Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 9 ara>eng الاستلام والتسليم والقبض handover, delivery, and collection pro closed ok
- May 20 ara>eng تحري على ذمة القضية investigation in connection with the case pro closed ok
- Mar 28 ara>eng طلب أجلا للتعقيب he asked for some time to comment pro closed ok
- Jan 23 ara>eng النظام الأساسي main system pro closed ok
4 Jan 5 ara>eng ميثاق السلوك المهني ومدونة قواعد السلوك code of professional conduct and code of conduct pro closed no
- Nov 15 '23 ara>eng التهميش باكتساب القطعية annotating the ruling deed that the same shall become final pro closed ok
- Nov 15 '23 ara>eng اعتبار أن يسبق رفعها stipulating that as regards the territorial jurisdiction of labour courts, applying to labour office pro closed ok
- Nov 15 '23 ara>eng الحوالة الأميرية subject to government remittance pro open no
- Nov 6 '23 ara>eng والأصل فيها and they are originally... pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '23 ara>eng التصرف adaptation pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '23 ara>eng عباراته الأفعوانية serpentine sentences/ utterances pro closed no
- Oct 9 '23 ara>eng تأتي استكمالاً لها shall be deemed a complement thereto pro closed ok
4 Sep 25 '23 ara>eng تغيير من اسم The name of the first party shall be changed from pro closed ok
4 Sep 19 '23 ara>eng نودعكم ربطا Kindly find attached herewith pro closed ok
- Sep 15 '23 ara>eng مبرزها the person who submitted the same pro closed no
- Sep 14 '23 ara>eng إقرار بتحمل كامل المديونية للتمويل التجاري an acknowledgement of bearing the entire debt of Riyad Bank commercial financing for pro closed ok
- Sep 8 '23 ara>eng ألّمت بي took me back pro closed no
2 Sep 6 '23 ara>eng قلة حيلتها her hopelessness pro closed no
- Sep 6 '23 ara>eng اكتسبت صفة أحكام نهائية the rulings issued in such claims became final pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '23 ara>eng تكوين مخصصات لها origination of allocations thereto pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '23 ara>eng اثبات ما يخص what pertains to 2022 was recorded pro closed no
4 Sep 2 '23 ara>eng هامش الحد الأدنى المطلوب minimum margin required pro closed ok
- Aug 30 '23 ara>eng الجهات المنظمة للعمل entities regulating work at pro closed ok
4 Aug 30 '23 ara>eng إثبات الأثمان substantiate prices pro closed no
- Aug 27 '23 ara>eng المكتتب بها في سوق التأمين subscribed in the insurance market pro closed ok
4 Aug 14 '23 ara>eng التشكيل group/ category pro closed ok
- Aug 7 '23 ara>eng وبخلاف ذلك يتم مصادرتها otherwise, the same/ such devices shall be confiscated pro closed ok
- Jul 30 '23 ara>eng أو التي أحل محلها or those replaced/ substituted pro closed ok
- Jul 19 '23 ara>eng حضرها الطرفان وكالة attended by both parties through the attorneys thereof pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '23 ara>eng فروبي فراولة strawberry peach pro closed no
4 Jul 17 '23 ara>eng يحل محل في النصيب The Third Party shall replace the First Party in the share thereof pro closed ok
- Jul 13 '23 ara>eng الرجوع على الشركات وحدها دون سواها May refer to such companies only pro closed ok
4 Jul 13 '23 ara>eng بمسمى holding the job title pro closed ok
- Jul 13 '23 ara>eng إدخال supply electricity pro closed ok
- Jul 9 '23 ara>eng انقطاع التعامل معه after the end of the dealing therewith pro closed ok
- May 31 '23 ara>eng التركة patrimony pro closed no
- May 31 '23 ara>eng الغيّ temptation pro closed no
- May 24 '23 ara>eng طالب الحصر certification of succession petitioner pro closed ok
4 May 24 '23 ara>eng الاستلام و التسليم receiving and handing over pro closed ok
- Apr 5 '23 ara>eng القسمة والفرز والتجنيب ACTIO COMMUNI DIVIDUNDO pro closed no
- Feb 2 '23 ara>eng نفوذه أدى الى وأد التقرير His power made the report with no effect pro closed no
4 Feb 2 '23 ara>eng ممنهجة SYSTEMATIC pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '23 ara>eng يحمل كراسة تصديق with real estate file number pro closed ok
4 Jan 23 '23 ara>eng بسببه أو تابعيه caused by the same or the affiliates/ employees thereof pro closed no
- Jan 23 '23 ara>eng تغييره أو تغيير صلاحياته neither the same nor the authorities thereof may be changed pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '23 ara>eng عقد خدمات بأوامر عمل services contract containing work orders pro closed ok
4 Jan 16 '23 ara>eng ويبطل ما يخالف ذلك ولا يعتد به Anything contrary thereto shall be invalid/ invalidated and inconsiderable/ shall not be taken pro closed no
- Jan 16 '23 ara>eng المقدمة Registration application number pro closed no
- Jan 15 '23 ara>eng لا بالفسخ ولا بالعزل may neither be terminated by rescission nor by revocation pro open no
- Jan 6 '23 ara>eng معدل ثلاثي three-month average pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered