
Well... Apr 10, 2006

... I do not have many ideas.
I only come now and then to Bucharest with business, always in a hurry, always between two trains, I do not know many cafes. I also come now and then to rock concerts, so I only know well some clubs were usually concerts take place, those in Gabroveni-Street: Fire, Backstage, or Club Underworld in Kogalniceanu-Street, or Club Baza Militara in Lanariei-Street (Tineretului - U-Bahn-Station), or Laptaria at the National Theatre. But I think they open in the evenin
... See more
... I do not have many ideas.
I only come now and then to Bucharest with business, always in a hurry, always between two trains, I do not know many cafes. I also come now and then to rock concerts, so I only know well some clubs were usually concerts take place, those in Gabroveni-Street: Fire, Backstage, or Club Underworld in Kogalniceanu-Street, or Club Baza Militara in Lanariei-Street (Tineretului - U-Bahn-Station), or Laptaria at the National Theatre. But I think they open in the evening only and are open only during the night, I don't know whether they are open during the day, too.

But why isn't good Bogdans proposal? I mean Actors' Cafe? I haven't been there up to now, but why not try it?

Andrada Constantinescu
Andrada Constantinescu  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:36
Member (2006)
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... Apr 10, 2006

Bogdan proposal is very good. I just wanted to know if everyone agrees.

Btw, those places you mentioned are open during the day, too, but they are usually "concert clubs".icon_smile.gif (Baza Militara was closed, btw).icon_wink.gif

So: place: Actor's Cafe
time: ?

Ovidiu Martin Jurj
Ovidiu Martin Jurj
Local time: 12:36
German to Romanian
+ ...
... Apr 10, 2006

OK, then Actor's Cafe. Or if anybody has other proposals ... Maybe people are very busy and haven't have the time to write here their ideas. I've also had a very difficult day today, I#m totall kaputt now, but still alive. So I can understand other people, too.

Time? I dont't know, maybe it would be better not very early. If there are people who come from other towns, they depend on the railway timetable.

Yes, Andrada, you're right, Baza Militara was closed (anyway, the
... See more
OK, then Actor's Cafe. Or if anybody has other proposals ... Maybe people are very busy and haven't have the time to write here their ideas. I've also had a very difficult day today, I#m totall kaputt now, but still alive. So I can understand other people, too.

Time? I dont't know, maybe it would be better not very early. If there are people who come from other towns, they depend on the railway timetable.

Yes, Andrada, you're right, Baza Militara was closed (anyway, the accoustics of the club wasn't all that good, but it was ok and very cheap, good music and nice people). No wonder then that now most of the concerts take place in Club Viking (Viktoria-Street), or some of them in Preoteasa.

Oana Clapa
Oana Clapa  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:36
English to Romanian
+ ...
date Apr 11, 2006

hey, that location's just fine... but what about the date? let's at least pick the month, will it be June? July? those would be good... what do you think?

Andrada Constantinescu
Andrada Constantinescu  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:36
Member (2006)
English to Romanian
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date...already settled Apr 11, 2006

The date was settled...April 27th.

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