Translation glossary: Tracey's Glossary

Showing entries 1-50 of 169
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(RPE) revêtement plastique épaisthick plastic coating 
French to English
a prioripresumably 
French to English
achat fermetake or pay 
French to English
acte d\'acquiescementdeclaration of acquiescence, waiver of remedies 
French to English
Adjudant Chef (Pompier)Senior Crew Commander 
French to English
aide opérateurmachine operator 
French to English
ampoulebulb (fire protection systems) 
French to English
anéantissement (legal term)defeasance 
French to English
anciens francs (argent)old francs (money) 
French to English
apériteurlead, principal or main insurer 
French to English
appel provoquéappeal for third-party involvement 
French to English   Law (general)
appel provoquéthird-party cross appeal 
French to English   Law (general)
apport en naturein-kind contribution 
French to English
apprenti cadremanager in training 
French to English
arrosage publicitaireblitz advertising or spamming 
French to English
arts plurielsmultidisciplinary arts 
French to English
assurance dommage ouvragestructural warranty insurance / home warranty insurance 
French to English
assureur dommagesproperty and casualty insurer 
French to English
assureurs facultéscargo insurers/underwriters 
French to English
Attestation d'assermentationCertificate of oath 
French to English
audience d'orientationprocedural hearing / case management hearing 
French to English
avenir à comparaîtrewrit of summons to opposing counsel 
French to English
avis sur piècesopinion on supporting documentation 
French to English
à l'égard de la sociétéfrom the company's perspective / from the perspective of the company 
French to English
état des immeublesbuilding condition report 
French to English
état sur publicationstatement of / on publications 
French to English
French to English
battre pavillion (pays)to sail/navigate under the flag of (country) 
French to English
bilan carbonecarbon footprint 
French to English
bilan carbone (chemical process)carbon output 
French to English
bon de jouissanceprofit-sharing certificate 
French to English
bordereau d'inscription hypothécairemortgage registration form 
French to English
bouquet de servicesbundle of services 
French to English
bureau de conservation des hypothèquesmortgage registration office 
French to English
bureau des hypothèquesland registry 
French to English
cadastre rénovérevised land registry 
French to English
cautionnement de soumissionbid guarantee 
French to English
cellule moyenne tensionmedium-voltage cell 
French to English
certificat de non pourvoicertificate of no further right to appeal 
French to English
chaîne de droitschain of rights 
French to English
French to English   Environment & Ecology
chaussures d'interventiontactical shoes 
French to English
communauté de risquesidentical risks 
French to English
Comptabilité fournisseursAccounts Payable 
French to English
compte de cantonnementasset segregation account 
French to English
conditions de réalisationconditions of fulfillment 
French to English
Conditions Générales de VenteTerms and Conditions of Sale 
French to English
conducteur multibrinsstranded conductor 
French to English
conduite à tenirhow to proceed 
French to English
conseil d'orientationadvisory board 
French to English
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