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Studio 2014
Thread poster: Bernard Lieber
Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:54
Finnish to French
Update on Office 2013 Click-to-Run issue? Jan 15, 2014

SDL Support wrote:
We’ll update this forum when we know more and when the KB article is published with more information.

Hi Paul! Any news about the situation with Studio & Office 2013 "Click-to-Run"?

You appear to be correct about Click-to-Run being the only deployment you can get with Office 365 Home Premium (I just registered for the free 30-day trial). The funny thing is there is no mention of "Click-to-Run" anywhere inside Word 2013. However, selecting File > Account > Update options > View updates will take you to the following page:

There the ugly truth is being disclosed.

RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:54
No update yet... Jan 15, 2014

... but we are looking at providing the missing components from the msi version of the Word installer with Studio. I think this will come as part of an update in the near future, but I can’t give you any definite timelines yet.



Laurens Sipahelut
Laurens Sipahelut  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:54
Dutch to Indonesian
+ ...
Can't merge TUs in the same document Jan 16, 2014

To this date the drop-down menu with the merge TUs option is greyed out when I right-click my mouse to merge two TUs in the same document. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Please help.


Chris Sullivan
Chris Sullivan
Local time: 06:54
German to English
+ ...
Concordance search without opening a file for translation? Feb 9, 2014

Is this even possible? I'm editing a document translated in Trados 7 and don't have Trados 7 on my new computer. I'm trying to run a concordance search, but if I just open the memory, it seems like it's not a possibility. For some reason, the thing TM opens in pages(?) and you can only search page by page (this TM is over 10,000 strings). I just broke down and opened a random (Swedish) file to run my German>English concordance. Is there any easy way to do this without having to basically lie to ... See more
Is this even possible? I'm editing a document translated in Trados 7 and don't have Trados 7 on my new computer. I'm trying to run a concordance search, but if I just open the memory, it seems like it's not a possibility. For some reason, the thing TM opens in pages(?) and you can only search page by page (this TM is over 10,000 strings). I just broke down and opened a random (Swedish) file to run my German>English concordance. Is there any easy way to do this without having to basically lie to the system and end up with an unwanted .sdliff file?Collapse

RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:54
T-Window for clipboard Feb 9, 2014

Chris Sullivan wrote:

Is this even possible? I'm editing a document translated in Trados 7 and don't have Trados 7 on my new computer. I'm trying to run a concordance search, but if I just open the memory, it seems like it's not a possibility. For some reason, the thing TM opens in pages(?) and you can only search page by page (this TM is over 10,000 strings). I just broke down and opened a random (Swedish) file to run my German>English concordance. Is there any easy way to do this without having to basically lie to the system and end up with an unwanted .sdliff file?

Give this free application a try. You’ll find it’s already installed with Studio 2014 in the openexchange navigation panel in the welcome view. Some people find this very useful, some complain that it doesn't work well for them. I’d recommend you try it and see... won't cost you anything :



RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:54
You are probably... Feb 9, 2014

Laurens Sipahelut wrote:

To this date the drop-down menu with the merge TUs option is greyed out when I right-click my mouse to merge two TUs in the same document. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

... trying to merge segments across a paragraph boundary which is currently not possible. If you look in the column on the right hand side of the Editor with things like P, Para, Li, Tag etc. written in it this will give you a clue. If each segment has an item then they are probably different paragraph units. If several segments belong to a single P for example then you can merge them.



Svein Hartwig Djaerff
Svein Hartwig Djaerff  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 11:54
Member (2008)
English to Norwegian
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Error: Could not load file or assembly ... Feb 17, 2014

This annoying error in Studio 2014 occurred a few days ago (and still persists). When trying to create a new project and adding files, this error message displays and when I click OK, Studio terminates. I have not found any solutions to this problem. Any ideas out there?

Error message:

Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=Neutral, Public Token=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of it's dependencies. System cannot find the specified file.

Jo Macdonald
Jo Macdonald  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:54
Member (2005)
Italian to English
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(40007) Error reading TTX file: Expected end of tag 'Raw' Feb 17, 2014

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this already but I'm getting this error quite often when processing ttx files
The following error occurs when saving the target file back to ttx.
(40007) Error reading TTX file: Expected end of tag 'Raw'

I've tried reprocessing the original ttx with the TM, and copy/pasting the last line from another ttx in notepad into the corrupted file.
No dice

I'll try Studio 2011 now to see if that works.

In the end I
... See more
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this already but I'm getting this error quite often when processing ttx files
The following error occurs when saving the target file back to ttx.
(40007) Error reading TTX file: Expected end of tag 'Raw'

I've tried reprocessing the original ttx with the TM, and copy/pasting the last line from another ttx in notepad into the corrupted file.
No dice

I'll try Studio 2011 now to see if that works.

In the end I discovered the problem was caused by a comment in the source Word file, which caused problems with Studio 2014/2011 and TagEditor when converting back to Word.
I deleted the comment and managed to get a working target Word file.

[Edited at 2014-02-18 09:45 GMT]

Piotr Bienkowski
Piotr Bienkowski  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:54
English to Polish
+ ...
This works but Feb 25, 2014

causes Studio to forget all its customizations. So because of Studio's quirks it appears to be a good idea to make a daily backup of these files. Or make a backup that will always work upon restoring after you have laboriously re-created all your customizations.

Emma Goldsmith wrote:

Try going to the task manager (right click in the task bar). If Studio is in the applications list, right click it and select "bring to front".

If that doesn't help, then click "finish task" for Studio in the task manager, and then browse here:

C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\

and delete the following three XML files:

- BaseSettings.xml
- plugincache.xml
- UserSettings.xml

Now restart Studio.

(Instructions are for Studio 2014 and Win 7)


Emma Goldsmith
Emma Goldsmith  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:54
Member (2004)
Spanish to English
User profile to the rescue Feb 25, 2014

Piotr Bienkowski wrote:

causes Studio to forget all its customizations. So because of Studio's quirks it appears to be a good idea to make a daily backup of these files. Or make a backup that will always work upon restoring after you have laboriously re-created all your customizations.

To retrieve your customizations, simply reinstall your user profile, which contains customised shortcuts, window layout, default languages and everything else that you’ve defined under General Options.

I agree with you that it would be a good idea to back up your user profile from time to time. To export or change user profiles, go to File > Setup > Manage User Profiles.

Svein Hartwig Djaerff
Svein Hartwig Djaerff  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 11:54
Member (2008)
English to Norwegian
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Resolved Feb 26, 2014

Svein Hartwig Djaerff wrote:

This annoying error in Studio 2014 occurred a few days ago (and still persists). When trying to create a new project and adding files, this error message displays and when I click OK, Studio terminates. I have not found any solutions to this problem. Any ideas out there?

Error message:

Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=Neutral, Public Token=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of it's dependencies. System cannot find the specified file.

After trying different solutions, I found that the right medicine was simply to reinstall the MyMemory app.

Chris Sullivan
Chris Sullivan
Local time: 06:54
German to English
+ ...
Possible to run a concordance search without a file open? Feb 26, 2014

I'm just going to repost this because the only response I got was to download some other program. This is BY FAR THE MOST ANNOYING THING about this program! I'm constantly editing and proofreading files that were not translated in Studio but which have a TM (be it Trados 7, SDL, etc.). I can open these TMs in the TM maintenance window, but I CANNOT figure out how to search through these TMs (other than by flipping page by page and searching one by one - not too practical when the TM is 10,000 st... See more
I'm just going to repost this because the only response I got was to download some other program. This is BY FAR THE MOST ANNOYING THING about this program! I'm constantly editing and proofreading files that were not translated in Studio but which have a TM (be it Trados 7, SDL, etc.). I can open these TMs in the TM maintenance window, but I CANNOT figure out how to search through these TMs (other than by flipping page by page and searching one by one - not too practical when the TM is 10,000 strings long!). If I just go to the editor, it says I don't have a TM open (even though I clicked Open TM and clearly have one open). If I just open an old random file in the editor, it says the language pairs don't match. I couldn't care less! Is there any way to just search through TMs using Trados Studio without having to go through the hassle of creating a fake project? It's insanity!

[Edited at 2014-02-26 20:43 GMT]

Daniel García
Daniel García
English to Spanish
+ ...
Create a permanent project Feb 26, 2014

Is there any way to just search through TMs using Trados Studio without having to go through the hassle of creating a fake project? It's insanity!

[Edited at 2014-02-26 20:43 GMT]

I think I would just have either a permanent fake project (the hassle only happens once) or just open any fake Word document in Studio. Opening a document directly will create the project and it is not so much hassle.

The only other thing I can think of is the T-Windows tool from the SDL OpenExchange. It might be useful in your case.

In my case, I would prefer to have a standing fake project in Studio.


RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:54
Or just search in the TM... Feb 26, 2014

... using the Maintenance View. BUt it won’t be concordance, only a simple search.

Have you tried using the T-Windows application? This allows you to add as many TMs as you like and then run concordance searches through them from within any application at all. This is what it was designed for.



Doron Greenspan MITI
Doron Greenspan MITI  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:54
Member (2005)
English to Hebrew
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Studio 2014 still crashes when merging segments Mar 5, 2014

It just happened to me - and I saw it was mentioned earlier in this thread.
This wasn't even a merge across any breaks - just the dot after "Flr." (floor) in an address that led to the segmentation.

Any patch planned for this issue, Paul?

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