The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese to English Tourism & Travel Translation Glossary

Japanese term English translation
"ホテルマン" hotel staff
Entered by: Shannon Morales
お体の疲れをほぐします unwind
の有無により協力。 Cooperation may be extended if it contributes to
千曲川沿いの道 (Chikuma gawa zoi no michi) a road along Chikuma river
受注型企画旅行 order-made tour
Entered by: casey
家康公床風据跡 site of the prayer hall for the soul of Tokugawa Ieyasu
Entered by: Steven Smith
川南湿原 Kawaminami Shitsugen (Kawaminami Moor)
乗車整理料金 price of numbered tickets
Entered by: David Gibney
交通局大学病院前 Kotsukyoku/Daigakubyoin-mae
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
予約締めされている便 fully reserved flight
保養所 (Private) holiday facility for company employees
心も体も癒される Experience true comfort and relaxation!
地物の野菜 locally grown vegetables
バックヤード的な部分 Behind-the-scenes
オンデイ (designated) peak days
クイズラリー quiz games, quizzes, trivia games
サイクルトレイン bike train
募集型企画旅行 Agent-Organized Tours
国土交通大臣登録旅行業XXX号 Travel Agency License No. xxx from Ministry of land, Infrastrucure and Transport.
Entered by: cinefil
石多宝塔 stupa of abundant treasures
Entered by: Steven Smith
立ち寄り湯 "Tachiyori-yu"
Entered by: JapanLegal
総合旅行業務取扱管理者 certified travel supervisor
Entered by: casey
県政史緑地 Bunshokan(prefectural museum and garden)
燈堂 Akashidou Historic Site
落差 total height; difference in elevation; fall in water level; head of fluid
Entered by: David Gibney
観光回遊行動 Sightseeing excursions
見舞金(パッケージツアー) compensation and monetary tokens of sympathy / condolence money
Entered by: cinefil
賃渡契約書 rental agreement
錆谷窯跡 Sabitani kiln site
Entered by: Steven Smith
自家山 privately-owned mountain
Entered by: Shannon Morales
通信契約 correspondence contract
2upツアー tours operated with minimum passenger count of 2
MS汽船アストア客船 Steamship MS Astor
Entered by: Anita Kobayashi
混浴・手形可 Pass accepted
渡豪者数 number of Japanese visitors to Australia
源泉かけ流し "gensen kakenagashi"
Entered by: JapanLegal
溶岩石が熱く迎える Lava Rocks Warmth Receiving Sakurajima's Visitors
明恵紀州遺跡率都婆 Historical stupa of Myoe in Kishu (old Wakayama)
Entered by: Steven Smith
旅情満点 an emotional high point for travelers
Entered by: Shannon Morales
急激かつ偶然な外来の事故 sudden and unexpected external event
Entered by: cinefil
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