Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 8 '05 ara>eng ملفات الدفع والجذب المغناطيسية push-pull coil pro closed ok
4 Jan 8 '05 eng>ara Literally فعلياً - بلا مبالغة pro closed ok
4 Jan 8 '05 ara>eng التشغيل الذاتي automatic operation, automatic start-up, auto-start pro closed ok
4 Jan 2 '05 eng>ara Minor Asia آسيا الصغرى pro closed ok
4 Dec 28 '04 ara>eng مدير مختص sector manager pro closed ok
4 Dec 28 '04 ara>eng محو الامية literacy education pro closed ok
4 Dec 28 '04 ara>eng مصمصة الشفايف grumble, wring their/one's hands, disapprove pro closed no
4 Dec 18 '04 ara>eng مربدا للتمر a place for drying dates pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '04 eng>ara آيات الأحكام The Verses of Law pro closed no
4 Dec 10 '04 ara>eng Allah Yahdiki may Allah guide you pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '04 ara>eng كل امرىء مصبح في أهله والموت آدنى من شراك نعله Not for grading pro closed ok
- Dec 9 '04 ara>eng تتمتع بالشخصية ا recognizable identity, nominal identity pro closed no
- Dec 6 '04 eng>ara bail entered تسديد الكفالة pro closed ok
4 Dec 5 '04 eng>ara accuracy vs precision صحة متناهية و دقة pro closed no
- Dec 3 '04 eng>eng compartmental thinking self-centered thinking pro closed ok
- Dec 3 '04 eng>ara officer cross with swords عميد pro open no
4 Dec 3 '04 ara>eng صدقَ الله العظيم not in the Quran pro closed no
4 Dec 2 '04 eng>eng Internet communication(s) service it depends pro closed ok
4 Nov 30 '04 ara>eng الخير والعطاء good and plenty pro closed ok
4 Nov 3 '04 ara>eng الفلتان الأمني breakdown of order, deteriorating security situation pro closed ok
4 Oct 31 '04 ara>eng على النفس guardianship pro closed no
- Oct 23 '04 ara>eng ارادة resolve pro closed ok
- Sep 23 '04 eng>eng the Convention agreement, treaty, or protocol pro closed no
4 Sep 23 '04 eng>eng VA Veterans Affairs pro closed no
- Sep 22 '04 ara>eng القمع والبطش والتنكيل suppression, persecution, and intimidation pro closed no
- Aug 21 '04 ara>eng السلطة المليشاوية militia government pro closed ok
- Aug 20 '04 ara>eng وبرموز key members, key figures pro closed ok
- May 31 '04 eng>ara pooling جمع pro closed no
4 May 28 '04 ara>eng عميد الجامعه Dean or Rector pro closed ok
- May 24 '04 ara>eng رفعت الاقلام وجفت الصحف choices pro closed ok
- May 9 '04 eng>eng Diffrence between "except for " and "except" No difference pro closed no
4 May 5 '04 ara>eng عجلات قتال fighting vehicle pro closed ok
4 Apr 10 '04 ara>eng deen context dependent: Islam or religion pro closed no
- Mar 22 '04 ara>eng Title as shown below Three titles as shown: pro closed ok
4 Mar 12 '04 ara>eng رقم سجل الوارد incoming entry/log/registration number pro closed no
4 Mar 11 '04 eng>ara manicae كُمّ واق، قفاز واق pro closed ok
- Feb 24 '04 ara>eng منظمة طلائع البعث The Baath Vanguards Organization pro closed ok
4 Feb 24 '04 ara>eng السفور displaying the face, unveiling pro closed ok
4 Feb 24 '04 ara>eng التبرج improper dress, display of charm pro closed ok
- Feb 12 '04 eng>eng the Government Choose one convention and use out throughout the document. pro closed ok
- Feb 12 '04 eng>eng thrown in for good measure to fulfill an expected need, or ... pro closed no
- Feb 5 '04 ara>eng سرية expedition or contingent pro closed ok
- Feb 5 '04 ara>eng سرية all of the above pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '04 eng>eng ..the copying of appropriate message types automatically to a separate log restructure as follows: pro closed no
- Jan 27 '04 ara>eng فترة الفورة recreational period pro closed no
- Jan 13 '04 ara>eng Phrase translation Ayah pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '04 eng>ara proceduralization منهجة أو تخطيط pro closed ok
- Jan 11 '04 eng>ara will be guided by سوف يُوَجَّه pro closed ok
4 Jan 11 '04 eng>ara subject area Your previous question pro closed no
4 Jan 11 '04 eng>ara innovative applications تطبيقات مبتكرة pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered