Different analysis results with SDL Trados 7 of the same files on two computers.
Thread poster: Olar Adrian Marius
Olar Adrian Marius
Olar Adrian Marius  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:06
Member (2011)
English to Romanian
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Sep 28, 2011

I have installed SDL Trados 7 on two computers.
When analysing the same files on these computers I get different results, in terms of Fuzzy Matches, Reps etc. This difference is quite big.
Does anyone have any ideea why is this happening?

Nora Diaz
Nora Diaz  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:06
Member (2002)
English to Spanish
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Different TMs or different segmentation rules Sep 28, 2011

Sorry if this is obvious but basically if you're using the same TM, you will get the same results.

crista_b (X)
crista_b (X)
United States
Local time: 17:06
French to English
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Hidden text? Sep 28, 2011

I had this happen recently where the Trados on one computer picked up a ton of "hidden" text from the Word file that the Trados on the other computer did not.

Olar Adrian Marius
Olar Adrian Marius  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:06
Member (2011)
English to Romanian
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The same TM is used Sep 29, 2011

Nora Diaz wrote:

Sorry if this is obvious but basically if you're using the same TM, you will get the same results.

This is the mystery. I am using the same TM. Everything is practically the same but still the results are very different on the two computers.

Olar Adrian Marius
Olar Adrian Marius  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:06
Member (2011)
English to Romanian
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Hmm! Sep 29, 2011

crista_b wrote:

I had this happen recently where the Trados on one computer picked up a ton of "hidden" text from the Word file that the Trados on the other computer did not.

Hidden Text?
If this is the case, where should I look for this Hidden Text? What can I do so that in the future I will get the same results for an analysis?

Ulrika Mansson
Ulrika Mansson
Local time: 00:06
German to Swedish
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office version Sep 29, 2011

Are you using the same office version on the two computers? Word 2007 and word 2010 handle text differently.

Olar Adrian Marius
Olar Adrian Marius  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:06
Member (2011)
English to Romanian
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ttx files Sep 29, 2011

Ulrika Mansson wrote:

Are you using the same office version on the two computers? Word 2007 and word 2010 handle text differently.

The files analysed are ttx.

Nora Diaz
Nora Diaz  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:06
Member (2002)
English to Spanish
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One file or several? Sep 29, 2011

Are you analyzing more than one ttx? If more than one, are the files being analyzed in the same order on both computers?

Is there any way you could post your analysis results?

Olar Adrian Marius
Olar Adrian Marius  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:06
Member (2011)
English to Romanian
+ ...
Problem solved Sep 30, 2011

I managed to find the solution after all.
After comparing the settings in Workbench, it seems that the problem was in the Penalties tab, in Translation Memory Options. I restored those settings to default and now the word count works fine.
Thank you every one for your input!


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Different analysis results with SDL Trados 7 of the same files on two computers.

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