Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

catalyst, driving force, stimulator, momentum

Added to glossary by BrigitteHilgner
Jul 22, 2014 09:51
10 yrs ago
26 viewers *
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Economics exports, BIP
I have to confess that I don't have to translate the word but I'm wondering what would be the best English expression given the context.
I came across the term while reading an article in today's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

It's about the economic situation in Germany which is fine but endangered. The essential context is the following:

"Die erste Gefahr geht vom Ausland aus. Die Erholung im Euroraum verläuft längst nicht so stabil wie erhofft. In Portugal genügten Spekulationen über den Zustand der Finanzgruppe Espírito Santo, um die Finanzmärkte in
ernsthafte Unruhe zu versetzen. Welche Folgen hätte es da erst, wenn der Stresstest der Währungshüter der Europäischen Zentralbank im Herbst weitere unsolide Banken enttarnt? Die akute Phase der Krise mag
ausgestanden sein, die Rückkehr zur Normalität jedoch ist in weiter Ferne. Die Volkswirtschaften Frankreich und Italien stagnieren, Spanien hat sich zwar Luft verschafft, doch die Investitionen für neue Arbeitsplätze und nachhaltiges Wachstum bleiben bislang aus. Auch im Euroraum als Ganzes zeigten Produktion und Stimmung der Industrie nach unten."

Then comes the sentence in question:

"Für Deutschland bedeutet das: Diese wichtigen Handelspartner fallen als IMPULSGEBER für die Exportwirtschaft aus, die schwächelnden deutschen Ausfuhren in diese Länder sind ein sicheres Indiz dafür."

"driver"? "trigger"? Yes, I've looked at all entries in the kudoz glossary and online dictionaries but most terms don't seem to fit the context.

All suggestions appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 catalyst
3 +2 providing momentum
3 stimulators


BrigitteHilgner (asker) Jul 27, 2014:
Horses for courses Thank you all for your contributions! I find the variety of suggestions quite fascinating. Depending on the context (looking beyond the article which made me ask the question), different expressions might be more or less useful.
"Driving force" and "stimulator" are the two expressions which I encounter most when translating economic textbooks or articles. Spontaneously I wasn't keen on "catalyst" because the word reminds me of chemistry - after quite a bit of research I've become willing to to accept the term in an economic context.
In my opinion, "momentum" ist a kind of acceleration - something is already in motion and gets an additional push (or not, as in the sentence in question). Not the "initial push", but since one frequently reads about "zusätzliche Impulse" in articles about the economy "momentum" is an option, in my opinion.
Ramey Rieger (X) Jul 22, 2014:
Gee, dkfmmuc guess I'll post it then.
dkfmmuc Jul 22, 2014:
@Ramey: providing momentum is REALLY great.
dkfmmuc Jul 22, 2014:
The term *Impulsgeber* is indeed not easy to understand and translate. The best way to reveal its meaning is to view it with the politics in mind. It is a kind of newspeak. The idea is behind that someone sets the signal to green, the economy is nudged and then the *Wachstumslokomotive* (growth driver) will gain speed and momentum.

The last two sentences of the article are the key to the opinion of the writer: "Bildung, Innovationen, Technologieoffenheit sind die Schlagworte, die in den Mittelpunkt der Debatte gehören."

So he suggests three core topics where the *Impulsgeber* for the future could be located.

Sorry that I don't have an answer yet :eek:
Ramey Rieger (X) Jul 22, 2014:
Ausfallen seems to be the decisive element, so whatever they are, they aren't.
I'm thinking along the lines of momentum - these important trade partners cannot contribute/provide momentum....
BrigitteHilgner (asker) Jul 22, 2014:
@ Andrew Swift Could you please post this as a "proper" answer - then people have a chance to agree/disagree with the suggestion. Thank you.
Lancashireman Jul 22, 2014:
Impulsgeber für = driving force behind

Proposed translations

6 mins


...sehe ich sehr häufig, bisweilen wird es als "Katalysator" übersetzt, bevorzugt aber auch mit "Impuls(e)" oder "Impulsgeber", gerade im Finanzbereich.

Das sei mal so spontan in die Runde geworfen, aber vielleicht lässt sich für den speziellen Kontext noch etwas anderes finden.
Peer comment(s):

agree Steffen Walter : Finde ich hier passend ("export catalyst[s]").
13 mins
neutral Lancashireman : Price reductions, faster delivery or more favourable terms and conditions might be a catalyst for boosting trade. Hard to see how the customers themselves (Handelspartner) could be cast in this role, however.
9 hrs
agree Derek Ferrari-Frankland (X) : Perfect, I like your solution!
21 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Vielen Dank für den anregenden Vorschlag, mit dem ich mich erst anfreunden musste - aber man lernt ja nie aus!"
2 hrs

providing momentum

But specifically for this context because of 'ausfallen'. 'Impulsgeber' is generally a positive attribute, a motivating person/group endorsing progress. Since in this context the trade partners are not in possession of this ability, I've turned it into an adverbial phrase ...are not capable/will not of providing/provide momentum
Peer comment(s):

agree freekfluweel : Weil der dkfmmuc glänzt durch seine Abwesenheit
2 hrs
Thanks, my dear! Keep cool!
neutral Lancashireman : ‘Impuls’ is the initial push or shove. ‘Momentum’ comes later when the process is already underway.
7 hrs
Well, as I understand it, the process IS underway but limply so.
agree dkfmmuc : 100 % Zustimmung. @freekfluweel: Sorry für meine Abwesenheit. Bin gestern in einer Softwarebeschreibung/Bedienungsanleitung "versunken" :eek: @Ramey: WOW!
21 hrs
Thank you, dkfmmuc, good things take time?
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10 hrs


Compare with example below:

"The US Federal Reserve has replaced China as stimulator-in-chief."

I don't think any of the European economies named above have ever been a driving force behind German exports, neither individually or collectively. They are just not big enough. Recently, the only economy of singular importance for German exports was China..
Peer comment(s):

neutral Lancashireman : Source text: "Diese wichtigen Handelspartner..." (plural)
1 hr
The German qualifier 'wichtig' wouldn't require me to change 'stimulator'. If your point is to suggest 'driving force' instead, I'd still say that even 'wichtige Handelspartner' (there's a lot of them) doesn't reach the level of driving force
neutral Cilian O'Tuama : either/or, neither/nor, neither here nor there. But your English is still quite good. Respect.
2 hrs
Blimey! That was insightful. Now the only thing missing (as usual) is comments on the substance of my contribution. A little too taxing for some of us..?
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