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Studio 2014
Thread poster: Bernard Lieber
Laurens Sipahelut
Laurens Sipahelut  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:44
Dutch to Indonesian
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My Studio 2014 program won't start up properly. Nov 10, 2013

I've posted this in the 'SDL Trados 2014 New bugs & shortcomings' thread, which seems to be inactive:

I was working on a document and I'm not sure what I did, but suddenly the program started to flicker rapidly between a state of "Program Not Responding" and a normal responsive state. I had to restart my computer and when I started up Studio again it would go about its normal routine until the start-up screen says "Loading files view...". At this point, the program collapses on the
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I've posted this in the 'SDL Trados 2014 New bugs & shortcomings' thread, which seems to be inactive:

I was working on a document and I'm not sure what I did, but suddenly the program started to flicker rapidly between a state of "Program Not Responding" and a normal responsive state. I had to restart my computer and when I started up Studio again it would go about its normal routine until the start-up screen says "Loading files view...". At this point, the program collapses on the Studio icon on my taskbar (as you would if you press Minimize) and freezes.

By left-clicking the Studio taskbar icon or pressing Alt+Tab I can see that Studio has finished loading, but the program itself stays minimized.

I have less than 10% of free space on my laptop.

Has anybody else experienced this? Does anybody know how to fix this? Paul?

Translation Agency "Mankent", LLP
Emma Goldsmith
Emma Goldsmith  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:44
Member (2004)
Spanish to English
2 solutions to restart Studio Nov 10, 2013

Laurens Sipahelut wrote:

At this point, the program collapses on the Studio icon on my taskbar (as you would if you press Minimize) and freezes.

By left-clicking the Studio taskbar icon or pressing Alt+Tab I can see that Studio has finished loading, but the program itself stays minimized.

Try going to the task manager (right click in the task bar). If Studio is in the applications list, right click it and select "bring to front".

If that doesn't help, then click "finish task" for Studio in the task manager, and then browse here:

C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\

and delete the following three XML files:

- BaseSettings.xml
- plugincache.xml
- UserSettings.xml

Now restart Studio.

(Instructions are for Studio 2014 and Win 7)


Local time: 15:44
German to Spanish
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Second try with Studio 2014 and back to 2011 Nov 10, 2013

I installed and tried Studio 2014 as soon as it was released. Because of the many issues, I returned to work with 2011. Now, this weekend I have made a second try with 2014 and I have still too many problems:
Studio Editor view:
1. After moving to the next segment, the segment is highlighted and the cursor appears in it but quickly dissapears again. When I type nothing happens. I must everytime right-clic in the target segment to have it activated (implicit row activation is, of cou
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I installed and tried Studio 2014 as soon as it was released. Because of the many issues, I returned to work with 2011. Now, this weekend I have made a second try with 2014 and I have still too many problems:
Studio Editor view:
1. After moving to the next segment, the segment is highlighted and the cursor appears in it but quickly dissapears again. When I type nothing happens. I must everytime right-clic in the target segment to have it activated (implicit row activation is, of course, checked). This behaviour is not consistent: sometimes (very few times) the row is fully activated and I can type without right-clicking. Other functions, like ctrl+insert, do work without problems.
2. If I try to merge segments, Studio freezes. You can wait for 15 minutes, but the only solution is to close Studio from Windows TaskManager.

MultiTerm 2014
I f I try to change the source language (in my Termbase with 5 languages), an error message is displayed, and there is nothing to do but to close MT. Workaraund: change the target language, reverse and change again the target language. ¡Great improvemet!
Adding terms in Studio is too slow and not reliable (sometimes the terms are not realy added to the corresponding termbase).
(That issues happen with Java 1.7.0_25 and none other versions installed).

I cannot understand that SDL says that Java 1.7.0_25 is a must for MT 2014. In my system, MT 2014 works fine (I do not experience any of the a. m. issues) with Java 1.6.0_26. It works fine too with Studio 2014 (adding terms, etc). Can someone explain me why????

Another silly issue with MT 2014: when entering manually a term (directly in MT or in Studio), if you type a diacritical mark or an 'Umlaut', the rest of letters following that character are not entered!

[Editado a las 2013-11-10 16:37 GMT]

Luca Tutino
Luca Tutino  Identity Verified
Member (2002)
English to Italian
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Waiting Nov 10, 2013

Algis Masys wrote:

Imho, those who will wait for the SP1 of Studio 2014, won't make a bad decision.

Pfffff.... .Given the success of the launch, I'd rather wait for SP3

(imho 2009 has barely started to work properly this year...)

Jane Lai
Jane Lai  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:44
English to Chinese
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I have exactly the same problem... Nov 11, 2013

NinonD wrote:

NinonD wrote:

SDL Support wrote:

NinonD wrote:

I did what you asked, and I got the standard options window.
Here is a print screen:

Hi Ninon,

The image you show here is indeed the click to run installation. The standard one is the one that is not orange.

The only resolution to this is to uninstall Office and install it again, but this time don't use the click to run installer. There is a useful article here explaining this problem and also where to get the conventional installer from:



post edit... I can see I badly worded the previous post. Sorry about that... it was confusing about which one was standard and which was click to run.

[Edited at 2013-10-02 07:09 GMT]

No problems Paul.
Thank you for your help, and hopefully that will do the trick....

I finally came around to burn a disk to install Office 2013 the conventional way, but I still got the click to run installation. I followed the link you provided (, to no avail. Apparently I'm not the only one with this problem, judging by the comments on the link page.

So back to square one, still unable to use the Preview function on 2014.
Any other ideas?

Eric MARRET  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:44
English to French
Sorry, everything is fine here... Nov 12, 2013


This is just a message of "hope" to some of you.
I had Studio 2009, upgraded to 2011 and now bought 2014.
Everything went smoothly and both 2011 and 2014 and Trados 2007 work fine on the same computer, either on line or local jobs are working with no problem.
I am running them on Win7-64bit with 8Go Ram + Intel I7 CPU.

I hope you'll have your problem fixed and enjoy your software.

Best wishes

Laurens Sipahelut
Laurens Sipahelut  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:44
Dutch to Indonesian
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My Studio 2014 is starting up normally again. Nov 13, 2013

Emma Goldsmith wrote:

C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\

and delete the following three XML files:

- BaseSettings.xml
- plugincache.xml
- UserSettings.xml

Now restart Studio.

The above did the trick. I had to switch to Studio 2011 for the remainder of my translation and waited with fixing the glitch after I finished the translation. Thanks Emma, that was very helpful indeed.

Carla Lopes
Carla Lopes  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:44
Member (2008)
Spanish to Portuguese
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Hello Nov 26, 2013


I am experiencing the same problem now and the solution you've mentioned doesn't work... I've already reinstalled Studio 2011, and I keep on getting the same message: "Attempted to read or write protected memory".

Can somebody help me out?...


Carla Lopes

SDL Support wrote:

Hi Shawn,

The message you mention is not a bug we know to typically occur:

There are two instances we know of:

1. Licensing related and was fixed in early 2012 for a Studio 2011 SP1 CU4, we are now at Studio 2011 SP2R CU9

2. This specific issue with just some files:

The message you specify comes from Microsoft .NET components and occurs when there is a problem speaking to those components.

Do you still get the issue when using a current 2011 Build? From what I understand you stopped using Studio in December 2012.


arterm  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:44
English to Russian
Same issues here on large 2800+ segments file: typing lag, random chars, random commands activated Dec 10, 2013

Same issues here on large 2800+ segments file: typing lag, random chars entered, random commands activated, self-activated all caps typing out of nowhere (while CAPS LOCK is deactivated).

Most notably STUDIO 2014 does display what I type! When I type fast it does not show anything. And I can type a lot of text in a row (like a whole sentence). Amazingly SDL Studio 2014 cant keep up with my typing speed.

This becomes apparent and very painful when the file has more than
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Same issues here on large 2800+ segments file: typing lag, random chars entered, random commands activated, self-activated all caps typing out of nowhere (while CAPS LOCK is deactivated).

Most notably STUDIO 2014 does display what I type! When I type fast it does not show anything. And I can type a lot of text in a row (like a whole sentence). Amazingly SDL Studio 2014 cant keep up with my typing speed.

This becomes apparent and very painful when the file has more than 1500 or so segments.

I have 8GB RAM, 2.5GHZ Core i5 CPU and Windows 7 64bit.

Does anyone know how to force SDL Studio 2014 to do what it is intended to do: to accept text input at human speed?

It is year 2013 now and any other software in the market typically allows users to type in text.

Is not it natural for a CAT tool to allow to type text in?

Steven Soenen wrote:

A lot of problems at first sight:

- Pushing the CTRL+ALT+Enter combination in order to move to the next segment activates the shortcuts to select items in the ribbon ...
- Even when another shortcut combination is configured to move to the next segment, sometimes the cursors does not appear in the intended segment and has to be put there with the mouse ...
- For longer projects, Trados 2014 seems remarkably slow. I have a very fast computer and had no problems with the 2011 version. However with the current version the cursor lags behind when typing fast. Typing too fast even opened the new project window several times and capitals were applied on letters that were not intended to be capitalized, just because the signal for the shift key is perceived too slow (or something similar) ...
- In my document, searching the TM for concordance search on several occasions results in an almost perfect match with the entry in the TM, except for a tag "cf allcaps = 'on'" and some upper case letters that are lower case letters in the TM. Result: Trados gives priority to another entry just made (a 76% match) ...

Perhaps take this into account when updating the program?

[Edited at 2013-10-08 08:35 GMT]

[Edited at 2013-10-08 10:58 GMT]

ACCENT TRANSL  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:44
Member (2006)
English to Italian
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Real-time preview doesn't work Dec 28, 2013

It never worked. I made a small trial-file and saved it as Word 2003-2007 - as Word 2013 (the Office version I actually have in my computer) and as RTF. Then I opened those files one after the other but Studio kept sending me the same error message "Real Time Preview doesn't support the MS Office version you have" (or something like that).
I have a professional Studio 2014, OS Windows 7 Ultimate, MS Office 2013.
Anybody able to helping me?

Ninon Dion
Ninon Dion  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:44
Member (2013)
No way around it Dec 29, 2013


It never worked. I made a small trial-file and saved it as Word 2003-2007 - as Word 2013 (the Office version I actually have in my computer) and as RTF. Then I opened those files one after the other but Studio kept sending me the same error message "Real Time Preview doesn't support the MS Office version you have" (or something like that).
I have a professional Studio 2014, OS Windows 7 Ultimate, MS Office 2013.
Anybody able to helping me?

Apparently there is not way around this problem.
I have asked for help multiple times, but every solution offered didn't work.

RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 15:44
Office 2013 Click to Run Installer Dec 29, 2013


If you installed Office 2013 with the Click to Run install method instead of the full MSI version then this omits certain components that are needed by Studio to provide the Real-Time preview.

The problem you may have however is that Microsoft no longer make the full MSI build available for all flavours of Office 2013 or 365. You can read a little more on this here :
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If you installed Office 2013 with the Click to Run install method instead of the full MSI version then this omits certain components that are needed by Studio to provide the Real-Time preview.

The problem you may have however is that Microsoft no longer make the full MSI build available for all flavours of Office 2013 or 365. You can read a little more on this here :



Ninon Dion
Ninon Dion  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:44
Member (2013)
Doesn't work either Dec 29, 2013

SDL Support wrote:


If you installed Office 2013 with the Click to Run install method instead of the full MSI version then this omits certain components that are needed by Studio to provide the Real-Time preview.

The problem you may have however is that Microsoft no longer make the full MSI build available for all flavours of Office 2013 or 365. You can read a little more on this here :



If you remember Paul, you instructed me to uninstall the Click to Run and install the full version, which I did. I burned the disk and everything. I ended up with the exact same version of Office, which doesn't work with Trados.

I followed your link, but the instructions only applies to Office 2010.

I'm not sure how we can work around this problem, as I expected everything to be in full working order when I bought the 2014 version of Studio.

RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 15:44
Office 2013/365 Dec 29, 2013


We have done some more investigation into this problem and I believe the support team will be releasing a KB article on this in the new year with more information. The summary is that unless you have Office 2013 Professional then no matter what you do you will end up with the "Click to run" version because Microsoft have apparently stopped making the full MSI installer available for the Business, or Home and Student Edition. So even doing what I advised previously will still d
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We have done some more investigation into this problem and I believe the support team will be releasing a KB article on this in the new year with more information. The summary is that unless you have Office 2013 Professional then no matter what you do you will end up with the "Click to run" version because Microsoft have apparently stopped making the full MSI installer available for the Business, or Home and Student Edition. So even doing what I advised previously will still deploy the "Click to run" install unless you have the Professional Version of Office. I wasn’t aware of this at the time.

The impact this has for us is that the "Click to run" installation leaves out the controls that are used for the real time preview. These are needed because we actually use an instance of Word for the preview and not just something that looks like Word. So unless you have the Professional version installed by running the MSI installer you will not be able to use the real-time preview. The alternative is to stick with Office 2010 where the MSI installers are available for all versions.

Unless Microsoft do something to make the full version available for all editions there isn't a quick solution, but our Product Management team will be looking into this in the New Year. Until then the options are these:

  1. Use Office Professional installed with the MSI installer
  2. Click on the View -> Target As as to at least open Word with the target translation (magnifying glass on top left of quick access toolbar in the Editor View)
  3. Stick with Office 2010

We’ll update this forum when we know more and when the KB article is published with more information.



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