Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 26 '20 eng>esl Old beyond time [viejo] sin noción del tiempo easy closed ok
4 May 25 '20 eng>eng Intricate Patterns patters with many details or interrelated parts easy closed ok
4 Feb 26 '20 esl>eng no puedo mas I can't take it anymore easy closed ok
4 Jul 12 '12 eng>esl "bird bath" baño de gato easy closed ok
4 Jun 15 '11 esl>eng desde hace muchos años... for many years... easy closed ok
- May 28 '11 eng>esl giving it loads hablando basura//cosas sin importancia easy open no
4 May 7 '11 eng>esl Scout, here Scout easy closed ok
- May 3 '11 esl>eng risa de pelo suelto head-shaking laughter easy open no
4 Nov 1 '10 eng>esl jar somebody to one's bones me sacudió hasta el tuétano... easy closed ok
- Jul 4 '10 eng>esl To creep by (pasó) lentamente/con lentitud easy closed ok
4 May 10 '10 esl>eng mogotales marsh/swamp easy closed ok
- Oct 7 '09 esl>eng las palabras se las lleva el viento one is judged by deeds, not by words easy closed ok
- Sep 13 '09 eng>esl Jeez Louise! ¡Por Dios, mujer, ya ve al grano/dilo de una vez! easy open no
- May 14 '09 esl>eng mas alla beyond easy closed ok
4 May 4 '09 eng>esl yet on May 29th the Brookings Institution reported that the residents... sin embargo, el 29 de mayo, el Instituto Brookings [brookings institution] informó que los ... easy closed ok
4 May 4 '09 esl>eng Para muestra, un botón you see one, you've seen them all easy closed ok
4 Mar 31 '09 eng>esl if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is parece demasiado bueno para ser cierto, probablemente no lo es easy closed ok
- Mar 30 '09 eng>esl Thunder by pasan como un relámpago easy closed ok
- Feb 17 '09 esl>eng Al que nace barrigón es al ñudo que lo fajen the squeaky wheel gets the grease easy open no
- Feb 13 '09 esl>eng algo de latido it is somewhat like a heartbeat easy closed ok
- Feb 12 '09 eng>esl just up irme así, sin más ni más// sin planificar// sin organizarme... easy closed ok
- Feb 5 '09 eng>esl they got it on with a riot dieron inicio/comenzaron todo con un motín easy closed no
4 Jan 13 '09 eng>esl Look and put it down and let your sensibility be the sieve observalo y déjalo, permite que se filtre a través de tu sensibilidad easy closed ok
4 Jan 10 '09 eng>esl Don´t strain for arrangement no te afanes al orden/arreglo easy closed ok
- Dec 30 '08 esl>eng :B toothy smile easy open no
- Nov 4 '08 eng>esl means of support medios/mecanismos de apoyo easy closed no
4 Oct 16 '08 esl>eng fue tomando took on easy closed ok
- Sep 4 '08 eng>esl spike espiga/alhucema/espigón easy open no
4 Oct 9 '08 eng>esl problem - solution essay ensayo sobre solución de problemas easy closed no
4 Oct 4 '08 eng>esl “You are in for the treat of your lives" lo que les espera es algo magnífico/maravilloso/muy placentero easy closed ok
- Sep 15 '08 esl>eng ... evitar pararme a pensar.... it was at that moment when I couldn't help but stop and think... easy closed ok
- Sep 10 '08 eng>esl hold the act together controlarse/mantenerse bajo control easy closed ok
- Sep 10 '08 eng>esl what modesty she'd had was quickly abused fue despojada rapidamente de su modestia easy closed ok
4 Sep 7 '08 esl>eng traer el corazon apretado para no sentir bullir dentro de ella. ...kept her heart sheilded in order to protect her own feelings easy closed ok
3 Aug 27 '08 eng>esl calling/call vocación easy closed ok
- Aug 22 '08 eng>esl everybody drops dead around him todos parecen caer muertos a su alrededor/deja un rastro de muertos por donde pasa easy closed no
- Aug 17 '08 eng>esl so much so that it might deter ...a tal grado que hablar se nos hará difícil easy closed ok
4 Aug 13 '08 esl>eng le deseamos la mejor de las suertes we wish you the best of luck easy closed ok
- Aug 4 '08 eng>esl The springs are too deep su vida es demasiado complicada easy open no
3 Jun 23 '08 eng>esl My mother thinks I'll be an awful clutcher mi madre cree que seré muy aferrada... easy closed ok
- May 21 '08 esl>eng mirarse a sí misma para mostrar la consideración cannot look within itself to show consideration... easy closed no
4 Apr 28 '08 eng>esl sorryass infeliz/insignificante/poca cosa easy closed ok
4 Apr 26 '08 eng>esl back home allá en casa/en mi pueblo/en mi país easy closed ok
4 Apr 23 '08 esl>eng vacantes limitadas para un curso openings/availability easy closed ok
4 Apr 21 '08 eng>esl for those I love I will sacrifice me sacrificaré por los que amo easy closed ok
- Apr 20 '08 esl>eng para los tristes poetas que inspiraron historias trémulas. for the sad/forlorn poets that inspired shimmering stories easy open no
- Mar 20 '08 esl>eng me queda claro la llamada de atención. the reprimand was very clear to me easy closed no
- Mar 8 '08 eng>esl moment-hand juego/combinación de cartas/barajas en la mano easy closed ok
4 Feb 22 '08 eng>esl l will love you my whole life and no other Toda mi vida te amaré solo a ti easy closed ok
4 Feb 16 '08 eng>esl stir the pot (bob marley) agita/mueve la cintura (meaning) easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered