Oct 19, 2005 13:23
19 yrs ago
Italian term

dotazioni di competenza che di cassa dei competenti capitoli

Italian to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
I am reposting this from law to finance; my question relates to the following sentence which I am finding difficult to unravel:

Con decreti del Ministro del tesoro, da registrarsi alla Corte dei conti, sono trasferite dal predetto fondo ed iscritte in aumento sia delle dotazioni di competenza che di cassa dei competenti capitoli le somme necessarie:

The fondo referred to is the 'Fondo di riserva per le spese obbligatorie e di ordine'

My effort so far:

Decrees are issued by the Ministry of the treasury, to be registered by the Court of Auditors, pursuant to which transfers are made from the aforementioned fund and recognized as an increase of the funding on an accrual basis as well as on a cash basis, in relation to the sums that are necessary:

I am not to convinced by this interpretation however... any help gratefully received.

Proposed translations

1 hr

expenses for the (relevant) period + appropriate reserve (fund)...

"...allocated both to expenses for the (relevant) period and to the appropriate reserve (fund)..." You are probably looking at a piece of legislation or reference to the legislation. The discussion is about accounting for reserves in a more specific manner by reallocation of reserve amounts to the P&L and Balance Sheet. For "dotazioni di competenza" they are referring to allocation to expense in the current (or relevant) period and for "cassa dei competenti capitoli" they are referring to allocation to the relevant reserve 'sub-fund'. So, I would take 100 and allocate, say, 10 to expenses (P&L) and the remaining 90 to a different reserve fund on the balance sheet. almost sure! :)

Note added at 1 hr 15 mins (2005-10-19 14:39:16 GMT)

Following url has some tables showing adjustments made in this context and some additional discussion.


Note added at 21 hrs 19 mins (2005-10-20 10:43:33 GMT)

In the event that your source is not the original legislation, here is a description below discussing both adjustments to be made. Essentially a payment/allocation to current expense and an allocation to reserves (or provisions if you prefer).

1) per il pagamento dei residui passivi di parte corrente, eliminati negli esercizi precedenti per perenzione amministrativa, in caso di richiesta da parte degli aventi diritto, con reiscrizione ai capitoli di provenienza, ovvero a capitoli di nuova istituzione nel caso in cui quello di provenienza sia stato nel frattempo soppresso;

2) per aumentare gli stanziamenti dei capitoli di spesa aventi carattere obbligatorio o connessi con l'accertamento e la riscossione delle entrate.

Peer comment(s):

agree Peter Cox : agree but "provision" not "reserve" is the strict accounting term!
17 mins
thanks Peter...provision (UK), reserve (US). Both acceptable.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much pcjohnz; it was indeed a piece of legislation, relating to measures for the protection of persons suffering from celiac disease (Law no. 123 of 4 July 2005). This passage was included in the interpretation notes to the provisions. "
17 hrs


nei bilanci pubblici esistono due concetti distinti: competenza e cassa per ogni capitolo (more or less, entry/item). La competenza si riferisce a allocation in bilancio puramente finanziarie (e sostanzialmente teoriche) traducibile con Accrual, mentre la cassa (cash) è riferita all'andamento reale del denaro (tramite gestione di tesoreria). Qui stanno semplicemente dicendo che aumentano entrambe le voci.


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20 hrs

funding available under the relevant items/headings, both for accruals and cash accounting purposes

'...the necessary amounts are transferred from the fund mentioned above and recorded/recognised as an increase in the funding available under the relevant items/headings, both for accruals and cash accounting purposes' or '...in both the accruals and the cash accounts'

not quite sure about 'dotazione', your context will help in choosing the right word

the link in your previous question seems to indicate, contrary to the accepted answer, that 'spese di ordine' are administrative or other costs incurred in obtaining funding of any kind and are not restricted to costs relating to tax receipts

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