Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Oct 8 '13 deu>eng Pfudere racing/palpitations pro closed no
3 Jul 14 '05 deu>eng Tropentauglichkeitsuntersuchung Tropical Residence Examination pro closed ok
- Jul 7 '05 deu>eng Mitarbeiterin Hotellerie Hospitality Services pro just_closed no
- Jul 6 '05 deu>eng Fazialismundastparese That's easy for you to say...;-) pro closed no
4 Jul 4 '05 deu>eng Achslage axis pro closed no
4 Jul 4 '05 deu>eng (total) entspiegelt (completely) anti-reflective pro closed no
- Jul 4 '05 deu>eng Fernsichtbrille Depends... pro closed no
- Nov 15 '04 deu>eng Bandscheibe From the other question you posted pro closed ok
4 Jul 9 '04 deu>eng Carokaffee It's a trade name pro closed ok
2 Jan 29 '04 deu>eng Schwerbehindertenausweis The problem is pro closed no
4 Apr 11 '03 deu>eng Körnelung Granulation pro closed ok
- Feb 17 '03 eng>eng visits performed Performed is OK pro closed ok
- Feb 14 '03 deu>eng Einsprossung Sarah, I don't wish to be rude, pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered