Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 7 '06 eng>esl You could call me collect any time you want. puedes llamarme cuando lo desees easy closed ok
4 Feb 7 '06 eng>esl your patients for these signs; protect yourself from being charged with ...examine a sus pacientes por estos síntomas; protéjase de ser acusado/a de... easy closed ok
- Dec 20 '05 eng>esl within this area dentro de esta zona easy closed ok
- Dec 16 '05 eng>esl It’s easy to earn the trust if you are doing your job correctly. es fácil lograr la confianza si haces tu trabajo correctamente easy closed ok
4 Jun 7 '05 eng>esl and some of them thre now setting up the new company y algunos de ellos están creando ahora la nueva empresa/compañía.. easy closed ok
- May 21 '05 fra>esl mangé poblado/cubierto por... easy closed no
4 Mar 29 '05 eng>esl if you were trying to come up with examples of soy based foods, si ustedes estuviesen/estaban intentando tratar ejemplos de alimentos basados en soja easy closed ok
4 Mar 28 '05 eng>esl on sockle on socket easy closed ok
- Feb 19 '05 deu>esl eine Wohnung für den Sommer una vcivienda para (el) verano, una vivienda veraniega easy closed no
- Sep 4 '04 eng>esl Duties vary a great deal Las tareas varían mucho, no obstante easy closed ok
- Sep 12 '03 eng>esl stakeholder grupos de inter´es easy closed no
- Jul 14 '03 esl>eng conseguiremos merriage matrimonio easy closed ok
- May 7 '02 amh>esl yene kongo Es un saludo de bienvenida... easy open no
- May 7 '02 amh>esl yene kongo Es un saludo de bienvenida... easy open no
- Feb 8 '02 eng>esl coger Perú easy closed no
- Dec 18 '01 eng>fra phrase vid. expl. easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered