May 26, 2020 17:08
4 yrs ago
65 viewers *
French term

producteur de séjours

French to English Bus/Financial Tourism & Travel
This is from a description of a 5-star campground/campsite:

À la fois ***producteur de séjours*** et distributeur, le Groupe dispose d’une grande maîtrise de la chaîne de valeur...

The point is that they make most of their money from direct bookings, but I'm having trouble phrasing this without it sounding weird. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


ormiston May 27, 2020:
Thought of including the term 'glamping'?
Daryo May 26, 2020:
If you do a search on "producteur de séjours" you'll find what you would expect - they will offer a package of everything you need for your stay (or for a local tour), but NOT the travel to get there, so "tour operator" won't work.
Daryo May 26, 2020:
How it works Before the advent of the Web, in the tourist trade there was two categories of businesses, still alive today but having to contend with smart alecks bypassing any kind of agency and directly booking themselves flights and accommodation.

1 - the tour operators - the "organisers" - roughly the equivalent of what is called "producteur de séjours" in this text. Tour operators would be dealing with hotels and airlines at a large scale booking tens / hundreds of hotels rooms or whole hotels for the whole season, and often charting their own flights. All that would be combined in "packaged tours" that would be offered "wholesale" to smaller agencies that don't have nowhere the capacity to organise anything by themselves.

2 - these small tourist agencies would be then "(re)selling retail" packages prepared by tour operators to individual tourists.

this campsite (the group of companies including the campsite?) is doing BOTH - as "producteur de séjours" they have put together their own "packages / standardised offering" that would be offered "wholesale" to small tourist agencies AND they also sell their services themselves "retail" directly to individual guests.

Proposed translations

3 days 5 hrs

[...] puts together its own packages [...]

Low confidence level for lack of context, but perhaps one way to get around the problem is to work "packages" into your translation—and you deal with séjours at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

Some hopefully useful but not directly relevant links:
Example sentence:

The Group both puts together and sells its own packages, giving it an edge throughout the value chain.

The Group both puts together and sells its own packages, enabling it to optimize every step of the value chain.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
41 mins

[see my suggestion]

I think you've more or less answered your own question. This needs to be translated very freely, and I suggest something along these lines:

A large proportion of our bookings are direct rather than through agents, giving us greater control over the customer experience.

You might want to tweak this depending on the context and target readership - the language they've used sounds like business to business, but if it's business to consumer, you could say "your".
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : "very freely"? the tourist trade has its own long established jargon, and it's certainly not the translator's business to start reinventing it. / The target audience would surely appreciate the "creativity" in turning la chaîne de valeur into cust. exp.
3 hrs
I wouldn't expect you to understand the concept of translating anything freely.
agree Michael Grabczan-Grabowski : With marketing texts, where you have a particular target market you're familiar with, you often have to 'transcreate' to make it sound good. Literal translations of marketing copy just don't cut the mustard (now, Daryo, don't translate that literally!).
5 hrs
Thanks, Michael.
agree Yvonne Gallagher : yes, transcreation is the way to go here
6 days
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50 mins

campground vacation entrepreneurs

One possibility.
Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : This sounds very clunky and is certainly a term that I have never seen despite having camped all over Europe
2 hrs
Are you a Tony M clone "clunky"?
neutral Daryo : you could see them that way, but I doubt that it's the right term.
3 hrs
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57 mins

'holiday producer'

this might get some flak but French often takes an English expression and translates it directly in many subject areas so why not the reverse?
We want our translation to sound English of course but France is not England, America etc. and sometimes, we may want to give our text a French "flavour".
Also, "holiday producer" is somewhat transparent as a phrase. We can get what it means;
Finally, you can always put it in inverted commas to signal a foreign expression/calque.
Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : Here comes the flak: it sounds plainly unnatural and doesn't even have a French flavour
2 hrs
No probs but it does sound very French... when the French say it :)
agree Daryo : unless someone is willing to go digging in the specialised press for the exact term, this would do - reflects exactly what a "producteur de séjours" is doing.
3 hrs
Thanks, this particular agree was unexpected :)
neutral Michael Grabczan-Grabowski : Sorry, SafeTex. I'm going to have to go with AllegroTrans on this one. The first picture I get in my mind when I read "holiday producer" is a film producer that takes over another producer who just went on vacation. Or a producer who works on holidays :-)
4 hrs
no probs.
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1 hr

specialists in holidays/holiday stays

or specialists in vacation stays... I do agree to a great extent with Phil...this is to be translated pretty loosely.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Daryo : possibly "organisers of holiday stays"
4 hrs
good suggests Daryo
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1 hr
French term (edited): A la fois ***producteur de séjours*** et distributeur

Both ***Travel Organizer*** and Travel Wholesaler

Le concepteur(producteur) de voyages s'appelle un "Voyagiste".
Vous trouvez le rôle d'un "Voyagiste" ici:

Exemple sur l'utilisation et la traduction sur

Even if most of the dictionaries translate "Voyagiste" with "Tour Operator", looking at the first link, you can notice that there is a difference between them beacuse the Travel Organizer sells its projects to the Tour-Operator.

That's why I suggest "Travel Organizer". Another translation could be "Travel Expert".
In the second link you have different examples of "Travel Organizer", "Travel Expert" and "Travel wholesaler"
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : Yes, but no need to use "travel" twice or to capitalise
2 hrs
disagree Daryo : they do only the "staying in one place" part, so "travel" organiser is a bit odd // "wholesaler" can't work as in that case they wouldn't be taking direct bookings, but "selling" their packaged "camping holidays" to travel agencies.
2 hrs
agree Michael Grabczan-Grabowski : What Daryo so embarrassingly fails to comprehend is that "camping holidays" entail travelling to certain destinations, unless his idea of camping is in his back yard. "Travel organizer and wholesaler" are the closest to the original, agreed.
4 hrs
neutral Sergio Lopes : Actually, I don't get the link you provided. Why would that suggest it's not a tour operator they are referring to? If you look at an English definition of what a tour operator is, it's not precisely what the french refer to when saying "tour-opérateurs".
22 hrs
The link is there, I've got itnow. The first one and also the second one. The link says that the "travel organizer" sells his/her holiday projects to the tour operator. But you're right, most of the dictionaries translate the "voyagiste" as tour operator.
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19 hrs

Tour operator

Having worked at a tour operator for a little more than a year, I'd say that's the right term if I've understood the context properly.

A tour operator doesn't necessarily organize your travel. The company I was working for organized tours of city sites and historical monuments that could be booked directly or via distributors.

Note added at 23 hrs (2020-05-27 16:58:37 GMT)

Actually, I don't get the link you sent over. Why would that suggest it's not a tour operator they are referring to? If you look at an English definition of what a tour operator is it's not precisely what the french refer to when saying "tour-opérateurs". It doesn't match the definition in the link you sent across. Not too sure about this one.
Example sentence:

I had a fantastic tour organized by City Wonders (tour operator)!

Peer comment(s):

disagree Rocsana Guignaudeau : Please see this
1 hr
Makes sense. Thanks for the feedback! Noted! I definitely misunderstood the context.
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Reference comments

1 day 2 hrs

For info

Les agences de voyage et de séjours déclinent trois grands types d’activités : la production, la distribution, et l’accueil (réceptifs).
- Les producteurs (tours-opérateurs -TO) conçoivent et élaborent des voyages au forfait ou à la carte pour la clientèle de tourisme. Pour construire les forfaits, les TO font appel à des hôtels, des compagnies aériennes et à de nombreux autres prestataires.
- Les distributeurs assurent via agence ou Internet, la vente de billets, d’hébergements, de forfaits produits par les TO ou élaborés par eux‐mêmes. Ces ventes pouvent être accompagnées de prestations complémentaires (locations de voitures, assurance…) ainsi que de conseils.
- Les réceptifs accueillent et prennent en charge les visiteurs sur le territoire national. Ils conçoivent des produits touristiques, excursions ou séjours pour les clients des agences de voyages.
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