Translation glossary: Spanish - English Glossary

Showing entries 551-600 of 2,205
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correspondencia de los contenidos teórico prácticos con la realidad clínicacorrelation of the theoretical-practical content with clinical reality 
Spanish to English
Correspondientes (o en motivo de)Reasons (or grounds) 
Spanish to English
corte temporaltime period 
Spanish to English
cortometrajeshort, short movie or film 
Spanish to English
cosecha y cultivoharvest and crop 
Spanish to English
costo de las basescost of the bid documents 
Spanish to English
costo relativorelative cost 
Spanish to English
Costura en abanico entallando la prendaseam in a range that fits (tailors) the garment 
Spanish to English
crecimiento del Producto y el Comercio mundialesgrowth of worldwide profit and commerce 
Spanish to English
Credenciales educativasEducational credentials 
Spanish to English
cuadro básicobasic description 
Spanish to English
cuadro de reemplazoreplacement (substitute) management / replacement (substitute) officers 
Spanish to English
cuadro(s) de mandocontrol panel; instrument panel 
Spanish to English
cuadros de presentaciónpresentation charts (tables) 
Spanish to English
cuadros de reempleazoreplacement schedules 
Spanish to English
cuando absolvimos la consultawhen we provided the information requested 
Spanish to English
cuarteamiento por retraccióncracking (splitting) due to shrinkage (retraction) 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
cubrir con cargo al patrimoniocover by charging/debiting the assets ... 
Spanish to English
cuenta anticipo de accionistasacount of shareholders' initial outlay 
Spanish to English
Cuenta Única FiscalSole Revenue Account 
Spanish to English
cuenta en participaciónjoint venture 
Spanish to English
cuentas de tercerosthird party accounts 
Spanish to English
cuidarsetake care of oneself / look after oneself 
Spanish to English
cultivarescultivated varieties 
Spanish to English
Cultivo Linfocitos con PHA (I.E.)Lymphocyte culure with PHA (I.E.) 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
curso de la operacion de combustionworking flow of the fuel 
Spanish to English
Curva de Avance y CertificaciónProgress Chart and Certification 
Spanish to English
cuya presencia ha sido fundamental para la muestrathe presence of which has been vital for the exhibit (AmE) / exhibition (UK) 
Spanish to English
dar exclusivas....give exclusive rights ... 
Spanish to English
Día de Inicio de EjercicioInitial/First day of the Fiscal Year 
Spanish to English
De acuerdo a los despachos que tenemos en vista para (company X)According to the reports we have regarding (company X) 
Spanish to English
de bombillas de coloreshues of colored beams of light 
Spanish to English
de Botellas y Botellones de gases licuados disueltos a presiónpressure-dissolved liquefied gases in bottles and cylinders 
Spanish to English
de cómo lo impredecible conduce a lo nuevoof how what is unpredictable leads to innovation (what is new) 
Spanish to English
de conformidadin agreement 
Spanish to English
De dicha union ha nacidoFrom this marriage (union) (a daughter) was born 
Spanish to English
de forma presencialin person 
Spanish to English
De la Administración de la SociedadOn Corporate/Company Adminsitration/Management 
Spanish to English
de la caja de cambios al cuadrofrom the gearbox to the dashboard 
Spanish to English
De la caja de cambios salen tres cables hasta un conectorThree cables (wires) come out of the gearbox to a connector 
Spanish to English
de la que deberá ostentar poder bastantefrom which he should hold (have) enough authority 
Spanish to English
de la revisión del sistema de gestión de la calidad por el director generalreview of the quality management system by the General Manager (Director) 
Spanish to English
de la viviendas de la hilerafrom the row // line of houses ... 
Spanish to English
de los emblemas de la casa olivarera... of the symbols of the olive company ... 
Spanish to English
de los que no prescriben por [sic.] lo presume [sic.]which are not extinguished for which reason this Court presumes...... 
Spanish to English
de manera que los insectos amantes del suave néctar quedasen prisionerosin such a way (that) the insects loving the mild nectar were captured 
Spanish to English
de mayor titulogreater steam quality 
Spanish to English
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