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Scams Possible scam ... I received the same message from this person 10
minutes ago. Actually, there wasn't even a file
attached. Better to ignore this one, in my
Olar Adrian Marius Feb 20, 2013
Trados support Different analysis results with SDL Trados 7 of the same files on two computers. Problem solved I managed to find the solution after all. After
comparing the settings in Workbench, it seems that
the problem was in the Penalties tab, in
Translation Memory Options. I restored those
Olar Adrian Marius Sep 30, 2011
Trados support Different analysis results with SDL Trados 7 of the same files on two computers. ttx files [quote]Ulrika Mansson wrote: Are you using the
same office version on the two computers? Word
2007 and word 2010 handle text
differently. Ulrika [/quote] The files
analysed are
Olar Adrian Marius Sep 29, 2011
Trados support Different analysis results with SDL Trados 7 of the same files on two computers. Hmm! [quote]crista_b wrote: I had this happen
recently where the Trados on one computer picked
up a ton of "hidden" text from the Word file that
the Trados on the other computer did not.
Olar Adrian Marius Sep 29, 2011
Trados support Different analysis results with SDL Trados 7 of the same files on two computers. The same TM is used [quote]Nora Diaz wrote: Sorry if this is
obvious but basically if you're using the same TM,
you will get the same results. [/quote] This is
the mystery. I am using the same TM. Every
Olar Adrian Marius Sep 29, 2011
Trados support Different analysis results with SDL Trados 7 of the same files on two computers. I have installed SDL Trados 7 on two computers.
When analysing the same files on these computers
I get different results, in terms of Fuzzy
Matches, Reps etc. This difference is quite
Olar Adrian Marius Sep 28, 2011
Romanian Ce face Trados? Find and replace [quote]anamaria bulgariu wrote: [quote]Tatiana
Neamţu wrote: [quote]Nicolae Zarna
wrote: [quote]Mihai Manastireanu wrote: Mi
s-a intamplat - si nu de putine ori, din pacate -<
Olar Adrian Marius Nov 29, 2009
Romanian Trados: La închiderea perechii dispar diacriticele. ! [quote]Delia Georgescu wrote: Start - Settings
- Control Panel - Regional and Language Options.
Acolo setezi română. Succes!
[/quote] Delia, Se pare ca nu m-am facut
Olar Adrian Marius Nov 29, 2009
Trados support Trados: When closing the pair the diacritical marks for "Ş" and "Ţ" disappear When I open the translation pair in Workbench, in
the Word document, the diacritical marks are ok.
After closing the translation pair, "Ş" and "Ţ"
letters change into strangely looking c
Olar Adrian Marius Nov 29, 2009
Romanian Trados: La închiderea perechii dispar diacriticele. Când deschid perechea de traducere, în
documentul word, diacriticele apar în regulă.
După ce perechea este închisă în special "Ş"
şi "Ţ" se transformă în nişte semne ciudate.
Olar Adrian Marius Nov 29, 2009

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