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Possible scam
Thread poster: Irene S.
Irene S.
Irene S.  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:40
Member (2003)
English to Romanian
+ ...
Feb 20, 2013

Received this morning:

You have been sent a message via
Author: Larry Gordon [NOTE: The author is not a registered user or was not logged in when sending this message.]
Author's IP address:
Message type: Request for quote

My name is Larry Gordon from Ireland,Dublin.I need you to
translate a document for me from English to Romanian as i
will be comming to Romania next month to scout for
... See more
Received this morning:

You have been sent a message via
Author: Larry Gordon [NOTE: The author is not a registered user or was not logged in when sending this message.]
Author's IP address:
Message type: Request for quote

My name is Larry Gordon from Ireland,Dublin.I need you to
translate a document for me from English to Romanian as i
will be comming to Romania next month to scout for
player.See the attached file and let me know the total
cost.I will await your response.


He claims to be from Dublin, but the IP is from California and the email came from a gmail account.

Olar Adrian Marius
Olar Adrian Marius  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:40
Member (2011)
English to Romanian
+ ...
... Feb 20, 2013

I received the same message from this person 10 minutes ago.
Actually, there wasn't even a file attached.
Better to ignore this one, in my opinion.

Sergio Altuna (X)
Sergio Altuna (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
English to Spanish
+ ...
payment in advance. Feb 20, 2013

You can always answer back and tell him the price of the assignment following your standards and requesting a payment in advance apologizing for it but stating clearly that it is usual thing when dealing with new clients.

Good luck.

Irene S.
Irene S.  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:40
Member (2003)
English to Romanian
+ ...
Thought about that Feb 20, 2013

but it would be a proof that my email address is valid.

Angelique Blommaert
Angelique Blommaert  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
German to Dutch
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Proxyserver Feb 20, 2013

Don´t always asume that an IPaddress is what it looks. A lot of people use a proxy server. Not everybody is allowed to use the internet, like when you´re in school or at work.

Is he looking for only one player?

I would say...ignore.

Sergio Altuna (X)
Sergio Altuna (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
English to Spanish
+ ...
don´t get me wrong Feb 20, 2013

Don´t get me wrong; I would go "ignore" as well but a good idea to unmask the scam is to ask for payment in advance. I am pretty sure you´ll get no answer from him any more.

Paula Dana Szabados
Paula Dana Szabados  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:40
Member (2005)
English to Romanian
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I got the same message Feb 20, 2013

I got the same message and I informed Proz about this. I am not willing to answer to the scammer.

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
Member (2009)
English to German
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Advanced payment Feb 20, 2013

As our colleagues have already pointed out, just ask for advanced payment.
This usually scares off the scammer. Case closed.

Woodstock (X)
Woodstock (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
German to English
+ ...
These scammers are not always individuals, Feb 20, 2013

but sometimes belong to organized gangs that should not be treated as a joke, but as the criminals they are. I would not want them to have any personal info about me, including confirmation of my e-mail address. Be cautious and be smart.

Valery Kaminski
Valery Kaminski  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:40
English to Russian
+ ...
Not so sure it will scare him off Feb 20, 2013

Sergio Altuna wrote:

Don´t get me wrong; I would go "ignore" as well but a good idea to unmask the scam is to ask for payment in advance. I am pretty sure you´ll get no answer from him any more.

If it is a scam he might be even delighted... and send a cheque. Overpayment scam, discussed before.

Irene S.
Irene S.  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:40
Member (2003)
English to Romanian
+ ...
Right! Feb 20, 2013

Woodstock wrote:

I would not want them to have any personal info about me, including confirmation of my e-mail address.

Could not agree more!

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
Member (2002)
English to Russian
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Hi folks Feb 20, 2013

Has anybody submitted a support request to prevent the guy from further emailing?


Paula Dana Szabados
Paula Dana Szabados  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:40
Member (2005)
English to Romanian
+ ...
"Appropriate action has been taken" Feb 20, 2013

I submitted a support ticket as soon as I got the message, before 9 a.m., the answer I got from Proz staff is the one above.

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
Member (2002)
English to Russian
+ ...

Great, thank you! Feb 20, 2013

The real poster's location was Egypt, by the way.

Robert Forstag
Robert Forstag  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 18:40
Spanish to English
+ ...
Receiving advanced payment by check will merely play into the scam! Feb 20, 2013

Sergio Altuna wrote:

You can always answer back and tell him the price of the assignment following your standards and requesting a payment in advance apologizing for it but stating clearly that it is usual thing when dealing with new clients.

Good luck.

Sorry, but demanding advanced payment will not be enough, if this is a typical "overpayment" scam whereby the scammer sends you a check for an amount far above the agreed price of the translation and asks you to return the difference--and you discover about a week later (i.e., after cashing it) that the check was no good.

Remember: The point here is not to get work out of you for free (the party in question doesn't give a damn about your translation, and will never use it). The point is to get your money, plain and simple.

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Possible scam

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