Nov 5, 2019 18:54
4 yrs ago
English term


GBK English to Danish Medical Medical (general)
The field of science dealing with the assembly, mapping and analysis of data on neural connections.
Example sentences:
The idea that connections among neural elements are crucial for brain function has been central to modern neuroscience almost since its inception. Building on this idea, the emerging field of connectomics adds several new and important components. (Network Neuroscience)
In connectomics, a distinction is commonly drawn between three spatial scales: microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic (Bohland et al., 2009). (Fundamentals of Brain Network Analysis)
The usefulness of connectomics is somewhat debated. Among popular arguments against it is that connectomics typically provides a static image. It can show which neurons have the possibility of interacting, but it does not show if they do, how much they do, and what the effect of that interaction is. (News Medical)
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Nov 5, 2019 18:06: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Nov 5, 2019 18:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Nov 8, 2019 19:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Nov 15, 2019 23:54:

Dec 5, 2019 23:54:

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Andres Larsen Jan 22, 2020:
hjernens strukturelle / funktionelle konnektivitet hjernenetværks strukturelle / funktionelle konnektivitet: › Sider › Vores-forsknin...
Vores forskningsområder - Hvidovre Hospital

Nov 17, 2017 -

Microstructure and Plasticity: Gruppen sigter efter en fundamental, videnskabelig forståelse af hjernestruktur og plasticitet på flere niveauer. Det gælder alt, lige fra isolerede vævsrum (fx mikrostruktur af cellulære rum, neuroner og, cellemembraner) til visualisering og statistiske analyser af hele forbundne hjernenetværk.

Traumatic Brain Injury: Den altoverskyggende forskningshypotese i denne gruppe er, at traumatisk hjerneskade svækker de integrative egenskaber i hjernens strukturelle og funktionelle konnektivitet (dvs. dets connectome).
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