Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
2 Apr 3 '21 eng>deu 10-mg-tablet product 10-mg-Tablette easy closed ok
4 Oct 24 '17 deu>eng Katastrophenmediziner disaster medical specialist easy closed ok
4 Dec 4 '13 eng>deu heart disease Herzerkrankung / Herzkrankheit easy closed no
- Mar 24 '09 deu>eng Mikroalbuminurie microalbumineria easy closed ok
- Sep 3 '07 deu>eng Zahnarztpraxis dental surgery easy closed ok
4 May 13 '07 eng>eng spells of panic or specific fears I do not panick off and on (I do not have attacks of panic) easy closed ok
4 Jan 4 '05 dut>eng collaberen collapse or faint easy closed no
4 Dec 25 '04 deu>eng Peloid peloid easy closed no
4 Nov 22 '04 eng>deu investigational device Gerät in der Erprobungsphase easy closed ok
- Nov 2 '04 eng>deu Ich fürcte,daB ich habe mich nichts gebrochen(verrenkt)(ausgekugelt) Glücklicherweise habe ich mir nicht gebrochen/verrenkt/ausgekugelt. easy closed no
- Nov 1 '04 eng>deu Ich hatte Brustschmerzen als ich auf die treppe gestiegen hatte Beim Treppensteigen bekam/hatte ich Schmerzen in der Brust. easy closed no
- Nov 1 '04 deu>eng Altenpflegeheim old-age nursing home easy closed ok
4 Oct 29 '04 esl>eng prodolina Prodolina easy closed no
- Oct 11 '04 deu>eng Dämpfe die Feedstrecke mit einem Sterilfilter... blanket the feed zone using a sterile filter easy open no
4 Sep 7 '04 dut>eng als immunostimulant door zijn eigenschap een verbinding aan te gaan met de recep as an immunostimulant as it is capable of easy closed no
4 Jul 9 '04 deu>eng trepanation opening up/cutting an opening easy closed no
4 Jul 9 '04 deu>eng trepanation Trepanation easy closed ok
- Mar 13 '04 deu>eng george fobi Pflegehelfer easy open no
4 Mar 9 '04 deu>eng keilbeinhohle sphenoidal or sphenoid sinus easy closed ok
- Mar 8 '04 deu>eng Supratentonell typo for supratentorial ? easy closed no
- Mar 8 '04 deu>eng einrisse lacerations easy open no
4 Mar 8 '04 deu>eng fortfuhren continue easy closed no
- Nov 17 '03 deu>eng Prof. Dr. Med Prof. xxx, MD easy closed no
- Nov 6 '03 deu>eng Kortikospongioese Drueckuebertragung cortico-spongy easy closed ok
- Nov 6 '03 deu>eng Konusgewinde conical thread easy open no
- Oct 10 '03 deu>eng Muskelzittern muscle tremor easy closed ok
4 Oct 8 '03 eng>deu Healthcare Gesundheitswesen easy closed no
- Sep 12 '03 ara>ces Zvolanek Zvolanek easy open no
- Sep 12 '03 ara>ces Janine Janine easy open no
4 Sep 6 '03 eng>deu do you scratch your eyes Reiben Sie Ihre Augen? easy closed no
- Aug 31 '03 eng>deu take one tablet after every visit to toilet for diarrhoea Nach jedem Toilettengang eine easy closed ok
4 Aug 13 '03 eng>deu coloured blood farbiges Blut easy closed ok
4 Aug 13 '03 eng>deu residual Restrisiko easy closed ok
4 Aug 10 '03 deu>eng Leistenhernienoperation (inguinal) hernia operation easy closed ok
4 Aug 8 '03 eng>deu carries the weight across the back and shoulder trägt easy closed no
4 Aug 8 '03 eng>deu articular capsule Gelenkkapsel easy closed ok
- Aug 8 '03 eng>deu foam axillary pads Stützpolster aus Schaum easy closed ok
3 Aug 8 '03 eng>deu edema Ödem/Flüssigkeitsansammlung easy closed ok
4 Aug 8 '03 eng>deu carpi radialis tendon Carpis-Radialis-Sehne easy closed ok
- Jul 26 '03 deu>eng Krank ill easy closed no
- Jul 19 '03 afr>fra engelsesout sel d'Epsom easy open no
4 Jul 19 '03 eng>fra epsomsalt sel d'Epsom easy closed ok
- Jun 30 '03 dut>eng zwaardere lichaamsbouw (a bit) more heavily built easy closed ok
- May 14 '03 eng>deu remedial therapy Reha easy closed ok
- May 10 '03 deu>eng broca\'sche windung Broca's convolution easy open no
4 Apr 28 '03 deu>eng c) HÄMORRHAGISCHER SCHOCK memorrhagic shock easy closed ok
4 Apr 27 '03 deu>eng Vorbeugen ist besser als Heilen Prevention is better than cure. easy closed ok
4 Apr 19 '03 deu>eng Unterspritzung see KudoZ glossary easy closed ok
2 Apr 18 '03 deu>eng alkoholisiert Matter is speech easy closed ok
2 Apr 2 '03 deu>eng Beistellleuchte side light easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered