Translation glossary: Business glossary

Showing entries 1,151-1,200 of 1,647
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personne focalisant l'attentionpoint person 
French to English
Perspective (de)prospect (of) 
French to English
Perspective d'ensembleWhole picture 
French to English
French to English
French to English
petite réunion (informelle)get-together 
French to English
French to English
phase de déploiementroll-out 
French to English
phase de transitiontransition stage 
French to English
physique / conceptuelphysical / notional 
French to English
pièce d'identitésome identity 
French to English
Pierre angulaireCornerstone 
French to English
French to English
plaider en faveur deto advocate 
French to English
plan d'assurance qualitéquality assurance plan 
French to English
Plan de progrèsperformance improvement plan 
French to English
plan pluri-annuelmulti-year plan 
French to English
plancher / plafondfloor / cap (upper limit) 
French to English
planification collaborative métaplancards-on-the-wall planning 
French to English
planifierto schedule 
French to English
Plus bas historiqueall-time low 
French to English
Plus facile à dire qu'à faireeasier said than done 
French to English
Plus petit / grand dénominateur communlowest / highest common denominator 
French to English
point (seuil) de commandeorder point 
French to English
point (temps) de contrôlecontrol gate 
French to English
point de contact (clientèle)touch point 
French to English
point de fonctionfunction point 
French to English
point de vue extérieuroutside perspective 
French to English
Points clés (étude)Key findings 
French to English
Points durspoints of pain 
French to English
Politique du coup par coupstop-go policy 
French to English
French to English
French to English
porte d'entrée (sur)gateway (to) 
French to English
porte-parole (promoteur)"champion" 
French to English
French to English
porter (…) au niveau supérieurto take (…) to the next level 
French to English
positionner un produit / serviceto position a product / service 
French to English
French to English
poste à responsabilitéssenior-level position 
French to English
pour argent comptantat face value 
French to English
pour bonne formefor the record 
French to English
pour ce faireto do this 
French to English
pour faire simplesimply put 
French to English
Pour les besoins deFor the sake of 
French to English
pour n'en citer que quelques-unsto name just a few 
French to English
poursuivre jusqu'au boutto follow through 
French to English
pouvez-vous me le passer?can you put me through? 
French to English
Pouvoir de négociation des acheteursbargaining power of buyers 
French to English
Pouvoir de négociation des fournisseursbargaining power of suppliers 
French to English
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