Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 23 '08 eng>eng cruciform construction cross-shaped structure / construction pro closed no
2 Jan 25 '08 eng>eng pop-ups (in concrete) protuberances pro closed ok
- Dec 27 '07 eng>eng Penthouse Forum a pornographic magazine pro closed no
- Dec 16 '07 eng>eng floor space rentable floor space in the office pro closed no
- Dec 16 '07 eng>eng sadly pretty thing a sad beauty in herself pro closed no
4 Dec 2 '07 eng>eng clarify the point please see my proposal pro closed no
- Sep 12 '07 eng>eng words missing...? hyphen + question mark pro closed no
- Aug 10 '07 eng>eng bootstrap cover / help financially pro closed no
- Jul 19 '07 eng>eng mastery excellence pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '07 eng>eng BFD Business Facilitation Division pro closed ok
- May 24 '07 eng>eng Knights hospitallers Knights Hospitaller pro closed no
- May 18 '07 eng>eng Tilt off / Tilt on a little help... pro closed ok
4 Apr 29 '07 eng>eng mandoor "a door for a man" pro closed ok
4 Mar 21 '07 eng>eng medaka Japanese killfish pro closed ok
- Nov 15 '06 eng>eng the Crown the Crown pro closed no
- Nov 5 '06 eng>eng Non-executive chairman he is a part-time officer pro closed ok
- Oct 30 '06 eng>eng primary and secondary air intake What about this patent? pro closed no
4 Oct 4 '06 eng>eng isodomic masonry s.b. pro closed no
4 Oct 16 '06 eng>eng Ulcer problem same entity as "electoral fraud" pro closed no
4 Oct 9 '06 eng>eng MacGaugh Look! pro closed no
4 May 11 '06 eng>eng Adjest adjust pro closed no
4 Jun 22 '01 eng>eng damovo Data - Movility - Voice pro closed ok
- Apr 5 '06 eng>eng shall look solely to the assets of the Partnership for all distributions Yeah! pro closed no
4 Apr 5 '06 eng>eng Six-Star Hotel What a discussion! pro closed ok
4 Mar 20 '06 eng>eng Architectural Engineering s.b. pro closed ok
- Mar 20 '06 eng>eng distract resources that should be aimed at the people What about this? pro closed ok
- Mar 9 '06 eng>eng Venetian Arc the cities pro closed no
4 Dec 7 '05 eng>eng root nerve s.b. pro closed no
- Sep 4 '05 eng>eng Czechia/ Czech Republic Czechia pro closed no
- Jul 12 '04 eng>eng sentence Producer or other pro just_closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered