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Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Reached out to Mr. William Hepner for possible collaboration,as I proof-read English academic document since 10 years for University acsademics, Professors, United Nations University, E.U. study reports, Law Bioooks up to 100,000 words, following his recent article on ATA website - on A.I. and its place and relevance in translating to-day - as relevant, accurate and concise.


I Do That

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Preparing proof-reading of 75 page technical manual for radiation monitoring device - well within my scope and field of translations regularly translated by me during last 10 years (and electronics and circuitry equipment for local University even for over 30 years)


I Do That

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

German-English Social Sciences Translated.8 pages on Austrian founder of modern social science research methods.


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1 user

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translated monthly industrial metals pricing blog German-English on industrial metals, prices, influences on global market. Regular client for some years now.


1 userI Do That

  • German to English
  • Metallurgy / Casting, Management, Business/Commerce (general)
Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

216 page academic text of book - a Professor asked me to assist, by proof-reading 58 tables of figures, for explicit contradictions in text of the many references to these.


I Do That

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Sept. - Oct. 2023. i) Industrial Metals: monthly updated situation report on global markets, alloy surcharges in Germany, for 6 years now (ii) Structural facade construction marketing blog translated; after 19 years translating in this specific field (vhF-facades), regular repeat German client (iii) Bank statements translated. 6 pages from Swiss German. (iv) Test piece translations (technical), bids for jobs sent (v) (Jewish) Historical Preservation Society - reached out to them offering German-English translation service, as translated academic Anti-Semitism study reports since 1986 (published Austrian national press- Wiener Zeitung), Asylum into Germany and Austria, integration laws, directives and reports {my English of Lone Wolves book by Dr. Florian Hartleb) published by Springer Nature January 2020, also academic study reports for university professors I translate & proof-read published 1986-2018 and 2018-2022; EU TOOP, digital governance, EU voting studies, Russia, politics and everyday life following 1991 (English-German), United Nations University, Copyright Law in Vietnam book I proof-read published 2021, on-line (by Prof. Tanel Kerikmae, Tallinn & colleagues).


I Do That

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

appeal court


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1 user

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Last 3 weeks: Austrian Constitutional Law verdict translated German - English, 45 pages, 20,000 + words. Proof-read DIBT National Technical approval document, (Zulassung), after translating these for 20 years, work on them. Also Liechtenstein Commercial Register Extract translated German - English.Translated German-English property lease 12 pages, 6,000 words plus, for an agency customer of mine of 10 years now. Industrial metals blog regular monthly translation, commercial and industrial trends, translated. (On alloy surcharges). Marketing blog for a German structural engineering facade systems ironmongery and know-how provider. Translated DE>EN. Last 3 years: (incl, COVID, 2 year lockdown!):2020. With Lone Wolves book I translated, (see below) published by Springer in January, year started with many jobs. 2021. After first year of lockdown, still receiving translation work still sent to me here. University Profs., CEOs, agencies 2022. After 2 years of COVID 19 and lockdown, now translating for 40 years. Work continues legal, technical, commerce.2023. Despite 2 years


1 user

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1 user

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Last 3 weeks: Completed translating Austrian Constitutional Law verdict translation to English, 45 pages, 20,000 + words.Proof-read DIBT National Technical approval document, (Zulassung), after translating these for 20 years, work on them.Translated German-English property lease 12 pages, 6,000 words plus, for an agency customer of mine of 10 years now. Industrial metals blog regular monthly translation, commercial and industrial trends, translated. (On alloy surcharges). Marketing blog for a German structural engineering facade systems ironmongery and know-how provider. Translated DE>EN. Last 3 years: (incl, COVID, 2 year lockdown!):2020. With Lone Wolves book I translated, (see below) published by Springer in January, year started with many jobs. 2021. After first year of lockdown, still receiving translation work still sent to me here. University Profs., CEOs, agencies 2022. After 2 years of COVID 19 and lockdown, now translating for 40 years. Work continues legal, technical, commerce.2023. Despite 2 years' lockdown, some lost time when staying in, now 41 years' work. Legal, technical, commerce, medicine, political science. Working relationships are truly the cement in life making everything worthwhile! So keep on keeping on! Help people wherever possible, give freely of my time to help when asked. (And now & then, stop for tea!).


I Do That

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

2021 - August / September. Translations German - English, including but not limited to:- Continuing to work on regular jobs for repeat clients, at direct request. Professors, Dr.'s of Political Science, translation agencies. Medical, technical, legal. 4 September 2021. Medical report on cancerous tumor in patient. 1000 words. 3 September 2021. Political Science, completed 6,500 words (22 pages) on Populism. For Doctor of political science (regular direct client). 6 August 2021. Static Engineering 6240 words of complex static engineering calculations, tests (58 pages) for asphalt in railroad track beds in tunnels. CJCR, GB Glasgow, Scotland 04 September 2021.


I Do That

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

European National Laws in EU, European Laws and Interpretation by Russia. (Oil Supply to EU from Russia/ Protection of Property Rights)

EU importing LNG from US, Gas supply security, Political Transit Risk, Russia and Ukraine and Crimea, Protection of Property Rights


1 userI Do That

  • German to English
  • 40892 words
  • Law (general)
  • 100% complete
  • Working for Two European Universities, in an EU Member Baltic State.
Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Lone Wolves - The New Terrorism of Right-Wing Single Actors. (Book: Dr. Florian Hartleb). Translated German - English by Mr. Charles Rose Recently published March 2020. See. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030361525.


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1 user

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

EGovernance. Political Science PhD. Proof-reading an 88 page doucment, peer approved in English.


I Do That

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Divorce - English Canon Law (German Courts, Civil Code)


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1 user

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Lone wolf Single Actor Phenomenon Book 262 pages, 60,000 words. translated German - English


I Do That

1 user

Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Confidential Tax Returns documents, Confiential Austrian University application documents, Confidential engineering documents / Germany and Austria - Pharmateutical Manufacturing Protocols (uo to 100,000 words)


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 100000 words
  • Engineering: Industrial, Accounting, Chemistry, Chem Sci/Eng
  • 92% complete
Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Digitalizaton - e.g. E-Governance and Research on Political Systems in the EU


I Do That

  • German to English
  • Government / Politics
  • 27% complete
Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

February 2017 Thalidomide (Contergan). German Federal Commission correspondence

Pharmaceutical,Side-effects,Contergan,Thalidomide,Federal Approvals


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 30000 words
  • Pharmaceutical, Side-effects, Federal approvals
  • Microsoft Word
  • 100% complete
Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Jan 2017 Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz 2017 Renewable Energy Law 2017

Wind Power,Wave Power,Solar Energy,Law,CHP


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 65000 words
  • Renewable Energy, Law, Feed-in tariffs
  • Microsoft Word
  • 100% complete
Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Dec. 2016 - 5G Telecommunications Orientiation Document for Service Provision in Germany until 2020

5G broadband telecommunications,Electronics,Digital Infrastructure,Television,Mobile Telecommunication


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 24800 words
  • Electronics, Telecommunications, 5G broadband provision
  • Microsoft Word
  • 100% complete
Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

2016 - 2017 Railroads (railways). Construction. Tendering process. Contract documents. Technical specifications. 6 months

Electronic signalling,New platform construction,Tendering and contract documents,Technical specifications,Technical Questions


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 200000 words
  • Electronics / Elect Eng, Mechanics / Mech Engineering, Business/Commerce (general)
  • Microsoft Word
Charles Rose posting from ProZ.com shared:

Automotive highly confidential 2017 - 2018 9 months

Internal combustion engine,Vehicle management software,Exhaust system management,Approvals,Testing


I Do That

  • German to English
  • 200000 words
  • Automotive, Software, Mechanics / Mech Engineering
  • Microsoft Word