Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 4 '05 eng>ita locked psychiatric ward reparto chiuso easy closed ok
- Oct 25 '02 eng>ita Freud did not believe dreams to be ramblings from uncontrolled minds. Nell'opinione di Freud i sogni non erano easy closed ok
- Oct 16 '02 eng>ita on-call credo che si intenda che il medico non e' presente ma "on call" easy closed ok
- Jul 9 '02 eng>ita critical care procedures in the critical care unit easy closed ok
- Jun 27 '02 eng>ita to describe the disease pattern decorso/andamento della malattia easy closed no
- Jun 24 '02 ita>eng familiarità per tumore alla mammella it is in the glossary once if not twice easy closed no
- Jun 7 '02 eng>ita would get us would get us ... easy closed no
- May 17 '02 eng>ita Native American amerindiani; indiani d'America; popolazioni aborigene easy closed ok
- Apr 1 '02 eng>ita versus women who took placebo; those monitoring responsabili easy closed no
4 Mar 10 '02 ita>eng periprandiale after meals; around meal times easy closed no
4 Mar 9 '02 ita>eng falsi alimenti fake foods easy closed no
4 Feb 1 '02 fra>eng œil de perdrix soft corn easy closed ok
4 Jan 22 '02 eng>ita unerprotected by emotional distress law non ricevono la piena protezione delle disposizioni che easy closed no
- Sep 17 '01 ita>eng medicina di base General Medicine/Primary Care easy closed no
- Sep 2 '01 eng>ita survivor survivor..... easy closed no
2 Aug 13 '01 fra>eng crotte de mouche fly speck of apple easy closed ok
2 Aug 13 '01 fra>eng parties aeriennes upper portion/exposed parts easy closed ok
- Aug 10 '01 ita>eng strumentista strumentista is not a technician but a nurse easy closed ok
- Aug 10 '01 ita>eng strumentista scrub nurse easy closed ok
- Aug 7 '01 eng>ita licensure approvazione easy closed no
4 Jun 28 '01 ita>eng de novo de novo easy closed no
3 Jun 28 '01 ita>eng Chirurgia d'autore designer surgery easy closed no
4 Jun 12 '01 ita>eng ricondizionamento lifestyle reconditioning easy closed ok
4 Jun 12 '01 ita>eng educazione sanitaria health education easy closed ok
4 May 30 '01 eng>ita breath enhanced nebulizzatore (ma vedi sotto) easy closed no
4 May 18 '01 ita>eng formazione operatori sanitari tecnico infermieristico Training program for the health and nursing professions easy closed no
4 May 18 '01 ita>eng in seno alla the Health Ministry's representative on the Committee easy closed no
3 May 7 '01 ita>eng EVENTUALE TABELLA DI APPARTENENZA SECONDO IL DPR Schedules in accordance with Presidential Decree N. 309 easy closed ok
4 May 7 '01 ita>eng REGIME DI DISPENSAZIONE AL PUBBLICO dispensing of medications in accordance with legislated requirements easy closed ok
- Apr 25 '01 ita>eng cl: RR Francesca easy open no
- Jan 13 '01 eng>ita high affective situations Nicoletta, easy closed ok
4 Jan 13 '01 eng>ita high affective situations grande coinvolgimento affettivo easy closed ok
4 Jan 13 '01 eng>ita emotionally aroused in momenti di grande emotivita'/emotivamente coinvolti easy closed ok
4 Jan 7 '01 ita>eng nonche and easy closed ok
4 Jan 4 '01 eng>ita Lesch-Nyhn's desease sindrome di L-N easy closed ok
- Jan 4 '01 eng>ita Lesch-Nyhn's desease la malattia di Lesch-Nyhn easy closed ok
- Dec 2 '00 eng>ita nutriceutical vedi sotto easy closed ok
- Oct 24 '00 fra>ita filaggrine filagrina; filaggrina easy open no
- Oct 14 '00 eng>ita HMO Health Management Organization easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered