Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 8 '20 deu>eng Schokoluft chocolate whip pro closed no
4 Oct 6 '16 deu>eng Sprühst Du schon? Eye spray. Do you? pro closed no
- Mar 13 '08 deu>eng Werktage open days pro closed ok
- Apr 20 '07 deu>eng Fett ist nicht gleich Fett not all fats are bad for you pro closed ok
- May 31 '06 fra>eng beaux volumes spacious and adaptable pro closed ok
- Mar 15 '06 ita>eng Clicca che ti passa Capture the moment pro closed ok
4 Mar 10 '06 deu>eng Lebendtier live animals pro closed ok
- Nov 17 '05 deu>eng Schuhanzieher foot insertion aid pro closed no
- Sep 28 '05 fra>eng sucreries et bonbons candy bars and sweets pro closed ok
- Sep 14 '05 ita>eng non entrino a diretto contatto con il capo. (please) ensure that ... do not come into direct contact with ... pro closed ok
- Sep 14 '05 fra>eng presse grand public general press pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered