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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Pre-Conference Powwow

June 12, 2015, 2:00 pm
NetherlandsRotterdamIn personEnglish
Pre-conference Powwow, Friday 12 June, 12:00 to 23:00*

On the day before the 2015 international conference, we will be meeting for the first time --or again-- to start networking and having fun before moving into learning on Saturday. This Powwow is also open to people not registered for the conference.

* As not all conference attenders will be arriving in Rotterdam at the same time, the pre-conference powwow has been divided into three (3) parts. You are welcome to join us for any or (we hope) all parts:


  • PART ONE: Boat trip to Kinderdijk - 12:00 to 16:00

Rotterdam is a modern city, but only 15km away is the largest collection (19 in total) of genuine working windmills anywhere in the Netherlands, so probably anywhere in the world. They were constructed in around 1740 to drain the land and have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997. Their name is Kinderdijk. A boat trip to Kinderdijk starts from right outside the Inntel Rotterdam Centre Hotel (conference venue), which is also the starting point of the walking tour (part two of the powwow).

The journey on this traditional old boat to Kinderdijk takes about 1 hour and you will have 1½ hours there to look around before the leisurely sail back to Rotterdam. Drinks and snacks are available on the boat.  Tickets will be purchased on the boat (€15), but reservations may be made in advance (just let me know). More information on this boat trip is available on


  • PART TWO: Walking tour of Rotterdam - 16:30 to 18:30


This will be led by true Rotterdammer, translator and member Albert Stufkens. Albert has previously organised very successful powwows in Rotterdam and knows the city as well as anyone. Starting from the Inntel Rotterdam Centre Hotel (conference venue), we will visit the waterfront areas, the museum park, sculpture promenade, the new Central Station and pass through a revamped shopping mall, a street dedicated to fashion, the famous Lijnbaan, the shopping ‘canyon’, to the Laurens Church (near the birthplace of Erasmus), the Cube Houses, the Oudehaven (open air inland-shipping museum) and finally the amazing Markthal.

Opened only last October, this incredible horseshoe shaped building has already achieved worldwide recognition. In addition to food stalls from around the world, it also has great views of the painted ceiling, already being called the ‘Sistine Chapel of Rotterdam’. We will stop here for a look round before moving on to the restaurant.



  • PART THREE: Indonesian ‘Rice Table’ meal - 19:30 to 23:00


The Dutch do not really have a ‘cuisine’ of their own but their rich history in the Far East and especially in Indonesia has made the famous Rice Table a national speciality. You will have at least 16 different dishes, hot and cold, mild and spicy and naturally with plenty of vegetarian options. Price: € 30 per person. Advance payment will be required to secure your booking, details will be sent to those of you who make a reservation. If you are also attending the post-conference powwow on Sunday you can reserve both meals for € 75, saving € 5 on the individual prices. Bookings received by 31 May will be guaranteed, after that date it will be subject to availability.


As this meal will contain many small dishes it will be served in buffet form. That means you can take small amounts and try as many different dishes as possible - much easier than passing things around the table. Help yourself to what you know you like and try a small amount of something you have never seen (or tasted) before. Dishes will be clearly labelled (in English) so you can see which are meat dishes and which are vegetable dishes – it’s not always easy to tell just by looking! If you have special dietary requirements please let us know in advance and we will do our best to cater for them.


  • Nasi putih (boiled white rice)
  • Krupuk udang (prawn crackers)
  • Sayur lodeh (stock with vegetables and coconut milk)
  • Acor campur (mixed sweet and sour)
  • Godo gado (vegetables in a peanut sauce)
  • Serundeng (fried coconut)
  • Sambal goreng kentang kering (sweet fried potatoes)
  • Rujak manis (fruit in a sweet and sour sauce)
  • Sambal goreng telor (boiled egg in a curry chilli sauce)
  • Sambal goreng tauge (bean sprouts in a chilli sauce)
  • Samba! goreng buncis (green beans in a chilli sauce)
  • Sambal goreng tahu (soya beans in a chilli sauce)
  • Daging rujak (stewed beef in a chilli sauce)
  • Daging semur (stewed beef with onions)
  • Babi kecap (pork in a soy sauce)
  • Sate babi (pork satay)
  • Sambal bajak (flavoured chilli sauce)
  • Sambal manis (sweet flavoured chilli sauce - hot! )

    IMPORTANT: Please note that these costs are NOT included in the conference fee. By confirming your attendance on this page, you will be committing yourself to payment, as dinner seats will be reserved in advance.

    To signup to this powwow, just click on Signup to this powwow below on this page. To confirm your attendance, just click on the following link:


  • Event Organizer:

    Jared Tabor

    Login to add your name to the list of people interested.Click here to login now.

    Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

    : organizer : photos : report : host

    Interested members (108) / Confirmed: 69
    Name NoteWill Attend
    Nigel Saych  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
    Jared Tabor  \"Organizer\" I should be there in time for part 2, and definitely for part 3.  y
    Cristina Bufi Poecksteiner, M.A.   Probably not. Sorry. Powwow 2011 in NL-Nuenen was great.  n
    Paula Ribeiro   Not this time :(  n
    Kalinka Hristova   windmills + walking tour + dinner  y
    Daniel Šebesta   Hopefully all parts.  y
    Albert Stufkens   Looking forward to showing you modern Rotterdam. 2 Walking tour + 2 dinner  y
    Paula Dana Szabados   Part 1+Part 2+Part 3  y
    XJustine Sherwood (X)   walk and dinner  y
    Daniela Zambrini  \"Photographer\" ...  
    Tanya Quintieri   Part I and III  y
    Maria Trepp   ...  n
    Max Nuijens   ...  n
    XMarga Demmers (X)   Sorry, I cannot make it after all.  n
    Allison Wright (X)   ...  
    XMieke Tulp (X)   Windmills + walking tour + dinner  y
    Maria Pereira   ...  
    Bob Scott   ...  n
    M. Munoz   ...  
    Serge Wolff   ...  n
    Eric Zink   ...  n
    XAudra deFalco (X)   ...  
    anamaria bulgariu  \"Photographer\" I'll be getting there around 8:00 PM, so count me in for the 3rd part. Too bad I won't make the tour :(((  y
    Stephanie Wloch   Part II + III graag. Bedankt!  y
    Christian Schneider   Part II + Part III  y
    Elvina Tran   ...  n
    Paula Suárez Ferradáns   walking tour + dinner  y
    Fabienne FRAISSE   ...  n
    Laurens Landkroon   ...  
    Natalya Zelikova   ...  
    Gary Smith Lawson   Parts I, II & III (I love sequels).  y
    Federica Duello  \"Host\" Attending Part 2: Walking tour of central Rotterdam. Departs conference hotel at 16:30  y
    alex suhoy  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" \"Host\" ...  y
    Helena Potters   ...  
    XTitia Meesters (X)   Windmills, walking tour and dinner  y
    Cover Language - Janina van Nielen   ...  
    Andre de Vries   ...  
    Yetta Jensen Bogarde   Sounds exiting, I might not make it for the first part though. Only walking tour and dinner are sure.  y
    Fernanda Rocha  \"Photographer\" 2 windmills + 2 walking tours + 2 dinners :)  y
    Bruno Depascale  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" \"Host\" Bruno Depascale  
    Petr Mundev   all parts  y
    Marijke Mayer   ...  
    Xborreman29 (X)   ...  
    Lori Larsen-Hoff   ...  
    Monica Santoro   ...  
    Marian Pyritz   Leider nein...  n
    Andrea Herczig   ...  
    Alena Hrybouskaya   1 walking tour + 1 dinner  y
    XClaudia Reymond (X)   ...  
    Maleen Hof   1 windmills + 1 walking tour  y
    Regina Freitag   ...  
    Ellen Singer   Looking forward to meeting old and new friends!  y
    Jean-Philippe Buchkremer   boat + walking tour + dinner  y
    Esther Hermann   Part 3  y
    Claire Titchmarsh   Can't make the Schiphol tour now, but hope to see you all on the 12th  
    XJan Willem van Dormolen (X)   ...  n
    XAllisonK (X)   Walking tour + meal (parts two and three)  y
    Johannes Mueller   Walking tour + dinner  y
    Albatros   walking tour + dinner  y
    Lucie Tatransky   All parts  y
    Michal Glowacki   2 windmills + 2 walking tour + 2 meal  y
    Gulay Baran   Hope to meet you all in June!  
    Suzanne de Loos   ...  n
    claire007   ...  y
    Christine Gardner   All 3 parts. Looking forward to seeing everyone in my home town!   y
    Karin Krikkink   I probably won't get to R'dam in time for the Kinderdijk tour but count me in for parts 2&3!  y
    XPercy Balemans (X)   I'll be there for part 1 & 2  y
    John Di Rico   Parts 2 and 3 :-) payment made June 3 from ApexTra account  y
    Oleg Semerikov   windmills + walking tour  y
    Francesca Airaghi   walking tour + dinner  y
    Maryia Lashko   Looking forward to my first powwow!  y
    Jørgen A. Andersen   What a programme! Will attend it all!  y
    srpen   I'm in for the whole shebang!  y
    Victor Leal   ...  y
    AMWillems   Annette Willems  y
    Great Words   Gosia Glowacka  y
    Basak Balkan   windmills + walking tour + dinner  y
    TanyaSemerikova   windmills + walking tour  y
    Irene Elmerot   Only part 2, the city walk.  y
    Mike Roebuck   Part 3 only I'm afraid.  n
    Allan Auld   Part 3 only  y
    Zbynek Taborsky   Part I + Part III  y
    mutarjem   Looking forward to that great day inshallah. All 3 Parts inshallah. Mutarjem is my name, and I am Sameh Ragab  y
    Peter Reidel   Should be there for the walking tour, if not, definitely in time for dinner!  y
    Colin Shields   I should be there for the walking tour, I'm definitely coming for dinner.  
    Erik Hansson   Part II maybe, part III definitely. 2 persons.  y
    Thomas Brennecke   Part 1 and 3  y
    gabriell1na   walking tour + dinner  y
    Maria Andersson   Part 2 only.   y
    Elina I. Nocera   part 2 and 3. See you there!  y
    César Yamandú Sánchez Franco   All parts! :)  y
    Laura Hargreaves   Attending the meal (part 3) only as arriving late afternoon. Thanks! :)  y
    Inge Dijkstra   Walk and dinner, please!  y
    Danae_P   Only available for the dinner  y
    AnjaA   Part 2 only. Looking forward to joining the walking tour and meet you all.  y
    Birthe Omark   Part II ( walk) and Part III (dinner), please  y
    Silvie van der Zee   Part 2 and 3 please (walk and dinner).  y
    Doreen Schäfer   Hope there's still space at the restaurant (for the other events unfortunately I won't make it)  y
    Joy Phillips   Yes! Part III (dinner) only  
    Pavel Janoušek   ...  
    Edith Goebel    Part 1, 2 and 3. I'm looking forward to meeting you.  y
    swiss solutions   Looking forward to my first powwow  y
    Edward Potter   Looking forward to a great walking tour and meal (parts II and III). I want to book for 2, please.  y
    Iosif JUHASZ   What a wonderful progamme! Part 2  y
    Sheila Wilson   Dinner only for two persons please, if still available  y
    Attila Piróth   Part 3 for one person, please  
    Lucy Hofland   Henry and I would like to join the boat tour and the Rice Table at the Restaurant. I see the walking tour is full. :(  y
    Gordana Podvezanec   ...  

    Postings about this event

    Powwow: Rotterdam - Netherlands
    Johannes Mueller
    Johannes Mueller  Identity Verified
    Local time: 23:48
    Dutch to German
    + ...
    Can't wait Mar 26, 2015

    Counting the days....

    Birthe Omark
    Birthe Omark  Identity Verified
    Local time: 23:48
    French to Danish
    + ...
    Pre-payment Jun 9, 2015

    I am looking forward to the event, and would like to find a way make the requested pre-payment. Maybe I have missed something, but I do not find any payment instructions anywhere. Could I be guided to it, please. This way I can do my bit to keep poor Nigel out of debt-prison!icon_smile.gif

    Nigel Saych
    Nigel Saych  Identity Verified
    Local time: 23:48
    Dutch to English
    + ...
    Pre-payment Jun 9, 2015

    Birthe, I will send payment details again.

    Sheila Wilson
    Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
    Local time: 22:48
    Member (2007)
    + ...
    I also need to pay Jun 9, 2015

    I haven't yet given you any time to send the payment details Nigel, so I'm not nagging, honestlyicon_smile.gif. I just wanted to say that we'll be leaving soon so it might be a while before I can arrange payment as we'll be on the move a lot (very complicated getting anywhere when you live on an island, particularly in the midst of an ATC strike).

    However, I've also sent you a PM about lunches, Nigel. I hope you
    ... See more
    I haven't yet given you any time to send the payment details Nigel, so I'm not nagging, honestlyicon_smile.gif. I just wanted to say that we'll be leaving soon so it might be a while before I can arrange payment as we'll be on the move a lot (very complicated getting anywhere when you live on an island, particularly in the midst of an ATC strike).

    However, I've also sent you a PM about lunches, Nigel. I hope you got that OK.

    Nigel Saych
    Nigel Saych  Identity Verified
    Local time: 23:48
    Dutch to English
    + ...
    Reply to Sheila Jun 10, 2015

    Sheila, I haven't received a PM from you about lunches and I just sent payment details again.
    If you haven't left already, please send your mesage again. If not, contact me when you arrive (+31651255688) or I'll be at the conference hotel from 11:00 Friday.

    Sheila Wilson
    Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
    Local time: 22:48
    Member (2007)
    + ...
    I'd like to pay for an extra lunch each day, Nigel, if possible. It has been at other conferences. W Jun 10, 2015

    I'd like to book a second lunch each day if possible, Nigel. We're staying at the conference hotel and I've now paid for the Indonesian meal so we'll be seeing you there, but I didn't want to leave it until the last minute.

    Sheila Wilson
    Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
    Local time: 22:48
    Member (2007)
    + ...
    Phone plus hotel wifi problems Jun 10, 2015

    Sorry for the garbled message. We'll be at the Indonesian meal and we're staying at the conference hotel so we can sort out details then if it's OK for a second lunch.

    Mike Roebuck
    Mike Roebuck  Identity Verified
    United Kingdom
    Local time: 22:48
    German to English
    + ...
    Payment Jun 10, 2015

    Nigel - I left three messages for you last week in different places, include your profile, saying that I was having a problem transferring payment to your bank account because my bank requires the address of your bank. Unfortunately the only response I've had since then has been two "do not reply" e-mails reminding me that I haven't paid.
    Under the circumstances I will not be participating in either of the powwows that I booked, including this one. I will be bringing enough work
    ... See more
    Nigel - I left three messages for you last week in different places, include your profile, saying that I was having a problem transferring payment to your bank account because my bank requires the address of your bank. Unfortunately the only response I've had since then has been two "do not reply" e-mails reminding me that I haven't paid.
    Under the circumstances I will not be participating in either of the powwows that I booked, including this one. I will be bringing enough work with me to keep me busy anyway.


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