Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 25 fas>eng عملکرد اندام فوقانی upper limb function pro closed ok
4 Apr 29 fas>eng چپاندن to palm off pro closed ok
- Apr 24 eng>fas supratrochlear node گره عصب سوپرا تروکلئار pro open no
- Apr 18 fas>eng Reactive attachment disorder اختلال دلبستگی واکنشی pro open no
4 Apr 9 fas>eng Gross Motor حرکات درشت pro closed no
4 Apr 9 fas>eng Fine Motor حرکت ظریف pro closed no
- Nov 13 '23 fas>eng open-ended questions سوالات باز pro closed ok
- Sep 8 '23 fas>eng ساعت "دقیقا" چنده؟ What's the time to the minute pro closed no
4 May 24 '23 eng>fas stereotypes کلیشه، تفکر قالبی pro closed ok
- Jan 21 '23 fas>eng مراسم حنابندان Hana-Bandan ceremony pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '22 eng>fas Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) of Thyroid تیروئید FNA نمونه‌برداری / بافت‌برداری pro closed no
4 Sep 28 '22 fas>eng اداره آموزش دانشکده پزشکی The School of Medicine’s Office of Academic Affairs pro closed ok
- Sep 26 '22 fas>eng دانشنامه Academic certificate pro closed ok
- Jun 7 '22 eng>fas divided into the somatic شامل دو بخش دستگاه عصبی پیکری و (خودمختار) pro closed no
4 May 4 '22 fas>eng رئیس سازمان وظیفه عمومی ناجا Head of the Public Conscription Organization of NAJA pro closed ok
- Apr 29 '22 eng>fas Gender incongruence عدم تطابق هویت جنسی/جنسیتی pro closed ok
- Apr 16 '22 eng>fas summon the courage جرأت بخود دادن pro closed no
- Mar 16 '22 fas>eng عین مستاجره leasehold property pro closed ok
- Mar 15 '22 fas>eng سازمان ثبت اسناد و املاک کشور State Organization for Registration of Deeds and Properties pro closed ok
- Mar 7 '22 eng>fas we know how to cook more safely in the kitchen می دانیم چطور با احتیاط بیشتری در آشپزخانه آشپزی کنیم pro closed ok
4 Mar 5 '22 eng>fas financial exposure ریسک مالی pro closed no
3 Feb 19 '22 fas>eng روسری بانوان headscarf pro closed ok
- Feb 14 '22 eng>fas Analytical specificity ویژگی تحلیلی pro closed ok
- Feb 8 '22 eng>fas Virulence ویرولانس pro closed ok
- Feb 1 '22 eng>fas gene pool خزانه/مخزن ژن pro closed ok
- Jan 27 '22 fas>eng مدت خدمت قانونی length of legal service pro closed ok
- Jan 25 '22 eng>fas It won't go on raining forever بارش باران پیوسته تا ابد نخواهد بود؟ pro closed no
- Jan 25 '22 eng>fas terminally ill patient مبتلا به بیماری لاعلاج pro closed ok
- Jan 24 '22 eng>fas sometimes I wonder گاهی خودم هم به شک می‌افتم pro closed no
- Jan 24 '22 eng>fas Probable? محتمل است، احتمالاً pro closed no
- Dec 5 '21 eng>fas booster shots دز/یادآور واکسن pro closed ok
2 Sep 5 '21 eng>fas vaccine platform پلتفرم واکسن pro closed ok
4 Sep 3 '21 eng>fas Indication (medicine) اندیکاسیون، شاخص pro closed ok
- Aug 16 '21 fas>eng قانون ثبت اسناد و املاک کشور Law of Property Act pro closed ok
- Aug 16 '21 fas>eng دادياری Assistant prosecutor pro closed ok
- Aug 15 '21 fas>eng گواهی انحصار وراثت Probate/exclusive inheritance certificate pro closed ok
4 Aug 15 '21 fas>eng وکیل و موکل lawyer/attorney and client pro closed ok
4 Aug 15 '21 fas>eng مبايعه نامه Purchase and Sale contract/agreement pro closed ok
- Aug 14 '21 fas>eng دادستان عمومي وانقلاب تهران Tehran General and Revolutionary Courts pro closed ok
4 Aug 14 '21 fas>eng خواهان و خوانده plaintiff and defendant pro closed ok
- Aug 14 '21 fas>eng دادگستری كل استان گلستان Golestan Province Ministry of Justice pro closed ok
- Aug 14 '21 eng>fas conflict of interests تضاد منافع، ستیز منافع pro closed ok
- Aug 12 '21 eng>fas ticket کوپن pro closed ok
4 Aug 11 '21 eng>fas Federal Prosecutors دادستانان فدرال pro closed ok
4 Aug 5 '21 eng>fas catastrophic cancellation حذف فاجعه‌بار pro closed no
4 Jul 27 '21 eng>fas performance coach مربی‌ بهره‌وری/عملکرد pro closed no
- Jul 24 '21 fas>eng شماره ملی National ID Number pro closed ok
- Jul 23 '21 eng>fas اداره کل administrative/head office pro closed ok
- Jul 21 '21 fas>eng گواهی اشتغال به تحصیل student enrollment certificate pro closed ok
- Jul 21 '21 eng>fas medical condition وضعیت سلامتی pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered