Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

tratante de blancas

English translation:

white slaver

Added to glossary by Sandra Alboum
Aug 22, 2004 21:03
20 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Spanish term


Jorge Gonza Aug 22, 2004:
Sandra: "Trata de blancas" has nothing to do with money laundering. Michael: The populace? Waw!
Michael Powers (PhD) Aug 22, 2004:
However, in this particular case, the noun is "tratante" meaning it refers to the person doing this act, i.e., the "slaver" if you will. Although it sounds strange to the populace as whole, it is the legal term. Aug 22, 2004:
Ruben: Sorry, slavering isn't a word in English. It's enslaving, if anything. And thanks, but I knew that blanqueo de dinero is money laundering, but I didn't know if it had anything to do with "tratante de blancas".
Michael Powers (PhD) Aug 22, 2004:
The practice itself is called "white slavery"" as can be seen in Black's Law Dictionary (1996): "the practice of forcing a female (or rarely, a boy) to engage in commercial prostitution; trafficking in white slavery is prohibited by the federal Mann Act"
Michael Powers (PhD) Aug 22, 2004:
As you can see from the examples, it is a type of forced or slave prostitution; however, the coined phrase, with nearly 4,500 hits is "white slaver".
Rubén Méndez Suárez Aug 22, 2004:
I think simply "slavering" will be a good translation. Aug 22, 2004:
Could I just say "White slavery", then? Pandering and White Slavery? Aug 22, 2004:
Here's another context from the piece:
".... se realizaron diversas entrevistas a los lugarenos que por razones de seguridad omitieron proporcionar sus nombres, senalaron tener conocimiento de organizaciones dedicadas al lenocinio DE TRATA DE BLANCAS en X ciudad...."

Proposed translations

3 mins

white slaver

Oxford Dictionary

tratante de blancas white slaver

Mike :)

Note added at 5 mins (2004-08-22 21:09:16 GMT)

Case Against the Little White Slaver (1914), by Henry Ford
Here is the text of the book by Henry Ford, The Case Against the Little White Slaver,
an early exposé of the dangers of tobacco, facts you don\'t normally find ... - 101k - Cached - Similar pages

WHITE SLAVER - Definition
... Search Dictionary: Meaning of WHITE SLAVER. ... Definition: \\White slaver\\ A person engaged
in procuring or holding a woman or women for unwilling prostitution. ... slaver - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

definition of white slaver - BrainyDictionary
definition of white slaver, White slaver A person engaged in procuring
or holding a woman or women for unwilling prostitution. ... words/wh/whiteslaver239667.html - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

white slaver - - American Heritage Dictionary
Search for \"white slaver\". TYPE IN YOUR WORD & CLICK GO! ... (Pronunciation
Key). white slaver n. A procurer of or trafficker in white slaves. ... - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

Dictionary - Yahoo! Reference
... white slaver. NOUN: A procurer of or trafficker in white slaves. ... dictionary/entries/52/w0135200.html - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

Dictionary - Yahooligans! Reference -
... white slaver. NOUN: A procurer of or trafficker in white slaves. The American
Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. ... dictionary/entries/52/w0135200.html - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

George Grosz. The White Slaver. - Olga\'s Gallery
Click Here. Olga\'s Gallery. George Grosz. The White Slaver. 1918. Watercolor,
reed pen and Indian ink on card. 31.7 x 23.8 cm. Hessisches ... - 3k - Cached - Similar pages

Classical Values :: White Slaver? We Blog;
June 18, 2003. White Slaver? We Blog; White Slaver? We Blog; You Decide!
As Instapundit makes abundantly clear, every blogger ... - 52k - Cached - Similar pages

white slave definition of white slave. What is white slave? ...
white slave. Word: Word. Noun, 1. white slave - a woman sold into prostitution ... slave - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

white slime mushroom definition of white slime mushroom. What is ...
white slime mushroom. Word: Word. Noun, 1. white slime mushroom -
a type of slime mushroom slime mushroom ... slime mushroom - 15k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

Peer comment(s):

agree Jorge Gonza
10 mins
Thank you, jorgegonza - Mike :)
agree Manuel Cedeño Berrueta : white slaver \White slaver\ A person engaged in procuring or holding a woman or women for unwilling prostitution. //white slaver n : a person who forces women to become prostitutes // slaver
14 mins
Thank you, Manuel - Mike :)
agree Ismael Torres : I agree.
1 hr
Thank you, Ismael - Mike :)
agree colemh
1 hr
Thank you, colemh - Mike :)
agree Daniel Burns (X)
2 hrs
agree Henry Hinds : Right.
4 hrs
agree cecilia_fraga : si, creo q si. Suerte!
4 hrs
agree Nanny Wintjens
5 hrs
agree Muriel Vasconcellos
7 hrs
agree Terence Ajbro
9 hrs
agree Hermeneutica : Alas this already existed when I was a little girl and things certainly haven't changed for the better ...
19 hrs
agree Maria Carla Di Giacinti
1 day 5 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
1 min

white slave trade

my guess

Note added at 6 mins (2004-08-22 21:10:02 GMT)

o.k. \"dealer\" in the white slave trade!
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7 mins

tratar con blancas

"Blanquear" refers to money, when you falsify money and "tratar con blancas" is what you are looking for. (If you weren't looking for the translation...
Peer comment(s):

disagree Jorge Gonza : It is not when you falsify money, but when you engage in a fake legal activity besides your real illegal activity so you can deceitfully attribute your wealth to the former rather than to the latter.
17 mins
Something went wrong...
8 mins

white slavery, white-slave trade, white-slave trader

trata de blancas femenino white slavery, white-slave trade

Quizás "a white-slave trader".
Something went wrong...
5 mins

sex slave trade

Sex-Slave Trade Enters the US
... slaves has been added to this international trade. ... US immigration, labor and prostitution
laws, but ... do not effectively prosecute [slave] traffickers, organized ... main.cfm?include=detail&storyid=208659 - sex slave trade
... The methods used in trafficking for sexual exploitation comprise a modern slave
trade. ... money that pours in through the sex industry – prostitution, the sale ... - Sex slavery: The growing trade - March 8, 2001
... Europe, mainly from central and eastern Europe, and forced into prostitution. ... in
Baltimore, Maryland, has documented the rising trends in the sex slave trade. ...

... Modern Slavery, puts the number of non-EU women forced into prostitution in the ... at
the United Nations put turnover in the global sex-slave trade at seven to 13 ...

Note added at 19 mins (2004-08-22 21:23:20 GMT)

I should say \"trader\"

dailyrecord - SLAVE TRADER\'S WIFE EARNED HIM £144,000 IN TWO ...
... SLAVE TRADER\'S WIFE EARNED HIM £144,000 IN TWO YEARS ... SLAVE trade pimp Luan Plakici
was so ruthless he even put ... she was forced back out to have sex just hours ... method=full_siteid=89488_headline=-SLAVE-TRADER-S-WI...

Something Awful
... At a Glance: Virgin Roster tells the touching story of a serial-rapist and sex-slave
trader named Kengo who, logically, gets a job as a substitute teacher at a ...

Ellora\'s Cave Romantica™ Publishing
... even a Lady of the Evening gasp in shock… Barbarian By Kate Douglas Bryony believes
her captive is the sex slave trader responsible for her sister\'s death. ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Susana Betti
2 mins
Gracias, Susana
Something went wrong...
22 mins

sex slave trader

It refers to the person doing it.
Something went wrong...
26 mins

Just to support Michael’s answer


Both “trata de blancas” in Spanish and “white slavery” in English are well-known specific terms for “forced prostitution”.
I copy below a few examples.

Que tengan un feliz domingo,

[PDF] Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes:
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
... Por el contrario, la definición de la trata ... es preciso prevenir son: • El Convenio internacional para la represión de la trata de blancas (1910) • El ... Theme_papers/La%20trata%20de%20ninos%20FORMATTED.pdf - Páginas similares

TRATA DE MUJERES,El sufrimiento detrás de los sueños:
... Para impedir la trata de blancas, es también indispensable ... países candidatos ya la definición de las ... participado activamente en el Convenio, concluido con ... - 69k - En caché - Páginas similares

Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTML
... a) La esclavitud, la trata de blancas, y la rotura ... habría surtido un tribunal penal internacional con jurisdicción sobre el Convenio de Ginebra ... - Páginas similares

[PDF] Notas y Artículos La explotación y el turismo sexual infantil ...
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTML
... trámites para la ratificación del Convenio por parte ... El texto contiene una definición de las nociones de ... de la acción contra la trata de blancas y niños y ... la_explotacion_y_el_turismo_sexual.pdf - Páginas similares

Procuraduría Delegada para la Defensa del Menor y la Familia ...
... por lo que el término trata de blancas cae en ... introduce por primera vez una definición internacionalmente concertada de ... Convenio No.29 de la OIT sobre los ... - 52k - En caché - Páginas similares

[PDF] Documento de Antecedentes
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTML
... Por definición, la migración irregular es el resultado de ... El artículo 9, párrafo 3 del Convenio No. ... seres humanos como esclavos, y trata de blancas como el ... protection/migrant/download/pom/pom2s.pdf - Páginas similares

[PDF] Anexos
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTML
... JEAN-JACQUES OECHSLIN El Director General de la Oficina Internacional del Trabajo ...
29 — Convenio sobre el trabajo forzoso, 1930 (156 ratificaciones al 1.º de ... DOWNLOAD_BLOB?Var_DocumentID=1766 - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de ]

[PDF] La Abolición de la Esclavitud y sus Formas contemporáneas
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTML
... 17 se refiere en su título a la «trata de blancas». ... les sea o no aplicable la definición de esclavitud que figura en el artículo 1 del Convenio sobre la ... - Páginas similares

Estudio actualizado de la aplicación y el seguimiento
... prohibir, evitar y castigar la trata de blancas, aun con ... El Convenio protege tanto a los hombres como ... instrumento internacional contiene una definición de la ... (Symbol)/E.CN.4.Sub.2.2000.3.Add.1.Sp?OpenDocument - 101k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de ]

... internacional para la supresión de la trata de blancas" la cual ... de edad, así que otro convenio se escribió ... Sin embargo, carece de una definición precisa de ... - 64k - En caché - Páginas similares

Note added at 36 mins (2004-08-22 21:40:36 GMT)

Definición en español:

(De tratar, comerciar).
1. f. Tráfico que consiste en vender seres humanos como esclavos.
~ de blancas.
1. f. Tráfico de mujeres, que consiste en atraerlas a los centros de prostitución para especular con ellas.

Real Academia Española © Todos los derechos reservados


La trata supone una exclusión del trato, convirtiendo al otro, a la Otra, en objeto. El trato supone un acuerdo, una reciprocidad, la aceptación del otro como sujeto del lenguaje y de la ley. Un cambio de sexo de la trata de la Otra, al trato de ambos. -

Peer comment(s):

agree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : i don't depends ont he context..also this is Spanish and the term in Spanish is that
13 mins
Thank you, Jane.
agree colemh
1 hr
Thank you, Colemh
Something went wrong...
14 mins

women trafficking

or trafficking of women

That is how I have always heard it

Results 1 - 10 of about 471,000 for women trafficking
[PDF] International Trafficking in Women to the United States: A ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... This contrasts with Europe and Asia where there are more indications of large,
hierarchical structures involved in trafficking women and children and numerous ... - Similar pages

Human Rights Watch: Women's Human Rights: Trafficking
... and opportunity worldwide. Human Rights Watch has exposed consistent patterns
in the trafficking of women. In all cases, coercive ... - 16k - 20 Aug 2004 - Cached - Similar pages

Human Rights Watch: Women’s Human Rights: Trafficking of Women ...
Human Rights Watch Work on Trafficking of Women and Girls US: Efforts to Combat
Human Trafficking and Slavery Human Rights Watch Testimony Before the US Senate ... - 35k - 21 Aug 2004 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

[PDF] Trafficking in Human Beings in Southeastern Europe
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
... These are the countries of ori- gin, transit and destination for the trafficking
of women and girls for the pur- pose of sexual exploitation. ... - Similar pages

USAID: Trafficking in Persons: USAID's Response
... traffickers. USAID also funded a three-part docudrama, If I Don't Return, exposing
the dangers of trafficking to women at home and abroad. ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

Horrific abuse of Women
Date: Sep 13, 1994 From: [email protected] Subject: Red Light, Green Light: The
Global Trafficking Of Women By Judith Mirkinson [This article originally ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

Views The Telegraph - Weekly (Nepal)
... Political instability and the Maoist insurgency have hindered Nepal’s efforts in
fighting women trafficking. ... The business of trafficking women is growing. ... telegraph/2004/aug/aug04/views.htm - 25k - 20 Aug 2004 - Cached - Similar pages

The Asia Foundation
Trafficking in women and girls is an urgent human rights problem in Asia. ... DOWNLOAD:
Combating Trafficking of Women and Children February 2004 (pdf 578 KB). ... - 30k - Cached - Similar pages

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)
... There are important vested financial interests behind the multibillion dollar
trafficking of women via Southeast Europe. ... Trafficked women are victims. ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

TED Case Study: Trafficking in Thai Women
TED Case Studies. Women Trafficking from Thailand to Japan (THAIWOMEN case). ... Chart
1: Hierarchy in Women Trafficking in the Asia-Pacific region. ... - 75k - Cached - Similar pages

Note added at 22 mins (2004-08-22 21:26:07 GMT)

Derechos Humanos: «Trafficking» - «trata de blancas»
Begoña Castiella
Corresponsal en Atenas

La compraventa y explotación sexual de mujeres es una vergüenza que parecen aceptar, entre resignados e indiferentes, incluso los países que presumen de más avanzados. Y una mujer, Bonnie Miller, se esfuerza por conseguir que esa lacra encuentre soluciones en Grecia, encrucijada forzosa de buena parte de ese tráfico.La palabra «trafficking» cómo equivalente de trata de blancas todavía no es muy conocida. El término oficial y completo en inglés es «Trafficking of Human Beings» (conocido por THB) por el que se describe el tráfico ilegal de personas ?hombres, mujeres, niños? que son utilizados para la prostitución o en algún tipo de trabajo forzoso, con gran frecuencia raptados o engañados y que se mantienen en una situación de esclavitud sexual o laboral de forma totalmente ilegal en cualquier parte del mundo.

Note added at 37 mins (2004-08-22 21:40:42 GMT)

Sorry, the person that leads this type of gang could be called \"women trafficker\" or \"human trafficker\"
Peer comment(s):

agree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : of course..white slave trade is completely and 100% anachronistic....imo, if that is allowed...
6 mins
thank you Jane
agree Javier Herrera (X) : Sí, aunque haya otras opciones acertadas, creo que ésta es la más frecuente.
7 mins
thanks xáudar (is this Javier en gallego?)
neutral Jorge Gonza : Good option too. To Jane: law is full of anachronisms but the advantage of those rare words is that they've become technical to the specialty.
16 mins
thanks anyway Jorge
agree Carmen Loren : tu última aportación la puse al mismo tiempo :-) (no había visto la tuya), así agree que Trafficking of Human Beings, a no ser q se sepa q sólo se trata de mujeres
17 mins
gracias Carmen
agree cmwilliams (X)
17 mins
thansk cmwilliams
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47 mins

forced procuring (dealer/ trader/ pusher)

Hi, Sandra. I'm putting the noun for "tratante" in between brackets, because in your explanation you say it's about an activity... If that's so, it's just FORCED PROCURING. If the noun - that is, the person who does this - goes, well, choose one of the nouns in brackets. :)

OK: as far as I know and have studied in Cultural Anthropology, "trato de blancas"/ "white slavery" is a termn that remained in both languages as a "linguistic survival" from long time ago... :) You can imagine of course why "blancas" - they were the most appreciated. Now, anyway, it is a traffic of forced prostitution and the term for that, in English, is PROCURING. The guy who performs such an activity is called a PIMP or PROCURER. No need to use the word "white". You do need to use "forced". And that's all you need to know.

Good luck :)

Note added at 55 mins (2004-08-22 21:59:00 GMT)


Subject: Dili sends back Thai accused of ***procuring***
Bangkok Post..

Dili sends back Thai accused of procuring

July 27, 2004 10:14pm

East Timor has extradited to Bangkok a Singaporean man and a Thai woman charged with ***procuring Thai women for prostitution*** in that country.

Lim Shaun Lee, 44, and Yonchat Sinchoenthongchai, 47, were handed over to the Crime Suppression Division following their arrest on Wednesday in East Timor.

Thai women earlier sought help at the Thai embassy in East Timor, accusing the pair of having lured them into prostitution. Pol Maj-Gen Kosin Hinthao, the CSD commander, said the pair allegedly forced the women to work as prostitutes at Wisma Cendana hotel in Dili.

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2 hrs

trafficker in prostitutes

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6 hrs

trafficker in women / trafficker in women and girls / trafficker in women and minors

I don't know what your audience is, but in case it helps this seems to be the term used in international organizations (UN, PAHO, WHO, etc.)
A few sample sites below, some with English-Spanish mirror sites.
Andrea"trata de blan..."traffickers i..."trafficking i..."trafficking i...
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