Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 8 '09 pol>eng Odpis skrócony aktu urodzenia short birth certificate pro closed no
- Nov 20 '08 pol>eng wizytówka model/showcase pro closed ok
4 Oct 28 '08 pol>eng orzeczeniem z dnia (...) sygn. akt 123/45 orzekł.... with the ruling/decision dated (...) file ref. no. 123/45 (the court) has decided pro closed ok
- Sep 30 '08 pol>eng powyzszego odpisu z trescia aktu preceding copy with the certificate details pro open no
- Aug 20 '08 pol>eng Performance funkcjonalność (strukturalna) pro closed ok
4 Aug 15 '08 pol>eng architectural science nauki architektoniczne pro closed no
- Jul 17 '08 pol>eng samotne wychowywanie dziecka sole parent/lone parent pro closed no
- Mar 29 '08 eng>pol court waiver pozwolenie sądowe na zawarcie związku małżenskiego pro closed ok
- Mar 6 '08 pol>eng wychowanek i wychowawca foster care child and foster care mentor pro closed ok
- Feb 21 '08 pol>eng przeciwwskazania no restrictions pro closed no
- Feb 15 '08 pol>eng odpis skrócony aktu urodzenia (certified) abstract (Short Form) of birth record pro closed ok
- Feb 6 '08 pol>eng corporate receptionist Recepcjonista(ka) na szczeblu/poziomie korporacyjnym pro closed no
- Jan 19 '08 pol>eng przewidywany rok ukończenia szkoły i przystąpienia do matury anticipated (high school) graduation date pro closed ok
4 Jan 11 '08 eng>pol matriculation number numer immatrykulacyjny pro closed ok
- Jan 11 '08 pol>eng centrala zakupów distribution center pro closed no
4 Dec 7 '07 pol>eng niedoplatne zniesienie wspolwlasnosci nieruchomosci Abandonment pro closed ok
- Nov 29 '07 pol>eng specyfika działalności specific function related to the activity of pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered