Translation glossary: Business glossary

Showing entries 1,051-1,100 of 1,647
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multicanalcross-, all-, channel 
French to English
multiplication par six (de)sixfold increase (in) 
French to English
French to English
Mutuellement exclusifMutually exclusive 
French to English
French to English
nécessiter de la discipline d'usageto require discipline of use 
French to English
NégligerTo overlook 
French to English
Néophyte (en matière de)New (to) 
French to English
ne pas en finir, être interminableto take forever to finish 
French to English
ne pas tenir compte deto disregard 
French to English
Ne savoir que trop biento know only too well 
French to English
niveau inférieurlower level 
French to English
French to English
noeud / fenêtre de décisiondecision node/ event 
French to English
nomlast name, surname 
French to English
nombre de collaborateursheadcount 
French to English
nombres pairs/impairseven/odd numbers 
French to English
non baliséuncharted 
French to English
non plafonnéuncapped 
French to English
Non-consommateur relatif/absolurelative/absolute nonconsumer 
French to English
nos intérêts sont incompatiblesour interests conflict 
French to English
French to English
nuire à la rentabilitéto depress profits 
French to English
numéroté (qui porte le n˚) 5numbered 5 
French to English
objet qui accroche le regardeye-stopper 
French to English
obligation de conservationretention requirement 
French to English
obscurcir le jugementto cloud judgement 
French to English
obstacle à contournerobstacle to go around 
French to English
offre (ensemble de prestations)offering, service line 
French to English
offre de service intégréeend-to-end capabilities 
French to English
Offrir une perspective différenteTo offer a different perspective 
French to English
French to English
opérationnelsline people 
French to English
Opinion mûrement réfléchieConsidered opinion 
French to English
Opportunité non exploitéedormant opportunity 
French to English
optimisé, dégraissé, rationalisélean 
French to English
Optimiser dans l'incertitudeto optimize under uncertainty 
French to English
Optimiste (tendance de marché)upbeat 
French to English
orchestrerto orchestrate 
French to English
ordinateur de bureau/ portabledesktop / laptop computer 
French to English
ordonnancerto sequence 
French to English
ordre de grandeurorder of magnitude 
French to English
ordre de modification, avenantchange order 
French to English
ordre de préséancepecking order 
French to English
ordre de prioritéprecedence order 
French to English
ordre du jour chargéfull agenda 
French to English
organigramme platflat hierarchy 
French to English
organigramme techniquework breakdown structure 
French to English
Organisations publiquesinstitutions 
French to English
organisé parhosted by 
French to English
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