May 15, 2007 20:07
17 yrs ago
44 viewers *
English term

beneficial interest

English to Romanian Law/Patents Law (general)
In this Part, "affiliated entity", in relation to a bank, means -

(a) any subsidiary of the bank;

(b) any company in which the bank and its subsidiaries hold in the aggregate a ***beneficial interest*** in not less than 20% of the share capital;

(c) any company in which the bank and its subsidiaries control in the aggregate not less than 20% of the voting power;

(d) any other company where the directors of the company are accustomed or under an obligation, whether formal or informal, to act in accordance with the bank's directions, instructions or wishes, or where the bank is in a position to determine the policy of the company; or

(e) any subsidiary of a company referred to in sub-paragraph (b), (c) or (d).

Proposed translations

6 mins

uzufruct/dreptul la beneficiu

BENEFICIAL INTEREST - It further defines beneficial interest as:

" Profit, benefit or advantage resulting from a contract, or the ownership of an estate as distinct from the legal ownership or control.
**********depinde si cum il defineste contractul cu pricina****

Domaine(s) : - finance


beneficial interest
droit d'usufruit n. m.

Définition :
An interest in a property held in trust (as distinguished from legal possession) or in the benefit of an insurance policy or other contract.

Note(s) :
In its plural form, beneficial interests are the proprietorship represented by the outstanding shares of stock of a corporation.
Domaine(s) : - law
common law


beneficial interest
droit à titre de bénéficiaire n. m.

UZUFRÚCT s.n. Drept acordat unei persoane de a se folosi pe deplin de un bun care aparţine altei persoane şi pe care trebuie să-l restituie la încetarea acestui drept. – Din lat. uzufructus. Cf. fr. u s u f r u i t.
Peer comment(s):

agree Marcella Magda : da, drept de uzufruct asupra acţiunilor
35 mins
agree Emina Popovici
1 hr
agree Lucica Abil (X) : În unele texte, s-a tradus prin „interes” sau „interes financiar”, dar nu-mi place. Prefer „drept la beneficiu asupra...” pentru că astfel se face diferenţa între titularul acţiunilor (ex, custode) şi entitatea care beneficiază în realitate de venit.
3 hrs
neutral Bogdan Burghelea : Ţinînd seama de faptul că "uzufructul" are o accepţiune juridică uşor diferită (mai nuanţată) decît cea din DEX, aş merge mai curînd pe varianta "drept la benefeciu asupra ...".
8 hrs
agree RODICA CIOBANU : Rodica Ciobanu
13 hrs
agree Cristina Butas
15 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Mulţumesc!"
14 hrs

avantajul sau profitul rezultat din exploatarea unui contract sau a unor proprietati

the right to the use and enjoyment of property, rather than to its bare legal ownership. For example, if property is held in trust, the trustee has the legal title but the beneficiaries have the beneficial interest in equity. The beneficiaries, not the trustee, are entitled to any income from the property.( Oxford Reference: A Concise Dictionary of Busines)
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